When boys fight over a girl

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In the middle of the living room sat a crying nine year old girl with (H/C)-colored hair and (E/C)-colored eyes. Her little hands balled into fists as she rubbed away the tears from her eyes as she hiccuped. Sabo gulped, what did he do to make you so upset?

"Oi, Sabo, don't make (Name) cry..." pouted Luffy. He was trying to get Law to play with him but the ten year old refused to be even near any of the three brothers. Law scowled at Sabo as the blonde frowns at Luffy, he didn't like it when you cried. "It's not like I was trying to make her cry," Sabo sighed and looked back at you. You had stopped crying when you heard Luffy scold Sabo but now that Sabo was facing you again, you started to wail, "UWAAAAAH!!!"

"H-Hey, come on! What did I do?" Sabo panicked and pulled his cheeks, kinda like what Koala does when he slacks off during work. He stuck his tongue out playfully, trying to get you to laugh. However one look at his stretched face only made you cry harder and harder, your voice was so shrill that it cracked the window glass.

"Oh crap—ACE! HELP ME!!!" Sabo threw a shoe at his sleeping brother on the couch. It hit Ace on the head, stirring him awake and rolling off the couch, his eyes glared at the shoe thrower.

"Sabo, what the hell—did you do?" He asked, his voice a bit grumpy from being rudely awakened, but quickly turned into one of curiosity as he saw the sight of a bawling (Name) on the floor.

"THAT'S WHAT I'D LIKE TO KNOW!" Sabo exclaims, hands dramatically in the air to show his frustration.

Upon hearing Sabo's voice shout, you paused and whimpered at him, there were fresh tears welling up in your eyes. "Uh-oh..." Sabo's eyes widened, he didn't mean to raise his voice, he was just so frantic at trying to calm you down.


The two older brothers covered their ears to keep your high-pitched shrieking from damaging them. How can such a small girl have such strong vocal chords?!?!

While Sabo and Ace were shouting at each other earlier, Law took out some cotton balls that he swiped from the bathroom, and stuffed them in his ears to block out your crying. He knew this was inevitable since he had known you for two years now. "Calm down! Calm down! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to shout!!" Sabo screamed over your screaming, his head started to hurt and if you kept this up then his ears would start bleeding.

"Idiots," Law murmured to himself, walking over to you while Luffy was distracted by the shattering glass of the windows, and he pulls you into a hug. "Stop crying." He said, more of a command than comfort. Immediately you snapped your mouth shut and looked up at Law holding you, his hand gently stroking your hair as he sighed in annoyance. "I knew these idiots weren't cut out to take care of kids."

Sabo, Ace, and Luffy slumped in the couch exhausted. You were finally asleep in Law's arms a few minutes later. The angry ten year old sat on the floor in front of the TV, his back facing the three brothers since he didn't want to look at them anyway.

"I don't understand what I did wrong..." Sabo whined as he slowly slumped lower, his chin resting on his chest in the process.

"I don't understand why we have to do this..." muttered Ace, throwing Luffy an annoyed look.

"It's getting late," Luffy stated as he glanced at the clock above the kitchen doorway. "Yosh~! Tra-Guy time to go to your room!!"

He jumps to his feet and made his way to Law, arms outstretched as he moves to take you from his arms. However Law doesn't allow it and in blinding speed Luffy got a cut on his cheek, blood dripping from his wound as the blade that sliced through his skin and pierced the wall.

Ace glares at the boy and stands abruptly, his eyes showed anger and annoyance towards his brother's attacker. Before he could reprimand him, Luffy signals his brother to calm down and let him handle this. "What's wrong, Tra-Guy?" He asks.

In the cradle of his arms you rolled to your side and hug him by the waist, thumb in your mouth as you sighed contentedly. "Don't hurt Mr. FuzzyHat..." She murmurs in her sleep.

Sabo smiles at you softly, such a sweet little girl that cares about him so much, no wonder he doesn't let go. "Luffy, maybe we can let them sleep in each of our rooms for a few nights. If we do that then maybe they can become less tense around us?" He suggested. Law looks at him warily as if he doesn't trust his plan, the blonde might have an ulterior motive as to why he said that.

He could kill you both in your sleep or maybe tie you up on the bed and set the house on fire, you wouldn't suspect a thing of course since you were so trusting. Gullible and naive was what he would describe you, although he doesn't necessarily have a problem with that generally, he just wished you would be a bit more careful.

You groaned and rubbed your eyes, looking around the living room to see smiling faces at you. You look up at Law sleepily and saw him glaring at Luffy, yelping in shock as you were being lifted into the air by one of the brothers. Ace was laughing as he ran around the house, an angry Law chasing after him.

"PUT HER DOWN!!!" You heard him scream.

"No way! She's too cute!" Ace jokes and sticks his tongue out playfully at Law. You could have almost seen steam coming out from the top of his head as he runs after both of you with Sabo and Luffy behind him.


"MAKING HIM LOOSEN UP A BIT! THE KID NEEDS TO RELAX!" Ace laughs as he runs up the stairs.

Law stood at the bottom of the staircase and panting hard, his face in an angry scowl as he glares at Ace cuddling you from the top steps. Luffy pouts childishly upon seeing his older brother getting all of your attention. "Oi! Ace, no fair! I wanna cuddle (Name) too!"

"What?" Law glares at Luffy.

"No, she's my cuddle buddy!" Ace sniggers. You just sat in his arms completely oblivious to what was going on. Law was seething with rage, Sabo tried to calm down the boy, Luffy and Ace were arguing about who cuddles with you.

Law faced his palm up and said, "ROOM", creating a blue sphere to surround the entire staircase where all of you stood. Luffy opens his mouth in awe while Ace and Sabo stare in shock, all three exclaim all at once, "THIS KID HAS DEVIL FRUIT POWERS!"

You blink at the blue sphere around you. What the heck did you miss when you were asleep?!?!

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