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○○○○1 Year Later○○○○

I had just finished signing a contract with another supplier for my supermarket when I recalled that having Lisa escort our new business partner was not an option because she was conducting a stock inspection. 

I'm grateful for my business and the expansion I've been able to establish. I have three branches at three different malls and it was not easy but Lisa was there to make it look that way and all I can say is I'm blessed to have her by my side.

As I was walking the supplier out of my office, I saw some of the cashiers whispering and looking at the wine aisle, when I turned, I saw a very interesting-looking man going through our wine collection. He had an athletic body that obviously spent a fair amount of time in the gym, the t-shirt he was wearing and the pair of jeans did nothing to hide him, no wonder my girls were going crazy. His hands were covered with amazing tattoos. His hair was short on the sides, creating a veteran kind of look and he had a grey beard supporting his age, the height was just up there it was a guarantee that if he was close, I would have to stretch my neck to look at him. With all honesty, I had never seen a white old man looking as fit as he did. He turned and his light blue eyes captured mine making me look away fast, returning my attention to my guest. I walked him out of the supermarket and bid him goodbye.

As I was returning to my office, I saw the mysterious man making his payment. His cart was full of steak and pasta and I wondered if it was a list that his wife gave him or if he was just some fancy Chef. 

It felt good to see something interesting every now and then.

I always hear Lisa telling me about the type of men that usually come to the supermarket and I know they usually ogle at them, I just didn't think I would see one too. 

"Ma'am, one of the customers has requested to see you", one of the cashiers said nervously. I'm not surprised I was not friendly to my employees. Only Lisa knew my fun side. I have been that way for a while. "What about?", I asked raising a brow. "He didn't say", she replied, making me nod my head because it was obvious she was not clever enough to ask.

The door was knocked for the second time and this time I stood up and went to open it. I met a buff chest with a T-shirt I had just seen a few minutes ago. When I looked up, it was the light blue eyes from the wine aisle. My eyes were the size of plates and judging by the smile that appeared on his handsome face I was busted. "May I come in?", he said making his heavy bass voice ring in my ears, I swallowed hard. "Miss...", he said making me wake up. "Victoria Boldwin... am so sorry, please come in", I said gesturing to the visitor's sofa.

He walked in and he smelled divine. I followed and stood next to my table. Struggling to arrange things neatly. I was nervous and I had no idea why. "V... do I make you nervous?", he asked. "N-no, I was just not expecting any visitors today", I said with a shaky voice. Totally embarrassing myself. "I understand and I apologise for interrupting your schedule. I just had to see you again", his last sentence made me look at him. 

"Why?", I asked abruptly. He leaned forward, his muscles flexing in a way that made my brain decline to function for a few seconds. "Well my dear, I think you already know why and I wanted to tell you in person that the feeling is mutual. I'm not a man that wastes time when I see something that I want, so here I am", he said moving his head to the side and analysing me. I felt self-conscious that I started looking at what I was wearing.

My reaction made a deep chuckle ring in the air. "You look beautiful. There's nothing wrong with your clothes kitten", he said standing up. "You seem like a professional woman so I believe it's only fair that we exchange business cards, don't you agree?", he said taking his wallet out and giving me his platinum business card. It was so fancy and I had never seen one like it before. Ambrose Beaufort. I gave him mine and he smiled. "I will keep in touch V. It was nice meeting you today", he said then walked out of my office.

"What do you mean you don't want to answer?", Lisa asked making me even more nervous. The phone was ringing and she was telling me to answer it. Although it was an unknown number I knew who it was and it scared the crap out of me. "Am scared", I told her but she didn't care and then answered my phone putting it on loudspeaker.

"V... I thought you wouldn't answer. Busy day?", he asked and for some reason, his voice sounded like a lullaby. I was smacked on the shoulder. "W-why would you think that?", I answered nervously making Lisa look at me with a 'are you serious' face. "Just a hunch. I guess I was wrong. You didn't answer my question though", he said slowly, almost like he wanted me to lose my mind.

I swallowed hard trying to remember his question, then I did. "Yes, it was. W-what about you?", I asked making Lisa do a happy dance. I rolled my eyes at her. He released a breath. "Good... Now that I've heard your voice it all seems... worth it", he said then I heard the sound of pans moving. "Cooking?", I asked biting my lip hoping that I was not being too nosy. Lisa left the room slowly, feeling proud of herself for obvious reasons. "Yes", he said shortly. "Let me guess, pasta?", my answer made him chuckle.

"Isn't it against supermarket policy to spy on your customer's shopping list", he said playfully. "Not when you own it", i replied making him laugh. Oh, that laugh. It was music to my ears. "I guess so... Yes I'm making pasta and I wish you were here to join me for dinner", he said with a deeper voice leaving me speechless.

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