Chapter 32

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Hi guys! I'm not dead!
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but it's been kind of busy. Well now I'm back. Also thank you to Nithya1256 for a few ideas she gave me! Hope y'all enjoy the chapter, bye!

POV: Hazel

I only got the message when I got home.
I wanted to go right away but first I wasn't allowed and second Annabeth told us she's still recovering so we all should wait until morning and get some rest.
Not that anyone would be able to sleep, but we obeyed her command anyways.

Now it's 8 a clock in the morning and I really don't wanna get up. Looks like I did fall asleep then.
Yesterday was amazing, let me rephrase that, Frank is amazing, and yesterday was too!
Well until I got the news....
I sighed and got up. "This is for Piper", I muttered as I went off to the bathroom.

As I headed downstairs I saw Nico and Will asleep on the couch. I considered waking them for a moment, but they probably didn't know yet, so I wanted to keep their minds at peace as long as I could. So I just snapped a quick picture of them lying there arm in arm cuddled up under a blanket, grabbed my bag from the counter and tiptoed towards the front door.

I was going on foot.
Nico's the one with the car and that's the sacrifice I have to take for being a good sister. The hospital isn't that faraway anyways, maybe a 10 to 15 minutes walk, but it was cold! It wasn't snowing anymore, but everything was still covered in the white blanket, letting it look like a total winter wonderland. I really wished I had brought a thicker Jacket!

Then I stood in front of the hospital, I felt like I wasn't ready. I couldn't enter and find my friend with bandages, maybe bleeding... Did I ever tell you guys I'm not good with blood?
So I decided to get some coffee from the shop down the street. They'd all appreciate that, especially Rachel and Piper. Those two love coffee, and I mean LOVE coffee. Well I don't know with the state Piper's in... but I don't think it changed anything about her relationship with her beloved cappuccino.

20 minutes later, I somehow managed to balance 3 trays of coffee while also carrying a bunch of cookies. I don't know how I did it, but the triumph wasn't long lived as I only managed to take one tiny step at a time. Seriously after 10 minutes, I had managed like a third of the way. Wich isn't much considering that it was barely 50 meters.

"This was not a good idea should have gone twice", I muttered once again when another ignorant jogger passed me almost making me loose balance and drop everything.

"You look like you need help"
A familiar voice said. I couldn't see who it belonged to though because of the trays of coffee I was holding.
"Yeah, that would be really nice of you", I tell the guy not even considering who it might be cause I just wanted to get rid of that coffee. Is it just me or is hot chocolate better?

"Here you go", the person said lifting two of the trays. It was Frank.
Off course, I knew I had heard that voice before!
And now I'm a blushing mess. Great.

"Thanks", I mumbled feeling slightly embarrassed. The hundred butterfly's that seemed to live in my stomach whenever I even just looked at Frank, started to go crazy again.
"No problem", he said smiling and then started walking down the street. I ran to keep up now much more capable of carrying the tray.

"I got the news just now, headed over here as soon as I could.", Frank said, I could  see that he was worried  even though his tone was casual.
"Jason's a total mess he couldn't even form a whole Sentence. He was rambling something about it all being his fault and that he should have been the one to crash when I called him, then Percy took the phone and explained.", he continued almost seeming worried. "Good that you brought coffee some of us will need it. I don't think Annabeth or Jason have closed an eye", he added trying to lighten up the mood.

I was also worried. Hopefully Piper was doing alright.
"What do you think happened?", I asked Frank, maybe he knew. "No idea", he answered shaking his head.
That's when we reached the doors to the hospital and went in.

The lady sitting behind the front desk was tipping something on her computer and didn't seem all to happy to help them. "What do you want", she asked, peaking over the brim of her glasses.
"We're here to see Piper Mc Lean", I said after a short hesitation.
"Room 24", she said without even checking, and then added: "you're not the first people who wanted to know this today" After that she ignored them, going back to tipping no stuff on her computer.

———time skip to when they enter the room———

"Okay first of all, how are you doing Pipes? Second of all who wants coffee?", I ask relieved to finally be able to set the trays down. After that I headed over to one of the two beds in the room, where Piper was lying. The others curtains were closed, so I couldn't see who was lying there.

Piper looked... okay. She was hooked up to a Maschine with a variety of pipes and needles.
Her head was bandaged, they even had to cut parts of her hair to clean a wound on the side.
The smaller cuts were sealed with these small white stripes that keep the cut glued together, whatever they're called. She was pale, but she was smiling.

"Oh Piper, what did you get yourself into this time? Are you okay?", I asked now totally worried.
"I'm fine, I just have a mild concussion and will probably have a few scars. But I'll be okay, or I will be if I finally get some coffee!", she told me smiling. Playfully glaring at the others she said: "Hazel and Frank are good friends they actually think about getting me coffee!"
Annabeth rolled her eyes.
And Reyna let out an exasperated sigh.
"We come here worried sick because our friend is injured, and you demand that we should have brought coffee? Seriously?", Thalia said using a lot of hand gestures.
"Well, to Pipers Defence, I would have reacted the same way", Rachel told them taking another sip of her cappuccino.
"You are helpless", Connor said who was leaning at the table next to her.
"Am not!"
"Are too"

"Guys! Stop it! I think the important thing is that Pipers okay. And if coffee makes Rachel shut up for once I'm here for it", Katie said yawning. "Where are Nico and Will by the way?", Percy asked out if the corner where he was standing with Leo, Grover and Jason who was pale white and hadn't said anything at all.

Suddenly my Phone rang. "Speak of the devil", I muttered picking up.
"Hazel I'll kill you", Nico told her. "No you won't!", Will's voice said in the back round.
"But Neek's is right you could have woken us!"
"Don't call me Neeks!"
I rolled my eyes and then told the others: "they'll be here in a sec"

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