Shopping is FUUUUN!

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"Ah, crap! We're caught!" Luffy gasped as the blue film surrounded the entire living room of the house with him and Ace caught inside it. Ace grumbled incoherent and unholy things under his breath as the ten year old in front of him gives a frown.

Your voice sang from the doorway and all eyes turned to you as you wave innocently while holding Sabo's hand. "Laaaaw~! Guess what? Sabo and I are friends now!" You smiled, light seemingly radiating off of you like heaven shone a spotlight on your purity.

Law glared at Sabo's hand holding yours, casting the spherical room away now that you were here. Ace and Luffy breathed a sigh of relief at your coming. "She's heaven sent." Ace joked. Law shot him a look before clicking his tongue in disapproval.

Now that you have stopped Law from detaching people's bodies apart, Luffy suggested that they would go out after eating breakfast. You cheered while Law just complained about not wanting to go outside, or anywhere for the matter as long as the three of them would come along.

Despite his earlier protests, Law still went outside with the entire family, although he wasn't too happy about it. For such a young thing, Sabo figured he would be more energetic and bubbly as you were.

However that didn't seem to be happening anytime soon.

Ace, Sabo, and Luffy brought you and Law to the mall for some shopping. The entire place looked like a palace from the inside and out. Chandeliers hung over your heads with plastic diamond-looking stones. Stores with extravagant merchandise lined up everywhere you look. You giggled and excitedly point at every shiny or cute thing you laid your eyes on while Law was busy staring at the pharmacies and medical uniforms.

"Why do I get the feeling that our girl is going to grow up into a beautiful lady that maxes out our credit cards?" Ace deadpans as he watches you eyeing the dresses that were way too big for your size. The expensive jewelries that adorned the mannequin made your eyes sparkle with excitement.

Sabo and Luffy could only nod in agreement, one of them was going to spoil you somehow, they just know it.

"Daddy! Look!" You squeal, motioning for the guys to come and check out the kittens that were inside the cage.

It was a pet store.

"Uh-oh..." All three widened eyes at each other and scrambling over to pull you away before you could ask for one. Law stayed put and smirked.

Luffy laughs as you run around the toy store restlessly and dragging Law with you to the Barbie section, which he made gagging noises and pretending to choke himself to death at all the pinkness.

Ace found himself being flirted with by the saleswomen and Sabo was helping you pick out a teddy bear from the loooooooong rows of different kinds. Meanwhile, Luffy was following Law around the store, trying to get the fuzzyhat-loving grump to talk with him. "Oh! Tra-Guy, how about this?" Luffy asks, holding up a Nerf gun. I mean, what ten year old boy wouldn't love a Nerf gun?

"No." He replies curtly.

Law. Law wouldn't like Nerf guns.

Luffy sighed and placed the gun back before catching up with his son. He watched him inspect the plushies of frogs and the plastic swords with eagerness. Law looked at Luffy, his eyes glinted dangerously, "Do they also sell real swords and frogs here?"

"I don't think so?" He says, unsure.

Law hummed and resumed browsing through the toys before looking back at Luffy again. "Do they at least sell body parts here?"

Luffy blinks, eyebrows knitted together in puzzlement, "How would I know that?!"

Law chuckled amusedly at the rubber man's reaction to his question. He was only messing with him but it was too much fun to stop. A little girl's voice made him turn his attention to her, completely unprepared for what came next.

"Law, look! Daddy Sabo bought me this!" You hold up the stuffed white tiger excitedly, grinning so wide that it scared him a little bit. You pulled something else white from the plastic bag that Sabo carried and handed it to him, eagerly watching his face.

Law blinked at the stuffed polar bear in his hands, it was wearing an orange jumpsuit. He looked back at you and you could have sworn you saw his cheek turn pink a bit before he coughed and averted his gaze, muttering an indistinct "Thanks" to you.

"So Tra-Guy likes teddy bears instead of Nerf guns? Seriousl—OWWW!!!" Luffy cried as Law kicked him in the shin. You laughed while Sabo and Ace sweat dropped. "That boy is going to be a handful..." The two older brothers sighed.

Trying: Roles have Switched (Dad!ASL x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now