An Unexpected Guest

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Luffy blinked and stared at the small kid at his front door. It was the boy who helped them before, what was his name again? Luffy frowned and scratched his head. Did the kid even tell them his name?

"I just came by to see how it all went."

He said with a grin. His face was covered in dirt and his clothes were filthy. Usually people would be disgusted to see a sight like him at their doorstep, but Luffy just kept staring at him with a straight face.

"Oi. You're the kid from before, right? What's your name?"

Luffy crouched down to speak to him face to face. From the second floor he could hear Sabo and Ace asking who was at the door.

They both walked downstairs and stopped at the last step, eyes widening in surprise at seeing the small redhead in his usual tattered clothes and slippers.

He looked up at Luffy and laughed. "I'm Shanks! Sorry, I must've forgot to introduce myself! How rude of me!" Then he laughed again, like it was all no big deal.

Ace frowned and glared at Shanks as he and Sabo slowly approached the two of them.

Sabo was silent in thought, wondering how in the world did he manage to locate their house.


Luffy echoed the name and ruffled the boy's hair. The gesture made Shanks flinch in surprise, but didn't run away like he usually did.

He looked around and noticed the silence inside the house.

Luffy followed his eyes and knew he was probably looking for the others, namely you and Law. He grinned and stood upright, stepping aside to let him in.

Shanks glanced around the house, smiling at how absolutely messy it was. It wasn't much different from the dumpsters in the alleys in which he called home.

"We lost Tra-Guy... So (Name) is in her room and won't stop crying, but..."

Shanks felt something land gently on his head. Looking up, it was Luffy placing his ever beloved straw hat on it. The grin on his face was stretched wide as his rubbery cheeks could manage.

"If you could cheer her up and get her out of her room, then you can stay here with us!"

Ace and Sabo's jaws dropped at hearing the sudden offer. Shanks live with them in their house?

"Luffy, maybe we should think about this first..."

Sabo chidded his brother gently, glancing at Shanks carefully and making sure not to sound rude in front of their unexpected guest. But the youngest brother merely laughed and said that it would be all fine and well.

Ace glanced at Sabo knowingly and Sabo did the same. Both knew how troublesome their brother's stubborn mind could be. When it came to sudden ideas like this, Luffy wouldn't budge when he has made a final decision.

The older brothers nodded in agreement, not like they had much of a choice now anyway, and allowed Shanks upstairs to your room.

In the darkness you sat hidden by the comforts of your blanket until a gentle knock made you peek out from under them. Wondering which father it was trying to get you out of the room this time, you waited for them to speak up but was thoroughly surprised after hearing a different yet familiar voice.

"Hey, (Name), it's me! Can I come in?"

Shanks stood outside your door with a grin.

Ace, Sabo, and Luffy stood behind him. If you wouldn't let any of the three of them inside your room, then there was no way you would've allowed Shanks in either.

But the sound of a click made the brothers freeze, followed by the creaking opening of a door. A wary eye peeked from the small crack of the door and a gentle yet sorrowful voice invited the redhead inside.

"Thanks, (Name)."

Shanks said, and disappeared into the darkness as soon as he walked into the room.

Sabo looked at Ace with a frown,

"Well that didn't take much effort..."

Trying: Roles have Switched (Dad!ASL x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now