Odd One Out

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Luffy pushes his hat up so he could take a good look at the grumpy old woman sitting across from him. He was surprised that she was still even alive, he sucked at Math but he was sure that she's way old now.

"So you wanna adopt a kid, eh?" She snarls at the seventeen year old, clearly remembering his days in the orphanage. Not pleasant ones, either.

"Yep! I wanna have a kid of my own!" He beams.

It would be a lie if people say that he knew what he was doing because, obviously, he has no idea what he has gotten himself into. Despite his age, Luffy was still quite innocent in mind and no one really told him how babies were made. So he figured, if he can't make one then why not just adopt one?

The woman sighs at him and stands up, leading him to the back of the orphanage where a few kids were loitering around in the courtyard. They didn't look up or even bothered noticing Luffy's presence. To them, he was just another person picking out unwanted children that were abandoned here years ago.

"Pick whoever you want," She says bitterly before leaving him.

Luffy just nods enthusiastically and goes to check out the group of kids sitting a few meters away from him. "Hi! I'm Monkey D. Lu—" He stops as the kids got up and leave to find another spot to sit down.

The looks on their faces were of disgust and anger, obviously these kids were like him and his brothers back in the days of their youth. Cold, distant, and hateful, however this doesn't stop Luffy as he continues to introduce himself to every kid he sees.

They all gave him the same response and avoid him like he had the plague. "Not what I expected at all..." He mutters tiredly, sitting down on the concrete ground as all the children run inside.

Something wet and cold dripped on his cheek and he looks up to find grey clouds. Within mere seconds, rain began to pour heavily down on him while the children watched him warily from inside the building through the open windows. He refused to move even when the rain started to get harder, drops pelting on his rubbery skin only bounced off as he sat still, eyes scanning the groups that observed him from afar.

Among the crowd stood a little girl with (H/C) hair and worried (E/C) eyes, her lips were in a frown as she watched Luffy getting soaked from the rain. However no one dared to tell him to get out from the heavy shower and she knew better than to get herself involved with him... but still.

Luffy watched carefully as the little girl ran over holding an umbrella to keep herself dry. She was so small, probably the smallest in the entire orphanage, and she had the tiniest hands that Luffy had ever seen.

The girl didn't look at him as she holds the umbrella over both of their heads. Sounds of raindrops thundered against the material as they both just stayed there without speaking a word to each other.

"What's your name?" Luffy asks, his voice stern and his face serious.

"(Name)..." The little girl answered as she shifted the umbrella to her other hand.

Luffy stands up and takes the umbrella from her and holds it high over both their heads as he smiles brightly, "Hi (Name)! I'm Monkey D. Luffy! Wanna come home with me?"


Luffy groaned at all the papers he had to sign for just one little girl. "Nojiko never said anything about this." He grumbled as he finishes the last paper, handing them over to the old hag.

"Alright then." She huffs, "Everything is settled. Now leave."

Luffy glances over to the (H/C)-haired girl as she sleeps peacefully on his lap, short arms barely locking him into an embrace. He smiles proudly and stands up, ready to leave and bring his new daughter home, when an angry voice suddenly shouts and he felt a sharp pain in his leg.

"LET HER GO!!!" A little boy yells furiously.

He had messy black hair and tanned skin, a large fuzzy white hat on his head and a small kitchen knife in his hands. Luffy stared at him, not bothering to look at the blood trickling down his leg. The old woman sighs in annoyance, this always happens when someone tried to take you home.

She picks the boy up from the back of his collar and glares at him. "Quit it. She's already taken, he's signed the papers." She jabbed a thumb to the direction of filled out forms on her desk. "Now beat it. And for god's sake, stop stabbing the visitors." She scoffs, releasing him from her hold and pushing him back into the other room.

"Let me go, you stupid old witch!!!" He growls as she pulls him by the sleeve of his shirt. He looks back at Luffy and sees (Name) in his arms, fast asleep. "(NAME)! (NAME)! WAKE UP, YOU IDIOT!"

You twitch your eyebrows at the sound of his voice, opening one eye slowly to inspect your surroundings and your gaze stops at the familiar pair of eyes looking down on you. "Luffy?" You yawn, lifting your head from Luffy's shoulder and spot the boy being dragged away. "Mr. Fuzzy Hat!" You cried, kicking your feet wildly for Luffy to put you down, which he obediently did so.

You hug the older boy as he relaxes once you were out from the rubber man's reach. "Let's go, (Name)." He says, grabbing your hand and pulling you away, when a hand stops him by the shoulder.

"Sorry, but I adopted her. She's my daughter now." Luffy states, his other rubbery arm stretching out and pulling you away from the boy.

The boy looks at you in shock before his expression turns into anger. "(Name), I thought I told you to stay away from the visitors!" He scolds you. The irritation in his voice made you start crying.

"Oh boy. Here we go." The woman groans, trudging back to her seat and putting the papers away into a file cabinet.

Luffy glares at him and slowly walks over, his arms now entangled around his new daughter. "Hey! Say you're sorry."

"You can't tell me what to do!" The boy retorts in anger, his face was a mix of emotions, mostly rage and sadness. Luffy frowned.

"Yes, I can." He remarks.

"Oh yeah? Says who?!" The boy snarls, his face inches away from Luffy as they both were now escalating into a heated argument.

"I do! Because I'm your new dad!" He snarls back.

You and the boy both blink confusedly at him before glancing at each other with shocked expressions. Luffy chuckles, having won the argument. "If you didn't want your friend to be taken away then I'll just adopt both of you!" He declares rather cheerfully, walking back to the chair and demanding to adopt the boy known as Mr. Fuzzy Hat.

You start laughing as the boy's face turned red. "IT'S TRAFALGAR LAW!" He corrects as Luffy started laughing with you.

"Ah, okay." He says, turning to the old woman behind the desk, "I'll adopt Tra-Guy."

You laugh harder, new tears coming down from your eyes as you collapse to the floor in a fit of giggles. Law gritted his teeth and his hands clench into fists. "TRA. FAL. GAR!!!"

"You sure you want both of them?" The woman pipes up, handing Luffy some more papers to fill out. "It'll be dangerous for those two oddballs if they were together."

You and Law frown at her at the same time. Luffy just laughs it off and hurriedly finishes signing the forms. "If Tra-Guy wants to be with (Name), then so be it."

Trying: Roles have Switched (Dad!ASL x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now