Chapter: 35

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Ok two things I have to say before the chapter starts:
1. This story has now been read over 10.000 times! So I really have to thank everyone who actually reads this, thank you!
2. It's now officially over a year since I started this fan fiction! And since it's still not anywhere near the end, here's the next chapter:

POV: Will

"I'm back!", Piper shouted as she entered the school. She for sure turned a few heads with that. Including ours, I was standing in a group with a few of our friends and when we saw Piper we all sighed in relief. She had told us that she would be free to go today if everything went well, so seeing her here was definitely great news.

"You coming?, I asked Jason as I started to head over to her with the rest of the group.
"Nah, I uhm, I have to do some... stuff? See ya in class!", with that he left in the opposite direction. Even though he didn't want to come the relief that Piper was okay was clear on his face. Turning back to the group I caught a glimpse of Pipers gaze following Jason with a furrowed brow.
They'll figure it out sooner or later.

"Hey Pipes!", I told her joining the crowd that had already formed. She ripped her gaze away from the hall Jason had disappeared into and smiled. "Hi Will! It's sooo good to be back!"
I smiled back as well, it wasn't the same without Piper, and it certainly wasn't great with a depressed Jason.

After a while of talking, everyone headed to their classes. "Whats your first class?", Frank asks falling into his pace next to me.
"Actually, I'm headed towards the nurses office, I started this apprenticeship or whatever for extra credit", I told him truthfully. Nyla the schools nurse had been looking for a helping hand ever since the start of the school year and since I know a few things about that I thought it might be a good idea.
"Oh cool, have fun!"

I wasn't sure if it would be fun but I thanked him anyway and headed to the nurses office.

——————time skip—————

Nyla had just gone out to get some coffee and I was busy filling out some first years form, when someone knocked on the door.
"Come in", I yelled not looking up from my work. I did look up though when I heard a really familiar voice ask:
"What are you doing here?"
I looked up to find a certain not very tall emo kid frowning at me.

"Hey there Nico!", I told him trying not to show too much excitement at seeing him. Like we had one date but that doesn't mean he likes me soooo....
"So what can I do for you?", I asked him. He ignored me. Instead he walked over to the stretch bed and sat down. Then, finally he told me what was going on.

"Nyla usually lets me stay when I sneak away from PE, she's not very fond of coach Hedge because of all the visits she gets because of him", he shrugged and then continued: "so this is my usual ditching spot, you're the new assistant aren't you?"
I nodded, that explanation made sense, there really were a lot of students that came here because of some wound they had equiered in the classes they had with the coach.

"Well", I said putting away the form I had just been filling out, "I still have to fill out a form for you"
Nico frowned, "no you don't, Nyla never did that"
I smirked. "Well I'm not Nyla so what should it be? A cold? Or a nose bleed perhaps?" Nico groaned mumbling something that sounded like: "you got to be kidding me"

"So what's your problem?", I asked not letting it go. "An annoying good looking blond guy who's interrogating me", he answered rolling his eyes.
"Oh so I'm good looking?", I asked smirking, he just side eyed me. Oh well. I still blushed.
"Okay wait let me just write what you just said..."
"You're not actually writing that down right?", Nico asked standing up and moving over to the table so he could read what I was writing.

"Of course I am this is an official protocol I can't change it"
"Gimme that", he said snatching the form from me and scratched out the words I had just written.
"Okay I guess we'll just make it the nose bleed.", I told him taking back the form. And let out an exaggerated sigh.
"What?", Nico asked raising his eyebrows. "Nothing", I told him innocently. "I just don't understand why it's so bad to have written down that you think I look good", I sighed again "it wounds me"

"Are you serious?", Nico asked still having his eyebrows raised. I nodded giving him my best smile. "Okay if it's really that bad I guess I could make it up to you", he started blushing a little, he did look really cute doing so. I was really about to ask him out again when he blurted out:
"Do you want to go to the movies with me?", then he added: "you know, like as a date?"
I beamed and nodded. "I would love to", I told him still smiling.

He looked so relieved, it was cute. "Saturday good for you?", he asked. I nod again. "Okay", he let out a breath then awkwardly pointed his thumb at the door, "I'll just go then, the bell should ring any minute", he still lingered around a little longer and then headed for the door. When he was already halfway out the door I told him: "I'll finish up here and meet you at lunch, safe me a seat?"
He nodded and gave me another small smile before closing the door behind him.

I got a date!!!
Finally, I actually wanted to ask him when we left the hospital after visiting Piper but I chickened out again. When it comes to Nico I really can't function correctly apparently. But that doesn't matter because, I got a date!!!

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