Chapter 36

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POV: Connor

——Chat between Connor and Rachel——

Connor: Hey RED ready to go caroling?🎶😏

Rachel: You said he wouldn't catch us on this one

Connor: Oh come on it was only a matter of time until he figured it out

Connor: who knew it would take us this long to land in detention? That's a new record we should celebrate

Rachel: yeah let's celebrate together with Mr. Apollo and sing a bunch of jolly Christmas songs🙄

Connor: sounds good to me😌

Rachel: I am not good at singing and your even worse

Rachel: you know I should record you just so you yourself see how terrible it is😂

Connor: You wound me😫

Connor: anyways see you in twenty bye

Rachel: bye

——end of chat——

"Who was that?", Travis asked from the other side of the table. I shook my head quickly putting away my phone then told him: "oh no one important"
"No one important huh?", Travis smirked, "well, judging from how you smiled while writing, I'm not so sure about that. I'd guess that you were texting with a certain red headed friend of our's, am I wrong?"

I sighed, how's he know? "Yes, I did so? And what does that have to do with me smiling?", I grumbled looking away so I didn't have to watch Travis laughing his head off.
"Right, right", he started between his fits of laughter "you know I was this oblivious once too, so let me help you out a bit," he took another deep breath before continuing, "you Connor Stoll like Rachel Elizabeth Dare"

I rolled my eyes before responding: "of course you'd think that. Because a guy can't just be friends with a girl" I got up and started to gather my stuff, if I wanted to make it in time I'd have to leave now.
"Not what I was implying, but being like that won't help!", Travis called after me as I left the room. 

If I wanted to get there on time I'd have to hurry. I gathered my stuff and stuffed them into the pockets of my jacket before hurrying out the door.


"You've got to be kidding me", Rachel said as Professor Apollo pulled a santa claus hat and a headband with reindeer horns out of his bag. She eyed the Christmas headpieces suspiciously as if they might come to life any second. "Yeah I am not wearing that", she continued still staring. 

I really didn't see what she thought was so bad about it, she'd look adorable in that headband, but I so wasn't gonna tell her that. Apollo cut of my train of thought by lecturing Rachel, he himself wore a pair of silver wings on his back and had a hairband with a halo on his head. "Yes you absolutely have to wear it, it brings christmas spirit a very important part of carolling. Also you two have no say in this, this is your punishment for turning my beautiful golden hair green. Though I really wouldn't call it a punishment...", He went on and on after that, he kept repeating how music was the key to the soul and how awesome he was. I stoped listening after the second time. 

I leaned down to Rachel and whispered: "I'll wear it if you wear it let's live through this torturous hell together", I paused for an extra effect and then added, "Also I bet I can wear it better than you" 
That caught her attention, and finally the smile I loved so much crept back on her lips. She elbowed me in the side and mouthed in my direction so I barely heard it: "Never!" I grinned back, "You're on RED" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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