Chapter: 22

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What I forgot to say in the last chapter is that KATSHACOT stands for: Katie admits that she has a crush on Travis, With that said, have fun reading this chapter!

POV: Annabeth

Yes I'm going to the ball. And no I'm not going with Percy.

Why does everyone just assume that? I'm going alone, I mean someone has to keep a cool head with all this loveydovey going on around here. 


"I swear everyone's going cuckoo around here", I told Percy as we headed to the lockers after lunch. "Oh and your the only one who's still normal?", he said laughing nudging me in the side. "Well yeah" "Aha, I see" He said that with a sarcastic note in his voice, wich surprisingly annoyed me a lot. 

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?", I asked raising an eyebrow. "Oh no, I just can't believe you haven't even thought about getting a date to the ball", he said shrugging. "Oh shut up" " You know I could help you get a date... how about Octavian?", he suggested. "I'd rather die", I muttered, wich led to him almost dying from laughter. "And what about you? Is it Drew? Or perhaps Chionne? Maybe even Kelly..." Ha, that stumped him, at least he stopped laughing. Actually now I think about it he got unusually quiet. 

"You really think I like those?", he asked with a serious tone. "Well, who else would you like?", I asked surprised at the question. No I didn't think he likes them but he could have anyone and who else was there? "No seriously who do you like?", I asked with a sudden interest. What? I just wanna know. 

"Aha, you wanna know who I like? Why that? You wanna know who's the competition?", he asked with a casual teasing tone. "Oh please, who could compete with this?", I asked while I flipped my hair back and imitated Drew. "Not many people I know", he answered. Now he was laughing again and... Why was I blushing!?

Anyways his words got me thinking, would it be bad to go to the ball with Percy? I mean just as friends of course. But then again, he probably has a date already and I don't think I'd be his first choice.

"Uhm, hi Annabeth" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to see a boy standing in front of me, I think I recognized him from my chemistry class. Was it Michel or Mice? "Oh, hi Michel?", I responded rather awkwardly. I really hoped that he wasn't here to ask me out, cause that meant I'd have to turn him down like the five other unlucky boys who tried.  "Yeah, that's right. I wanted to ask you if you have a date to the ball already?" Behind me I heard a bang. Wich startled me. "Oh sorry, my locker got stuck didn't want to interrupt. See ya in Maths", Percy told us and left. I couldn't make it out properly but was there anger in his voice? Nah. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry but I'm going alone it's much easier that way, but I appreciate  your offer", I told an, a bit astonished Michel. "Oh, yeah, off course. We'll see ya around I guess" With that he quickly hurried away. Poor thing, I just don't want to go to the ball with someone and then get their hopes up. If I was to go then with someone I actually like.

POV: Percy

Maybe I overreacted a little, when that Michel guy asked Annabeth out. It's just, I like her, like a lot and I wanted to ask her to the ball, dance whatever you may call it. Until she came to me and told me how everyone is going crazy and how she most certainly will not ask anyone out or accept any invites. So yeah. That plan went great.

POV: Hazel

"I feel bad for scrambled eggs", I said poking around in my own portion. Nico chocked. "How come?", my step mom Persephone asked. "Well for eggs in general actually", I said starting my speech about eggs... "...well first there's boiled eggs, people cook and behead them or they pull their skin of, a truly tragic fate. Then we have eggs in cakes or pies, their cracked open alive and then their insides are mixed, and don't get me started about fried eggs. But the worst of all, scrambled eggs", I paused dramatically and then continued, "you crack their skull open, fry them and then tear them into tiny pieces!"

Silence. Except for Nico who laughed so hard he chocked and started coughing. "You still gonna eat those or should I finish them?", Persephone asked a bit concerned, while patting Nico on the back. "Oh no I'm gonna eat them, the taste amazing by the way"

Don't ask. I mean don't you feel sorry for random things sometimes? Last week  I saw this bus station with a trash can and I was like: the poor bus station has to stand next to the trash can 24/7. And it doesn't help that that my mind is full of problems anyways.

"So, what's actually on your mind?",Nico asked me as we made out was to school. "Huh? Oh nothing", I answeard. "Yeah right, cause 'I feel sorry for scrambled eggs' was nothing", he imitadet my voice when saying that, but He didn't so a great Job with it. I mean He doesn't sound anything Like me. "Eggs' in general, Not just scrambled ones! And in a totally unrelated topic does Frank already have a Date to the ball?" What?  "Oh so that's what this ist about", Nico Said rolling His eyes. "No it's Not, I Just want to know", I Defender myself.

"Hey Guys, what up?" Percy joined us with Jason tagging along. "Nothing", I said, I didn't want to start this again. "Hazel wants to ask Frank to the ball", Nico told them. Here we go again, "So what? Not like you can change the fact that it's not gonna happen, cause he doesn't like me like that." "We will See about that", Nico said entering the school. What was he planing? I know Nico and He doesn't ussually ACT Like this exept... "Nico no,no,no,no,no! Pleased don't, Oh don't you dare! I swear I will kill you!", I sweard running after him as He aproached Frank.

Everyones always leaving cliffhangers so I thought I'd try, but I'm not sure if it worked. Oh Well, Hope you liked it!

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