Facing the Giant

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You stretched up your arms and reached up to the window above you.

You stood on Luffy's shoulders. Luffy stood on Sabo's shoulders. Ace kept hold of Sabo's legs to keep everyone from falling down.

"Why the hell am I at the bottom?!" Ace hissed annoyed.

"Because you're the eldest." Luffy replied.


Before Ace could say anymore, Sabo lightly hit the side of his head with his foot. "Keep it down or we'll get caught!" He scolded in a hushed voice.

The four of you were led to a large building surrounded by a high wall. There was a giant gate out front, but the red haired boy had brought them to a different way in.

At nighttime, the side of the building would be shadowed by its towering height. This made it easy for them to sneak in the alleyway just beside it and used Luffy's stretchy powers to bring them to the other side of the wall.

Which then reminded you...

"Hey... Why don't we just let Daddy Luffy stretch us up to the window?"

The three dads remained silent.

The red haired boy snickered, "I've been wondering that myself."


Ace moved to hit the boy on the head, but this caused Sabo to wobble. "Ace, don't move or we'll all-"

All four of you went crashing down to the ground. Well, except you, of course.

"Are you guys okay?" You asked quietly. You were now sitting on top of the pile of fallen brothers.

The boy then walked over to you and held out his hand, which you gratefully took and jumped down from the top of the pile.

A shadow loomed over the two of you. You blinked, glancing at the mortified faces of Ace, Sabo, and Luffy, before turning your head and looking up to see what it was.

A large man stood behind the red haired boy. His grin was as scary as his freakishly tall height.

"Ah, hello there~" He said.

You looked down at the boy then looked back up at the man. "Who are you?" You asked.


"Fufufu?" You repeated. "That's a pretty weird name. Your name kinda sucks." You said all this with a straight face.

"(Name), shut the hell up! What are you doing?!" Sabo half-whispered, half-yelled at you.

The man bent down so he could speak with you face to face. His grin only got creepier the more he neared you.

"(Name), is it?" He chuckled. "I'm Doflamingo. Donquixote Doflamingo. And you-" He grabbed you by the back of your blouse. "Are trespassing in my property."

Not knowing what to do, you froze under his stare from behind his ridiculous white horn-rimmed sunglasses.

"(NAME)!!!" Ace, Sabo, and Luffy yelled, scrambling off each other and running over to grab you out of his hold. But as they were inches away from you, Doflamingo raised his free hand towards them, and they stopped moving.

You turned your head and saw the three of them frozen in place.

"Let her go, Mingo!" Luffy screamed angrily. He struggled to move but he couldn't. This only made him even angrier.

But Doflamingo just laughed lightheartedly. "Relax, Straw Hat, I'm not going to hurt her." He said casually and put you back down on the ground.

You ran over to Luffy and hugged his leg.

"Now," Doflamingo began, slowly releasing the three from his power. "What can I do for you?"

"We came to get Law back." Sabo answered truthfully.

Doflamingo smirked, "Sorry, but, that boy is my property."

"LAW ISN'T YOURS!!!" You screamed, glaring at him with a fire in your eyes. "GIVE HIM BACK! NOW!!"

He just grinned at you. "Fufufu, what a rather demanding child~"

Sabo quickly scooped you up in his arms and covered your mouth to keep you from saying anything more.

"However, I couldn't give him back, even if I wanted to." He continued. "That brat needs to pay for his treachery."

He stared at Luffy and Luffy stared back silently.

After a while, the Straw Hat nodded.

"I understand." He finally said, then turned to the gate. "Sabo, Ace, (Name), let's go."

You gawked at him in disbelief. He was just going to leave Law here?!

"I'm not leaving without-!"

Sabo clamped his hand onto your mouth tighter and shushed you. "We don't want any trouble, (Name)." He whispered and followed after Luffy with Ace behind him.

You growled menacingly at them.

They were going to leave Law here with that weirdo.

They were going to abandon him.

Just like all those other families that took you in.

"Traitors..." You muffled a growl behind Sabo's hand. "I can't trust any one of you..."

Trying: Roles have Switched (Dad!ASL x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now