The Boy with Red Hair

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You and Ace walked back the way you came, being waved off by your extended family which also happens to be a Mafia gang, but meh you didn't really care.

"It's gotten pretty late, hasn't it?" Ace mused. You looked up and saw the twinkling stars blanketing the night sky like a thousand diamonds. "Yeah, it has." You replied worriedly. "I wonder if Mr. Fuzzy Hat is okay."

Ace laughed at your nickname for Law and shook his head with a smile. "Why do you always have to worry about Traffy? He can take care of himself." He chuckled while messing your hair.

The streets were lit up by car headlights and you frowned at how dim it was, squinting your eyes and straining to see the path in front of you.

You gasped and looked up as a flicker of orange light suddenly sparked. This warm orange glow made it easier to see around you and you can sense a feeling of powerful energy burning inside you as you stared straight at its core.

"Better?" Ace asked with a smirk. In the palm of his hand, he held a wisp of fire that burned brightly, the source of your light.

You nodded and resumed walking to your destination, HOME.

On the way back, you kept glancing over at Ace's flame and admired how beautiful it looked for something so dangerous. Tilting your head in curiosity, you hummed thoughtfully and wondered how he managed to control it so well.

"What's up?" Ace asked, apparently hearing your humming, and smiled down at you. "Surprised by my Fruit power?"

You blink at his last question and shook your head. "No, I have the same thing." You answered quietly.

His expression looked surprised at hearing this and he stayed silent, watching you carefully as you walked ahead of him. "Who knows about your power?" Ace inquired.

You felt uneasy instantly about this topic of conversation and twiddled your thumbs while looking down at the ground. "Everyone in the orphanage and the people who took me in." You said. "Law was the only one who was nice to me."

Now wishing that Law were here with you, you dashed towards the house as soon as it came into eyeshot.

"We're HOOOOOME!" You yelled once you entered the front door. Ace followed seconds after and the moment he closed the door, you heard the sounds of heavy footsteps running from the kitchen.


"HUH?!" You shouted back with widened eyes.

Sabo and Luffy tackled you down to the floor with bear hugs, making it extremely difficult to breathe because Luffy wrapped his arms around you and locked his fingers together tightly.

"We were so worried about you!" Sabo cried in relief before glancing up at his freckled brother with a frown. "Where have you two been?!"

You struggled to free yourself from your rubbery father as he wouldn't stop rubbing his cheek against your own. "I'm so glad you're okay!" He said.

Flashing him a sheepish grin, you nuzzled back lightly before squirming out of his death hug. You looked up at Ace, who was laughing at Sabo's frustration of bringing you over to a tavern full of gang members without informing either him or Luffy, before realizing that there was one person missing in the group.

"Hey... Where's Law?" You asked while glancing around sadly. You had hoped to be greeted by him as well. A feeling of disappointment welled up in your chest and you felt slightly heartbroken.

Knowing how Law doesn't like being away from you, you started to wonder if he got mad at you for not being here when you were supposed to.

Sabo gave Luffy a knowing look. They all knew how much Law and you cared for each other, despite only knowing you two for such a short period of time.

Luffy suddenly shot up and grabbed you by the shoulders. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot! Tra-Guy is missing!!!"

Your eyes widened to the size of plates and your jaw hung open from the sudden surprising news.


If your shriek couldn't be heard by the entire neighborhood then everyone might as well be deaf.

"What do you mean?! He was with you last I saw you!" You cried. Your eyes began to water up and you tried so hard to hold back your sniffling. "How could you let this happen?!"

Ace frowned. He watched as you slumped down the floor with your face covered in your hands. The hiccupping would have been cute if it weren't for the fact that you looked so miserable now.

Luffy yelled as he smacked him up the head. "Idiot! Don't just casually tell her something like that!" He scolded him.

Walking over and kneeling down in front of you, he gently pulled you into a hug. The sudden act of affection shocked you and you immediately stopped crying.

"If you don't stop crying, how are we supposed to go out and look for Traffy?" Ace quietly told you. "He can't come back home if you aren't with us when we're out looking for him, you know."

The fact that Law hated all three of them, you knew Ace was right.

Wiping your tears away, you looked up at him with a smile. "You're right..."

Sabo looked at Luffy, who looked back at him and shrugged. Since when were you and Ace such good friends anyhow?

"Come on. The longer we tarry, the more likely Law has gone farther away." Sabo announced.

All four of you left the house and started looking for the lost boy.

"Law, are you here?" You called out into a dark alleyway.

A rat scurried off from a dumpster. You watched as it hurriedly crawled to the safety of the sewers. "Guess not..." You sighed.

As you turned to leave and go look somewhere else, the sound of footsteps caught your ear.

You stopped and stayed silent, allowing whoever was behind you to make a move or speak up first.

"What does Law look like?"

You blinked. That certainly wasn't what you had expected. You turned around and blinked again as a young boy with red hair sat there on top of the lid of the dumpster.

He was staring at you with a serious expression.

"Law is my friend." You honestly answered him.

The boy tilted his head, a grin slowly forming on his lips. "Is he the skinny kid with a fuzzy hat and black spots?" He questions further.

You gasped. "Yeah, that's him!!!" You nodded rapidly with a big smile.

He laughed, jumping down from the dumpster and walking over to you.

"Perhaps..." He glanced you over before a small smile came on his lips. "...I can help you find him."

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