President of the Luffy Fan Club?!

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You held Law's hand with your left hand and Sabo's hand with your right. Despite your overly cheerful mood, Sabo couldn't help but feel intimidated.


Well there's a certain ten year old child who kept glaring at him with a strange dark aura that only he could see.

His silver orbs bore holes into the side of his skull as he frowned at the blonde. Sabo could hear Ace chuckling lightly from beside him and he threw him a glare before sighing dejectedly.

You heard the depressed sigh and looked up at him worriedly, wondering if he wasn't enjoying spending time with you. "Are you okay?" You asked, causing your favorite dad to look down at you with a nervous smile.

"I'm alright." He lied instantly. "Just tired probably."

His response made you frown and stop walking. You look around and found a map of the mall. Letting go of the boys' hands, you rushed over to it and began to play with the buttons, searching for something specific.

Ace walked ahead of the others and stood behind your small form, watching closely at what you were searching for. He tilted his head to the side and hummed, "The rooftop garden?"

You rolled your head back, strands of (H/C) hair falling back as you did, beaming up at the freckled man and nodded enthusiastically. "Yep! Bellemere once told me about this place! She said it has a great view of the city at night and has lots and LOTS of tangerine trees!"

Ace blinked and his lips curled into a smirk. "You doing this for Sabo?" He asked and chuckles good-heartedly at your rapid nodding.

With you in the lead, you marched towards your destination with three dads and a scowling Law trailing behind you. When Luffy and Sabo asked Ace where they were headed to, he simply shrugged and stayed quiet since you made him promise not to tell.

The glass doors swung open as you used all your strength into pushing them. Running to the edge of the building and squealing in happiness, the boys followed you and looked around.

"Why'd you bring us here, (Name)?" Luffy asked curiously, scanning the area as if he were expecting someone.

You turned to your youngest father and grinned. "Daddy Sabo said he was tired so I thought you all wanted a break from walking!"

Ace, Sabo, and Luffy stared at you blankly before grinning like dorks. "She's so sweet!!!" They cooed in unison and group hugged you.

Law rolled his eyes at the four of you, muttering something about having to live with sentimental idiots, and walking to the closest tangerine tree.

The trees were inside a large white fence with a sign of "DO NOT ENTER" at the small gate. Loamy soil covered the floor where the trees' roots were hidden and some rocks were placed randomly in the small garden, probably for decoration.

Law blinked and squinted his eyes. He saw something move from inside one of the trees near the gardener. "A...tail?" He murmured to himself as the strange thing wriggled around.

"Hey, lady, what's that?" He called loudly to the gardener. She was a woman with long black hair and golden earrings. Her height towered over his greatly but he just looked at her with the same blank expression he always wore everyday.

The gardener looked down at the source of the voice and smiled. "What's what?" She asked him, crouching down to meet his eye level.

The tree behind her rustled, making both of them look at it in curiosity. "THAT." Law replies, pointing at the rustling of leaves and frowning.

The woman stood up and walked closer to the strange tree but a long arm grabbed her by the waist and pulled her away just as the mysterious thing leaped out and snapped at the air where she was standing. Law jumped back in surprise, not having expecting that, and landed on his butt.

"Law!!" You cried and ran over to help him up.

A long black snake was hissing at Luffy, who grabbed the gardener out of the way before the reptile could sink its fangs into her skin. It wasn't pleased about having disrupted of its meal. You stared at it and frowned, "Bad snake!"

Luffy looked to you and nodded. "You tell it, (Name)!" He cheered, unaware of the furiously blushing woman in his arms. Her lips were curled into a smile and her eyes were in the shape of hearts.

Ace and Sabo sped over to carefully remove the snake from the area while Law and you just blinked confusedly at the squealing black haired woman. She placed both hands on her cheeks to keep the redness from showing, although pointless as the color spreaded throughout her face.

"Luffy-kun~" she cooed and wrapped her arms around his neck into a hug. "You saved me!"

You and Law looked at each other, then at Luffy, who looked about ready to make a run for it.

"Straw Hat-ya, who is this woman?" Law asked with a glare.

"Ummm... (Name), Tra-Guy, this is Boa Hancock. She's the owner of the mall." He replied awkwardly as Hancock hugged him closer to her chest.

"Not to mention, the president of the Luffy fan club." Ace chuckled as he walked over to you and Law with a smirk.

Fan club? Your dad has his own fan club?!

"So c-cool!" You exclaimed, sparkles in your eyes as you awed at them with interest.

Ace laughed at Luffy's shocked expression and Sabo shook his head, a grin plastered on his face. "She ships them.." They both said.

Law scowled at you, "We already have three idiots as our foster fathers! Don't add another to this crazy family!"

"Awww, but Law-kun!" You pouted at the killjoy and he flicked your forehead. "OWW!!"

"No means no!" He scolded.

Hancock smiled down at you and crouched to your level, Luffy trapped in between her large breasts and struggling for air. "Would you like to join the club, little one~?" She asks.

Ace and Sabo stopped laughing and blinked at you as you smiled back at her. Without hesitation and a second thought, you replied, "YES!!!"

Hancock giggled and grabbed you, hugging your body to her chest and squishing you next to Luffy.

As for Luffy... Well... He passed out.

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