Government Dogs

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To @RawrImaOtaku

Thanks, love you too ✌

A voice was calling your name, eagerly trying to wake you up. Your senses were a bit fuzzy, but you managed to make out the noise around you. There was more than one voice present. But the several others weren't calling you like this one was, they were arguing about something related to you.

...What happened?


"I told you it was an accident."


"Bellemere, Barty, I don't think we should be-"

"Someone stop them or they'll break something!!"

There was sound of struggling and more yelling, then a loud crash followed. What was happening?

You forced your eyes open and Shanks' face was the first you saw. He looked relieved that you were conscious and helped you sit up.

"What the-?" Your eyes widened at the sight of the living room in a wreck.

Bellemere and Bartolomeo were trying to catch a boy whose lower half was made of smoke. The more he flied around the house, the more Bellemere and Barty were breaking things.

"Hey, enough with the fighting already. (Name) isn't injured." Shanks calmly told them.

The very second Barty looked over and saw you awake, he began to cry.

"(NAME)-SHENBAAAIIIIIII!!!" He wailed, snot dripping down his nose.

Olvia smiled and patted the crying babysitter on the back. "See? We told you she wasn't going to die." She told him.

You sweat dropped, unable to take in the scene rolled out before you. You looked towards the stranger in the room and stared at him.

"Who are you?" You asked warily.

The smoke devil fruit user floated down in front of you and held out his hand. "My name is Smoker," He said. "I came here looking for you."

He looked about Shanks' age and he didn't seem hostile, so you gave a small smile and shook his hand. Smoker glanced around at everyone in the room, humming in thought.

"So why were you looking for (Name)?" Zeff asked him. He didn't look happy having him in the house.

Then again, Zeff rarely ever looked happy...

Smoker sighed in disappointment and crossed his arms. His expression was completely serious, so you began to grow curious about what he came here for.

"Well I wanted to tell you all about the location of Trafalgar Law, but it looks like you don't even have a single adult around here to lead a rescue." He informed you and began to head for the door. "Anyways, Law is fine. He just wanted you to know that, (Name)."

As soon as he opened the door to leave, you suddenly threw yourself at him and the two of you went flying out.

"(NAME), WHAT THE HELL?!" Shanks yelled in surprise. Everyone shoved each other aside as they ran to the door, only to get themselves stuck in the doorway.

Smoker was lying on the ground with you on his back. You were hugging him and trying to say something. However your sobs made it hard for him to understand any word that came out of your mouth.

Without much of a choice, he sat up and patiently waited for you to calm down, recalling the night before when he had met the missing boy.

Once you calmed down a bit, Smoker looked at your face. Your cheeks were red and your eyes were a little puffy, tears kept pooling up every time you wiped them away.

"Is Law really okay?" You asked. "Did you really find him?"

Smoker frowned and covered his ears, readying himself as he saw your face scrunching up.

"LAAAAAAWWWW!!!! WAAAAHHHHHH!!! I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs and fell back, allowing your tears to flow freely. Smoker sighed, unamused by the unnecessary amount of emotion you were showing.

Shanks finally pulled himself out of the group still stuck in the doorway, making everyone fall down on their faces as he ran over to you excitedly.

"Isn't this great? Now we can go find Law!" He exclaimed.

"Hold on. I didn't say you guys should be the ones to go find him." Smoker said sternly and walked over to Shanks. "You should have the police find him. Don't you know that Doflamingo is looking for Law as well?"

As soon as the name was mentioned, an anxious exchange of glances were around the group. Clueless, you looked at their faces in confusion.

"Shanks... He has a point..." Olvia said nervously.

"Doflamingo is the head of one of the government's assassination groups. We'll be dead before we can even reach Law." Bellemere frowned.

"That weird glasses guy is an assassin?!" You screamed after hearing the news.

"SHHHH!!" Shanks covered your mouth in a hurry as everyone glanced around. Although the streets weren't crowded, there were still people in the area, but it looked as if no one had paid attention to what you had just shouted.

"She seriously doesn't know anything, does she?" Smoker scoffed and narrowed his eyes. "Listen, kid, you can't just scream about that topic to the world. If one of his goons are around then you're good as dead."

You slowly nod your head in understanding. Shanks sighed and released his hand from your mouth.

"If we wanna rescue him, then we'll need to call Luffy and the others back." Shanks suggested and everyone agreed.

It's only a matter of time until Law will be reunited with you.

Trying: Roles have Switched (Dad!ASL x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now