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Ace woke you up by nearly cuddling you to death with his uncomfortably muscular arms. Law was sleeping on the edge of the bed and was frowning in his sleep, scalpel in hand ready for attack. You brush a lock of (H/C) hair behind your ear and tried to shake Ace awake.

"Ace?" You whisper loudly as to not awaken the sleeping boy beside you.

Ace opened one eye to look at you, he was still half asleep and you shook him again, he groaned sleepily and let go of you. "Wake up, Ace!" You huffed and peeked at his face. His snoring was the only answer you needed and you knew that he refused, under any circumstances, to wake up.

So you left the two sleepy heads alone and headed down to the kitchen to see if you could cook up some breakfast for them. Loud snoring could be heard from Luffy and Sabo's rooms as well, it was like the three of them slept together for so long that they could snore like a choir.

You picked up a chair from the dining table and used it as a ladder to get the things you needed for cooking. You had only seen people cooking a few times when couples adopted you, before deciding to leave you in the orphanage again after learning of your powers. Grabbing a cookbook and an apron, you flipped to the pages of the breakfast category and grabbed a few eggs to make a simple omelette and pancakes.

The fire of the stove burned hot but you weren't afraid of it. You took out one of the five eggs you had picked out from the fridge and tried breaking it into the bowl. The first egg broke, unsuccessfully, and the yolk spilled all over your apron in the process.

After several minutes and a few broken eggs, you started to chop some tomatoes and green onions to mix it with. The sharp blade of the edge of the knife glistened dangerously in the early morning sunlight as you had a difficult time holding it properly. "OOooww!!" You hissed after accidentally cutting you finger. It took around thirty minutes to get it done and you ended up having a few bandages on your hands.

You followed the instructions from the book very carefully as you flipped over a pancake. Flour dusted your cheeks and nose while egg yolk painted your bright orange apron. You were a mess but at least the food looked delicious!

"Sabo are you cooking something?" Ace yawned as he walked downstairs, the aroma of sweet syrup, egg, and butter filled the air.

Sabo yawned too and rubbed his eyes as he followed the raven haired man down the steps. "What'd you say, Ace?"

Ace stiffens and looks behind him in shock. "Wait...don't tell me that Luffy is cooking?!"

"Who's cooking??" Luffy asked as he left his room and looked down from the second floor.

All three of them just stared at each other in confusion. Ace counted each of them and made sure that there were exactly three brothers standing in the same room. "If we're all here then who's in the kitchen?" Sabo asked.

In an instant they all dashed into the kitchen in time to find you in the middle of struggling to plate your finished creations on a platter. Sabo panicked and ran over, grabbing the frying pan from your hands and doing the task for you instead.

"(Name), if you were hungry then you should have woken us up! What would have happened if you got burnt?!" Sabo scolds you.

Seeing your poorly bandaged hands, he practically flipped out. "LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HANDS!! DID YOU USE A KNIFE?!"

His angry face made you want to cry again, tears welling up in your eyes as you rubbed them away and ran off to one of the vacant rooms.

Law came out of Ace's bedroom in time to see you bolt passed to the room across him and locking the door behind you.

Hearing angry voices downstairs, he silently walked there to check what was going on and found two brothers scolding the other. "You didn't have to shout at her Sabo!" Luffy yells angrily.

"Yeah! This stuff is actually pretty good." said Ace, chewing on a pancake with an angry scowl. But Law couldn't tell if he was really mad or not.

"What happened?" He asked them.

"Sabo made (Name) cry again!" Luffy huffs as Law shot Sabo a look. The blonde cringes at the fact that Luffy was right. "You have to say you're sorry or else no food for you!!" Luffy added, taking the table full of omelettes and pancakes, and placing it behind him protectively.

Sabo sighs and nodded, leaving the kitchen and checking for the rooms.

The only room that was locked was the vacant one on the far end so he knocked lightly knowing you were inside. Your sniffles and hiccups could be heard through the door, it made his heart ache. "(Name)? It's Sabo, can I come in?"

He was responded by silence, exempting the few sniffles that were barely audible.

"(Name)? Pretty please?" He adds.

The lock of the door clicked and he twisted the knob, finding it unlocked and he entered the room quietly. You were hiding under the blanket and he could still hear your crying so he walked over, sitting down beside your curled up form from inside the sheets and sighed guiltily.

Why does she dislike him so much??

"(Name)? Can you come out?" He asks quietly, nudging you a bit but you replied with a swift shake of your head. "Can we talk then?" He asked in the same tone of voice.

You didn't say or do anything, so he took it as a yes.

He thought for a bit on where to begin with his apology when suddenly your face peeked out from the bottom of the sheets. Tear streaks were visible on your (S/C) cheeks and your eyes were a bit pink from crying. He looked down at you when he heard the familiar sound of sniffling, he smiled softly as to not scare you away.

You cower a bit from inside the blanket and gripped the cloth tightly. "You're scary..." You whimpered, earning a sad frown from Sabo.

"Yeah... I'm really sorry about shouting at you..." He pauses and scratches his head thoughtfully. "And for whatever I did to make you cry yesterday then I'm sorry too..."

You relax slightly and your head pokes out from its hiding place. He smiles at this and turns his body to face you fully. "So am I forgiven?" He inquires, hoping that now maybe you would get along better.

His happiness was short lived when you shook your head scared. Sabo tilts his head questioningly as if to ask why, when you pointed to his left eye with a scared expression on your adorably frowning face.

"Your eye...it's still scary..." You tell him.

He blinks, seeming to have forgotten about the huge scar on his left eye that he had earned during his childhood days with his brothers, then pulls his hat down a bit just enough to cover his flaw. "Better?" He asks and smiles as the girl came out of the covers and tackled him with a hug.

"Mhm!" She hummed. "Okay, I forgive you now!"

Sabo chuckles, damn she was too cute, but flinches at the sound of crashing furniture from downstairs. He completely forgot that he left his brothers alone with Law!

"That's not good!" He exclaims as he runs out the door.

"Wait!! Law hates you guys!" You call after him, running out the door as well.

Sabo halts and runs back, scooping you up in his arms, then resumed running back down the stairs to save his brothers. "He may hate us but he doesn't hate you, right?

You shrugged, " I dunno. Maybe?"

"Good enough for me. Hey, how about you help daddy out?" Sabo grins and sets you down, grabbing your hand and slowly walking to the living room.

"Okay, daddy!" You beamed and started pulling him towards the chaos with a bright smile on your face.

Trying: Roles have Switched (Dad!ASL x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now