Think before Acting

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Luffy stared at Nami as she busied herself playing with Bellemere in the playground just a few blocks away from his house. Ace and Sabo were at work so he had nothing to do since it was summer vacation, which brought him here to the playground. The pink haired girl was feisty and energetic, Luffy admired that about her, which got him thinking-"Nojiko, what is it like to have a kid?"

The bluenette blinks at his question. This was Monkey D. Luffy after all. No one would be NOT surprised to hear him ask such a question nonfood-related. She looks back at her sister with their 11 year old daughter and smiles.

"Well Luffy it's like raising another you. But you know what is best for them and get them to go in the right direction." She chuckles, not entirely sure that he gets it but oh well.

"Like raising another me but better?" Luffy asks. Nojiko nods, seemingly impressed that he understood that much.

The two fell back into silence as Luffy started thinking, for once, about what it was like to be in Nami and Nojiko's shoes. In truth, the two of them were not blood-related but adopted sisters, similar to him and his brothers. All of them grew up in the same orphanage and went their separate ways as they were cared for by different people.

Being raised by Dadan wasn't the most pleasant since Garp practically forced them to her. But as long as Makino was there too, he'd let it go.

"Yosh! I have made my decision!" Luffy cheers, suddenly standing from the bench and hurriedly walking away to somewhere.

"Luffy! Where are you going?" Nami calls from the swing set, pushing Bellemere as the girl cheerfully screams to be pushed higher and higher.

Luffy stops, turning his rubbery head 180 degrees to look at Nami, and grins broadly. "I'm going to be a father!"

Trying: Roles have Switched (Dad!ASL x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now