Oh where, oh where, has our little Law gone?

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Hey guys! I felt a little bad for not posting lately. School has given me few hours to rest so I couldn't update as much. So here is a special mini chapter for you guys and look! It's our little Law-kun!

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LOST THEM!" Law scowled at the two fathers angrily. The three of them were inside the house looking for Ace and (Name) for two hours straight, to which was an unsuccessful search leading Luffy and Sabo to their current problem: calming Law down.

"They have to be here somewhere. Where else could Ace have taken her?" Sabo frowned. He didn't like this any more than Law did, but surely his brother wouldn't be stupid enough to get lost on the way back to his home for 12 years, right?

Law tsk-ed at Sabo and stomped his way to the front door. "Tra-Guy, wait, you can't go out alone!" Luffy stepped in front of Law, blocking the furious ten year old's only way out. "It's dark outside!"

"Who cares if it's dark outside?! I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF BETTER THAN THE THREE OF YOU COMBINED!" He retorted, pushing Luffy out of his way, only to be held back by Sabo.

"Luffy is right, Traffy. We know how you feel but you can't just go wandering the streets looking for her. This neighborhood is dangerous at night." He explained to him calmly. Although it looks to him like Law couldn't care any less about what happens to him.

Luffy sighed, not knowing what to do. He trusts Ace but, right now, he's a little worried.

What if something bad happened? Knowing Ace's position in the mafia, the possibility was highly likely to happen. However this only made him worry even more, which is a first because he hasn't worried over anyone before in his life.

"Sabo, what do we do?" Luffy leaned against the door, still exhausted from the run back home.

Sabo hummed thoughtfully before glancing at the telephone sitting on the desk beside the staircase. "I'll call Garp and ask if he knows anything."

Luffy nodded and watched as his brother hurriedly got to his feet and headed towards the phone.

Never, I repeat, NEVER before did they need to ask help from the police. They were usually the ones who make the trouble instead of the ones needing help BECAUSE of the trouble.

He sighed. Today had been a long day for him. "Hey, Tra-Guy, you want something to eat while" Luffy paused momentarily to look around him. "Tra-Guy?"

He left and checked the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedrooms, even up on the roof.

"Uh-oh..." He scratched his head, eyes staring at the open window in the living room. "Sabo, we have a problem!"


Law was grumbling to himself as he stalked down the dimly lit streets. The only thing lighting his path was the flickering of the streetlights that seemed to have caught his attention.

"Low voltage?" He questioned himself, seeing as he was the only one present in the area.

"Perhaps." A voice answered.

"Well they need to fix this somehow." He scoffed before resuming his walk.

Law halted after taking five steps and blinked. He could feel goosebumps forming on his arms and a cold chill running down his spine. The blood in his system ran cold as the voice of a man chuckled darkly.

This voice sounded eerily familiar to him. A voice he didn't want to recognize, but he does know all too well whose voice it belonged to.

"Fufufu, surprised to see me again, Law?" A tall man with blonde hair and a white pair of shades stepped out of the darkness. His height towered over the small figure that trembled slightly from his gaze.

"You honestly didn't think you could escape from me so easily, did you little traitor?" He sneered at him.

Despite his brain screaming for his legs to run, Law dared to look up and look him in the eyes hidden behind those ridiculous sunglasses. "Go away, Doffy-ya, you piece of pink feathery shit." He spat the words at him harshly, boldly.

Doflamingo frowned. A vein popped in his head and he snarled at the impudent little insect he once took in as his own. That was, until, the little bastard betrayed him and ran away.

"Now, Law, you should really learn how to properly respect your elders." He grabbed Law by the leg and hoisted him up upside down.

Law flailed his arms around and shouted profanities against his captor. "PUT ME DOWN, YOU ASS!!!"

Doflamingo growled in a way that could make any animal cower in fear. It made Law shut up too, but didn't make him any less angry.

"You're coming back home, Law." Doflamingo grinned and pulled out a sack he kept in his pocket and throwing Law in it. "It's time for you to pay for your betrayal against the Donquixote family."

Law's vision was nothing but black. With the tiny holes in the sack, he couldn't breathe properly either.

His hyperventilating didn't make the situation any better as he screamed for help. Not knowing who to call out to, he shouted the names of the two people he now desperately wanted to be with more than ever.


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