Chapter 9

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POV: Calypso

I was just having lunch with the girls and some of the boys when Leo came. Uhm... Yeah. I didn't know what he was up too, but he seemed really exited. "Guys, guys guess what?" "What?", we all groaned. "Well, I did the cinnamon roll trend with our friend group!" "We're not friends", I mumbled. "Oh, shut up sunshine" He laid a piece of paper before us. It was big with lots of paintings an writing.

Hazel & Will: looks like a cinnamon roll is a cinnamon roll (next to this was a picture of Hazel & Will with cinnamon rolls in their hair) "Gee, thanks for the painting", Hazel rolled her eyes. "I kinda like it", Will shrugged.

Annabeth: Scariest blond cinnamon roll ever, could kill you! (The painting was of Annabeth with a dagger in her hand and black hair) "Leo I feel honored, but I'm blond..."

Percy: Cinnamon rolls? Only if their blue (here Percy was entirely blue eating a blue cinnamon roll) "wow that looks exactly like me, you should become an artist"

Following where an Emo cinnamon roll for Nico. A cinnamon roll with flowers for Katie. And one with a cape for Jason, the list went on ending with a cinnamon roll with two heads for the Stolls. "We're not even twins!" But I had stopped paying attention as I saw my painting. 

Calypso(sunshine): looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you. (And there was a painting of me, covered in blood while holding a knife with my body being a cinnamon roll) "I do not look like that! Leo!" "Yes you do, now no more complaints" I had to hold back a laugh,  didn't now why but even though he annoyed the heck out of me, I had to say he made me laugh a lot. And that felt good. 

Anyways I had math class now, with Leo. I swear someone thought it was funny to let that guy haunt me, I wouldn't be suprised if he showed up in my dreams. As I arrived he was already there. "Don't sit down I think your chairs..." I sat down anyways, the chair collapsed and I fell to the floor.  "...broken", he ended the sentence. "You could have warned... okay you warned me, but where do I find a new chair?" "who said you needed a new one? Take mine sunshine I can fix this", he got out of his seat and bent towards the mess. "May I?", he held out a hand so he could help me up. I rolled my eyes but accepted the offer.

"So how do you want to fix this?", I asked. Then he pulled out a wrench, wait why did that boy carry a wrench? I wanted to ask but he seemed to read my thoughts. "Don't ask I have ADHD am Hyperactive and my moms a mechanic, its in my blood." He had the chair fixed in no time just in time as the bell rang. "Thanks, I appreciate it", I told him. "No worry's sunshine" "it's Calypso not sunshine, get that in your head repair boy", I told him, but I grinned while doing so. He raised an eyebrow at me and sat down. Still I could see him holding back a laugh. Maybe Leo wasn't that bad after all.

I know this is a very short chapter, but I hope you still enjoyed it : )

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