26: 'The one with the stake-out...'

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I fidget uncomfortably as I stare at the window, my eyes trained on the large building standing tall in-front of us. 

I roll my eyes when I hear Sammy heaving loudly, 'The car stopped moving ten minutes ago, you're fine.'

He sighs, 'I would have been fine, if you didn't call shotgun.'

I shrug, 'I just wanted some comedic relief, it's been a tough few weeks.'

'And me throwing my guts up, is comedic relief?'

'Yes, yes it is.'

'Charming.' He mutters.

Ryan scoffs, 'This isn't some fucking playdate, stop cracking jokes and concentrate.'

Sammy winces as he leans his head forward, 'I'll be honest, I don't really know what I'm looking for.'

'You're looking for any sign of your friend.'

'There's guards.'

'Well done, do you want a fucking medal?'

Sammy flashes me a sheepish smile as he wiggles his eyebrows, 'I've never won a medal before.'

I roll my eyes, 'I'm not surprised.'

He coughs slightly, 'I was saying about the guards because...surely there's something inside that they want to protect, you don't just have guards standing around for no reason.'

I purse my lips together as I slowly nod, 'That's actually a good point.'

Ryan raises an eyebrow, 'That still isn't enough to go on, for all we know they're laundering drugs.'

'So, what do you suggest?' I ask bitterness lacing my tone.

'We wait.'

'For what? They're not going to fucking shove his body out here are they.'

'No, but they'll be other various clues for example, a bucket filled with urine, they'll have to empty it at some point.'

'Won't they just have a toilet?'

He clicks his tongue, 'No they don't...I used to work in one of the buildings in this estate, there was no plumbing system, we had to go to one of the cafe's further up the road.'

'What did you do for work?'

'I'm not discussing my personal life with you, I'm here for my son, not chit chat.'

I scoff loudly as I shake my head, 'You know it really fucks me off that you keep referring to Luke as your son.'

'My blood runs through his veins, I'm pretty sure that makes him my son.'

'Biologically he may be your son, but you will never be a father to him.'

Ryan's eyes narrow at me, 'What the fuck do you know about fathers or family?'

My eyes widen as my heart thumps uncomfortably against my chest, 'What?'

'I did a little research on you all, just to know who I was dealing with. You don't even live with any of your parents.'

'N-No...no, I don't but that doesn't mean I don't know what it takes to make someone one.'

'I fucking messed up, I know that but I'm trying to do what's right now.'

'Yes because you're the reason that he's in this mess!'

'And I could also just stand-back and watch him die but you don't see me doing that either.'

Autumn HazeWhere stories live. Discover now