Double Date

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Ambrose POV

"Sir, you have a visitor", my secretary told me making me furrow my brows. I checked my calendar and I had no meetings. "Who is it?", I asked with a voice she knows too well. I hated being interrupted considering I hadn't been able to take a break for weeks or meet Victoria since I got back.

I tried chatting with her but I stopped answering at some point, It was too distracting and I couldn't tell her that. I decided to ghost her until I was done.

I have four businesses, an international bank, a fast food company, a vineyard, and an agricultural company. I have to review and approve their budgets before the new financial year begins and it has taken almost two weeks to finish them all.

"She... she said she's your wife Sir", Diane said nervously. I smiled knowing that my girl ran out of patience and decided to take matters into her own hands.

"Of course, she is... send her in" " I said with excitement that disappeared the moment Freja walked into my office looking around like she owned the place. "Diane call security. Have them wait by the door", I said going back behind my desk while showing Freja the visitor chairs. She smiled.

To be honest. She looked the same as she did ten years ago. Still beautiful on the outside. Dressed in the most expensive clothes money can buy, she smelled heavenly as usual. She walked to the chairs seductively and sat on one of them, crossing her legs which exposed her thighs.

"Hello, Ambrose. You look... different", she said checking me out. I rolled my eyes. "Freja. What can I do for you?", I asked trying to arrange my files. "I wanted to see you... You know, catch up. No need to call your goons on me, I come in peace. We have four kids together, there is no reason for us not to be friends", she said making me look at her. "That's bullshit. You want something and I would appreciate it if you stop wasting my time", I said standing up. I realised that my sleeves were rolled up exposing my tattoos and muscles. I took my coat and put it on. I caught her checking me out... again.

I don't blame her. We got divorced before I decided to focus on myself. Transforming my way of life physically and mentally. I didn't have tattoos either. I know I look ten times better, with the added muscles. I have been told that I look attractive by a fair share of women who threw themselves at me proving my point. But none of them interested me the way Victoria did. There was nothing that Freja could do to change my mind because I had nothing left to offer her. My heart already belongs to Victoria.

"Well, I just wanted to invite you to dinner for old-time sake so we can catch up", she said with a smile. "Sure, can we make it a double date?", I asked shocking her. "What do you mean?", she asked looking confused. "Since you talked about being friends and catching up, I would like my girlfriend to meet the mother of my children and I also think it's time for me and Benjamin to put the past behind us, don't you agree?", I asked with a smirk.

"Uh, sure. Is 8 pm ok with you?", she asked nervously. I removed my coat folded my hands on my chest making sure my abs were visible then answered. "Sure, meet you at Grey Fountain", it was the most expensive restaurant in the city and getting a reservation there was impossible unless you knew someone.

"Getting reservations there is impossible Ambrose", she said while standing up. She bends to pick up her purse flashing her ass at me. It made me smile. She was going to be shocked when she sees Victoria's ass. Maybe that's what she needed to see to stop her flirting attempts. "Don't worry I'll handle the reservations", i said opening the door for her.

"Team, she's not allowed in my offices unless I give a go-ahead. Are we clear?", I told the security team the moment Freja disappeared in the elevator. "Crystal Mr. Beaufort", they said then walked away. "Sir you have a call from Miss Victoria", Diane said in an exciting way making me raise a brow.

"V... how are you?", "Am ok, just missing you", "Good. Be ready at 7 pm, I'm coming to pick you up", "Oh... ok. May I know where we're going?", "We're going on a double date with the mother of my kids and my ex-best friend", I said waiting for her reply. "Waoh! Waoh! That's a lot but okay. Are you sure about this?", she asked in a sweet voice. "Never been so sure my whole life", i said then hung up.

"Sir, can we give clearance to Miss Victoria?", Diane asked with a huge smile. "Why?", I asked not knowing where the conversation was heading. "I mean... she's your girlfriend so it's reasonable to get her clearance when she wants to visit you, like last time", she explained. "Sure. Make it happen then give her a pass to JC", I instructed then went to my office to finish my reviews.

We're at the restaurant and they are late. But I didn't care, Victoria was telling me about her new supplier and how punctual he was in restocking. It was fascinating, being the one to listen rather than talk. She was so passionate about her work and it made me smile. "What? You're not even listening to me", she whined making me laugh. "I am, I promise. You just look so pretty that's all", I said looking at her exposed thighs. She smacked me playfully making me laugh.

"We're so sorry we're late. Hi, I'm Freja and this is my husband Benjamin", Freja said looking at Victoria, she looked surprised. Yap, she just got a reality check. "Nice to meet you guys too", she replied matching her cheerfulness. Freja sat in front of me and Benjamin in front of Victoria.

"Did you guys order? I'm starving", she said suddenly making me roll my eyes. A hand reached my thigh, it was Victoria's. I leaned in to listen to her. "Be nice... please", she said the kissed my earlobe. I nodded and then continued going through the menu. I noticed Freja looking at me. Every time she did I kissed Victoria or played with her hair, making my girl giggle. It was time to have some fun.

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