Would you disown Ace for your own safety?

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"(Naaaaaaaame)!!!" Luffy whined, head in his hands dejectedly.

He's been at it ever since he woke up ten minutes ago. You felt a little bad since you were the reason why he passed out in the first place.

"Gomene, Daddy Luffy, but Hancock-chan seemed really friendly!" You beamed up at him.

Luffy looked up to see your adorable grinning face. It wasn't fair.

Ace smirked, he knew his little brother couldn't get upset with you when you look at him like that. You were also naive and overly sweet, so your intentions were nothing but innocent.

Sabo muffled a laugh behind his hand as Luffy's eyes went wide. "Hancock-chan?! YOU'RE CALLING HER -CHAN NOW?!" He asked in shock.

You blinked and tilted your head to the side cutely. "Yes?" You replied. "She says that because I'm your daughter, we're best friends now!" You puffed your chest out proudly, showing off the Luffy Fan Club pin on the blouse Hancock had bought for you earlier.

She absolutely adored you and somehow liked Law, sort of, that she gave you both free clothes from the department store of Amazon Lily. "I don't get why you don't like her, daddy, she's so nice!" You pouted up at Luffy.

Up to this point, Luffy practically wanted to kill himself right then and there. He plopped back down on the infirmary bed and groaned in defeat.

Ace laughed and ruffled your hair. Man, he loved you more and more every single day!

"Your daughter just joined the fan club founded by your greatest stalker." He teased, glancing over to Sabo. "I wonder what that green-haired fanboy would say when he finds out that Luffy has kids."

Sabo chuckled and folded his arms across his chest. Poor Luffy was so famous that he even had to deal with fakers who pretended to be him.

"You're talking about that Bartolomeo guy, right?" Sabo smirked. "I imagine him following them around like a royal bodyguard."

"Or an overprotective nanny?" Ace laughed again.

Luffy frowned and glared at his brothers.

They're. Not. Helping.

Glancing over to his other adopted, he blinked rapidly and sat up abruptly. "Tra-Guy... What are you wearing...?"

All eyes turned to Law. He was sitting there with a blank expression on his face as usual. He wore a yellow and black hoodie and a pair of jeans, but that wasn't what Luffy was concerned about.

Law smirked smugly and tapped the pin on his chest, "I'm a member of the club too."

You could almost see Luffy's soul flying out of his mouth as he lay back onto the bed. "TRA-GUY I TRUSTED YOUUUUU!!!"


You giggled and raised your arms up to reach the sky, Ace held your legs as you sat on his shoulders. "Daddy Ace is so tall!" You smiled and stretched your fingers as if they could touch the fluffy clouds above you.

"Nee, Daddy Ace, when I grow up will I be as tall as you?" You asked, resting your head on his orange cowboy hat.

Ace hummed in thought before blinking and stopping in his tracks. "Wait, since when did you start calling me 'Daddy Ace'?"

Law stopped walking too and looked over at you with a expression of disapproval.

You hummed in thought as you removed Ace's hat and placing it on your own head. "Since just now?" You responded, setting your hands on his hair and tugging on it lightly like reins. "Hyaa, horsey!" You laughed.

Trying: Roles have Switched (Dad!ASL x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now