The Accident

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I've been vomiting since morning and I have no idea what's wrong with me. Ambrose was worried so he took me to the hospital. He has been quiet ever since we arrived and I'm scared of asking him. I have been taking pills but according to the doctor, they aren't always effective.

Ambrose is a very calculative man. He likes to do things after properly thinking them through. And here I am possibly pregnant and I have no idea how to make him tell me what's on his mind. It's very nerve-racking. "Miss Boldwin", the nurse called me to the doctor's office. I turned to Ambrose and he nodded then stood up and followed me.

"Please have a seat. Is this your father?", the doctor asked and it took me off track a bit, I released a breath and then stated the obvious. "No, he's my boyfriend. Are we pregnant?", I asked seeing that I didn't have any patience left in me. "Oh... I see. Well then. Congratulations you're three weeks pregnant", The moment he finished the sentence we heard the door slam shut and Ambrose was gone. I gave the doctor a fake smile and then left. I found JC waiting for me with no Ambrose. "He went for a walk. Let me take you home", he said before I asked anything. I got in the car and he drove me home.

I started crying the moment I got in our room. We were careful I was sure of it. I blamed myself for the times we didn't use condoms, and the times I didn't check my calendar to see if it was safe to have sex. I shouldn't have relied on the pills as much as I did. What have I done? The man couldn't even commit to marrying me and here I was having babies for him.

Was having a child with the man I love with every bone in my body that bad? I looked around and the fact that he wasn't there to comfort me, it made me cry harder. Then I heard the door open. I turned away making sure he wouldn't see that I was crying.

"Kitten, I'm sorry I just needed some time to think", he said turning me to face him but I refused. "Come on kitten, I was just shocked and I didn't want to say the wrong thing. I'm sorry", he said in a sweet voice making me turn to face him. He wiped my tears away. But more replaced them. "I'm sorry kitten. I love you and I'm not going anywhere", he said and pulled me to his lap so I was straddling him. I hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry, I was careful, I don't know how this happened please believe me", he pulled back meeting my eyes. "I'm not mad at you Victoria. We're adults and we have been having a lot of amazing sex, it was bound to happen at some point right? Do you think it was the 69 that did it or the reverse cowgirl?", he joked making me laugh in the middle of my crying. "There you go. That's the sound I was looking for", he said kissing my lips. I wanted to pull back but he held me in place. I kissed him back and before I knew it was riding him to oblivion.

○○○○A few weeks Later○○○○

I was meeting the girls at Cade's club despite Ambrose telling me not to. I was pregnant, not contagious. He wanted me to stay at the house all the time. I barely visited the supermarkets ever since we found out I was pregnant. He made Lisa bring all the contracts home and we did virtual meetings for new suppliers. It was cute at first but then I just couldn't take it anymore.

He went to the next town for business and was returning on the same day but at 3 a.m. so I decided to use it as a chance to hang out this Simone, Camila, and Lisa. "It's been a while. I don't like this. I miss seeing you every day", Lisa whined making me smile. "Tequilla my ladies", Cade said. I smiled and passed my glass to Lisa. Her eyes went wide with shock. "No way!!", Simone shouted then started doing a happy dance. "No wonder Dad had been locking you up. How long?", she asked with excitement. "Two months", i said making them shout again. "In that case juice for you", Cade said hugging me from the side. "Congrats V", Cade said handing me some mango juice. We made a toast and then went dancing.

"This is the best night ever", Camila said hugging us then entered her Uber. "Simone come on, we'll drop you home", i said as I walked to the car where JC was waiting for us. We were driving out of the club's parking when a car crashed into my side out of nowhere making everything go dark.

"She's still breathing, call your father", "Dad? Oh thank god please come to the Grand Hospital. There's been an accident... please hurry", I heard voices then I felt my body move then I back to the quiet place.

"Come back to me, Kitten. I can't lose you", I heard a voice telling me and I followed it. I opened my eyes and saw the light blue eyes that I've come to love so much looking back at me with so much pain. "Ambrose", i called his name and a tear dropped from his eye. I've never seen him cry not even once. "I'm sorry I went out. I needed to see the girls. I didn't drink so the baby's fine", I assured him before he could scold me but it made another tear fall from his eye.

"I'm sorry Kitten but the accident... the baby is... I'm sorry", he couldn't finish the sentence but I knew exactly what he was saying. I lost the baby. It was my fault. I didn't listen. "It's my fault. I killed our baby. Oh god", I whispered and I was suddenly pulled to Ambrose's chest. "Don't say that Victoria. It's not your fault my love, don't do that to yourself", Ambrose said but his words were hitting deaf ears. I did this.

"Oh thank god, you're awake", I heard Simone's voice I pulled back from Ambrose's embrace. I turned to Simone with my eyes watering. "I killed our baby", i said making her rush to me and hug me. She kept telling me it wasn't my fault but there was no way I was going to forgive myself.

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