Chapter 29

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POV: Piper

Best day ever!!!!

That's what my insides where screaming for the last 2 hours.
It had been amazing so far Jason even asked me to dance! And he's just so kind and understanding...

"You good?", Jason snapped me back into reality.
"Yeah, I'm just feeling a little hot",I told him studying him once again. He really should wear that suit more often...
"Hm? Sorry I was zoned out, what did you say?"
"I asked you if I should get us some punch"
"Sure, I'll wait here for you K?", I told him and he nodded heading over to the snack tables.

I had to stop myself from screaming.
There was no way I was on a date with Jason Grace! And I have the feeling he likes me for me and not because of my looks!
In that moment I really wished for him to be my soulmate, maybe even...

"Oh, look what we have here? Isn't it Piper Mc Lean, the one who no one wanted to go with"

"Shut up Drew, for your information there where a few who wanted to go with me, I'm wondering if you could say the same for yourself", I answered really not wanting to deal with her right now.
"That may be, but did he want to go?",she asked her eyes honestly looked evil reflecting the light. But her last sentence caught me of guard, what did she mean?
Jason wanted to go with me. Right?

"Oh, no one told you?", Drew asked actually sounding sympathetic.
"Well I really shouldn't..."
"What do you mean?", I voiced my thoughts not wanting my voice to shake.
"Well, it was a bet between him and Jackson, the entire school knows. You didn't?", she asked again her voice dripping with fake sympathy.

But is it fake?

A tiny voice asked in my head.
"No, no. Stop messing with my head your lying", I told her, but I could hear the doubt in my words as much as I felt it.
There was no way I was a bet.
"But it's true.", Drew said, she was right.
It explained everything.

Why was he nice to me?
Because of a bet.
Why did he take the time to talk to me?
Because of a bet.
Why he danced with me just a few minutes ago?
Because of a stupid fucking bet!

"Tell me your lying", I demanded from Drew, but not really believing that she would.
Drew just shook her head, I wasn't able to see her expression because my vision blurred as tears started to run down my face.
"Piper? Are you okay? What's going on?", Jason asked now standing in front of me holding two cups with punch.
Drew was gone.

"Why didn't you tell me?", I asked my voice shaking with anger.
And sorrow and grieve.
Was that what it's like to be heart broken? Because it did feel like someone had taken my heart and smashed it into thousands of pieces.
Not someone.


"Tell you what?"
"Don't play dumb", I said suppressing the sadness, there was no way I was going to show any weakness here.
"Why didn't you tell me about your stupid little bet? Oh you probably had a real laugh, didn't you? How much did you win? Or was it just for fun?", I said even laughing now.
It's weird what rage does to you really.

By now everyone who was near us watched.
"Piper what are you talking about?", Jason asked his expression absolutely confused.
The worst thing was that I was confused myself, cause after all I just found out my heart was still beating faster every time he looked at me.
"I was a bet. A stupid bet! I thought you liked me! I was actually such an idiot and thought you liked me back! That's what you did Jason Grace!", I yelled at him jabbing my finger into his chest.
"That's what you did",I whispered the tears I couldn't stop flowing down my cheeks.

It was alla lie.
Jason Grace never loved me. Never even liked me!
I was just a stupid bet.

I turned and ran to the exit.
I had to get out of here. I couldn't stand looking into the beautiful eyes of the guy who broke my heart.
It's unfair really, no jerk should be allowed to look that good.

"Piper, wait!"

I ignored him running to the exit.
It was all a blur from then on, it is hard to through tears.
But I was focused enough to get to the parking lot, find my car, unlock it and start driving.
Jason had been swept up in the crowd when he tried to follow me, but why would he follow me? To confirm what Drew said?
Getting in and starting the car I realized more and more, that the person I loved for all these years, was based...

On a lie

I had just stopped at a red light when I heard the voice.
His voice.
But I probably imagined it, still I rolled down the car window.
"Piper please..."
I started to roll up the window again when I saw his face in the car beside me. How the hell did he catch up?
"LISTEN TO ME!!!", he yelled making me freeze in motion.

Jason never lost control.
"What's there to listen to? Lies? Cause I think I've heard enough.", I spit at him in a reply.
Hurt flashed over his face for a second.
"Please, who told you that it was a bet?", he pleaded.
I sighed.
"Drew told me"
And then I hit the gas.

Again the tears where flowing down my face, what was it to him who told me his secret?
Why did he care?
"Go.Away Jason!", I yelled out the window without looking at him.
"She lied!", he yelled than picking up the volume he yelled again: "DREW LIED!"
I jerked my head to the side looking him in the eye to see if he was lying.
Our gazes collided and in that moment I knew he was telling the truth.
A laugh of pure relieve and happiness came up in my throat but it never left my mouth.
Cause in that second I saw Jason's eyes widen in pure horror and he yelled:

"Piper watch out!"

I ripped my gaze away from his and glued it back to the street. I tried to pull the breaks but it was to late.
I had already collided with the vehicle in front of me.
The last thing I heard where Jason's screams.

And the last thought I had was:
It was not a bet. I was not just a bet!

Than everything went black.

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