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Ambrose's POV

"How is she man?", Frank asked as we finished the meeting. It's been six months and Victoria has officially buried herself in work. Although she has expanded to five branches and deserves to be celebrated, I know she's hurting. She hasn't been the same since the accident. "She is still closed off. I don't know what to do man. I miss my bubbly woman you know? Now it's like we're just existing", I said hoping Frank would get it.

"Why don't you take her to the farmhouse. Didn't you say she wanted to go there?", he suggested and I was suddenly determined to bring my old Victoria back. "You're right", i said then rushed out of the restaurant.

JC took me to her HQ where I found her inspecting their wine collection. She looked amazing in her uniform, one would think she was one of the attendants. "This looks familiar", i teased making her turn and smile at me. "Hey, handsome. What are you doing here?", she said just in time for Lisa to walk by. "Hey Ambrose, how are you?", she asked while giving me a hug. "All good, just came to see my woman", I said wiggling my brows at Victoria. She laughed making me smile. She rarely laughs anymore.

"For how long?", she asked looking at me suspiciously. "Just one week. Think about it. Every time we travel, we always have everyone. I want this to be our spot. I don't want to share you or the farmhouse with anyone. Come on Kitten. We need a break don't you think?", I suggested and by the looks of it, I was winning the argument. "Ok, baby. Let's do it. Besides I get to see you shirtless on the farm What more can I ask for", she teased then we started packing, when we were done.

I prepared a bath and washed the both of us. I tried my best not to do anything sexual because the last time I did, it didn't end well.

We haven't had sex in six months. I'm sexually frustrated but there is no way I'm going to make her tend to my needs before she is fully healed. "Thank you Ambrose"  she said as I was drying her body. "For what Kitten?", I asked turning her so that I could meet her eyes. "Everything", she said with a weak smile making me kiss her temple. "I'm here for you V. I'm not going anywhere", i assured her as we went to bed.

"This place is amazing!", she said with so much excitement that made me wish I brought her earlier. She ran all over the house looking everywhere as I put our bags in our room. When I returned I found her eating ice cream in the kitchen. "Want some?", she said giving me an extra spoon so I took it and we went on eating silently. "This place is just out of this planet", she said licking ice cream slowly. Her eyes still inspecting the surroundings. "I'm glad you like it because tomorrow we're going to the fields. We will go meet the horses and cattle", I said watching her excitement skyrocket. "I can touch them?", she asked making me chuckle. "Yes kitten", i assured her as we went to sleep. We already ate on the plane so there was no need for extra dinner.

Our sleeping arrangement had changed too, she was sleeping far away from me like she was afraid I would burn her but tonight she snuggled into me and fell asleep while playing with my beard. I made a note to thank Frank for the idea.

I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing. I rushed to pick it up while leaving the bedroom so that I wouldn't wake Victoria up. I answered it without looking at the caller ID. "Hi, Ambrose. How are you?", Freja asked making me release a breath in frustration. "Ambrose, I didn't call to argue I just overheard the girls talking and I wanted to see if you're okay. Losing a child can be tough. I wouldn't wish it on anyone", she sounded honest for the first time in ages.

I swallowed hard. No one had asked me how I felt, it was all about Victoria so it felt nice that someone thought of comforting me, even if it was Freja. "I'm doing ok. Thank you for asking", I replied while sitting on the sofa. "Ambrose, I'm here for you. You can talk to me. I know that you think you need to be strong for her and I get that but don't forget that you're human too. We all need a shoulder to cry on sometimes", she said lovingly.

The last time I heard her talk this way was when Gaby was born. "I know. It's just that I was so excited Freja. I was going to have a baby with the love of my life and it all disappeared in a blink of an eye. Now I'm left with what-ifs. What if I hadn't traveled that day? Frank could have handled the meeting without me. I just... it hurts that I never got to see the little one", I said finally feeling lighter. "I know Ambrose. You could always try again you know", she said surprising me. "I know. Thank you Freja", I said then hung up.

"I'm sorry", I was brought back to reality when Victoria's trembling voice said from the living room entrance. "Hey, did I wake you?", I said walking towards her. "No. I just woke up to get some water. I'm sorry that I was selfish enough to forget that I wasn't the only one who lost the baby. You did too. Please forgive me baby", she said putting my face between her soft hands. I closed my eyes enjoying the warmth of her skin on mine. "It's ok Kitten. Just know that I love you and I would do anything for you", I said making her smile while pulling away from me. "Me too", she said then started removing her pajamas slowly.

"Kitten... you don't have to do this if you're not ready", I said but instead of answering me, she smiled. I swallowed hard as she exposed her bouncy breasts and then her pussy. She walked backward until she was on the couch. She spread her legs making me lick my lips, suddenly feeling thirsty. "What are you waiting for Mr. Beaufort?", she said seductively making me lose my mind.

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