Warm Smiles

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Shanks sat beside you on your bed rather awkwardly. Your blanket was wrapped around both of you, and although you didn't mind the foul odor emitting from his tattered clothes, you wondered why he came to the house in such a state.

"You said your name was Shanks, right...?" Your voice whispered quietly in the silent room.

He nodded with a wide grin on his face. "Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier." He replied. "But I didn't think I'd come meet you again."

Straining your eyes and squinting, you could make out the messy red hair from under the straw hat. The color was rather bright and hard to miss, even in a dark room.

"Shanks... Why are you here...?" You sighed, remembering that your first meeting with him was a few days ago to find Law.

Shanks bit his tongue before he could answer, and watched the shoulders of a depressed 9 year old slump in hopelessness. Your sniffles were the only sounds he needed to remind himself what he came here for.

And what he wanted to do more than anything, was to see you smile.

"Honestly, your dad wanted me to get you out of your room."

Your eyes widened, an angry scowl replaced your saddened expression, and you turned your head to glare at him.

"HE IS NOT MY DAD! NONE OF THEM ARE!" You yelled furiously.


Like a scared dog being cornered, he backed away as you abruptly stood up, yelling. A strange heat started pouring out from your body and a white aura radiated around you as you growled.

"(Name)..." Shanks frowned.

Tears instantly started spilling out from your eyes, blurring your vision. There was nothing you could see, except for the red hair in front of you.

"I hate them... They gave him away..." Your eyes were downcast, empty of any happiness that he had hoped to see.

Without a second thought, he sprung forward and wrapped his arms around you tightly, making you gasp and freeze from the unanticipated action.

His hug was warm and comforting. You stood still for a while, before relaxing into his embrace and closing your eyes.

"He'll be fine, alright?" Shanks reassured you with a soft smile on his lips. "Tell you what, I'll get him back for you someday."

You quickly snapped open your eyes at the last sentence.


You pulled away and looked up at him with big eyes. "W-What do you mean by that?"

Shanks then explained to you about Luffy's deal with him. How he would get to live with all of them if he manages to succeed in his task of convincing you to end your isolation.

"I'll train myself. I'll train really hard and, when I get stronger, I can beat that Doflamingo and get Law back for you." Shanks declared determinedly. "How does that sound?"

You said nothing.


You stared at him with a glint of joy in your eyes,

And your lips curled into a smile.

Trying: Roles have Switched (Dad!ASL x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now