Real Love

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Ambrose's POV

I had to travel without telling Victoria. It was a last-minute thing and we had a very small window of closing the deal. Frank and I have been pursuing the client for years and we finally got the contract but the man had 48 hours in his HQ before going on holiday. If we missed it, we had to wait for two months and I am not a patient man.

"Hey man, am sorry about the last-minute thing. If there was another option, I would have taken it", Frank apologized during the flight. "Oh please we live for this. I don't mind", I said knowing where the conversation was going to go. "You know Victoria will kill me for this. I need you to have my back", he said making me smile. She was a straightforward person especially if I bailed on her last minute. Frank once asked me to go to a meeting with him on our date night once and all hell broke loose. "And I will put flowers on your grave and make sure I say good things about you", I said making him laugh.

"I can't believe that bastard wanted to take our deal just to prove a point. Is he insane?", Frank complained. "Benjamin's just a pond. I know that Freja put him up to it. It's like she can't move on. She always finds a way to make things hard for me", I explained and it's like something clicked in his mind. "It all makes sense now. Meghan told me she saw Freja at one of the charity events being all cozy with the governor's wife. Do you think she would really do that?", he asked making me laugh.

He had no idea what Freja was capable of. I was married to her. I know. "Yes she would", I said sipping my whiskey. "When was the last time you saw each other?", he asked and the day flashed before my eyes with the same pain. The day that she told me, I would never be able to provide for her. That my fast food company was nothing but peanut compared to Benjamin's fortune. She had no idea I owned a bank and that I chose to tell her about the fast food so that I could see if she had changed. "Ten years ago, I think. I don't really remember to be honest", I said pouring more whiskey.

We reached our destination an hour later. The client was waiting for us. When our lawyers reached an agreement, we signed the contracts and he left. We were exhausted so we told the pilots to find a flight schedule for the following day as we looked for a hotel. I found a couple of voicemails and messages and went for the awkward one which was from JC. He never reached out to me unless it was absolutely necessary.

"JC, what happened?", I asked. I assigned him to Victoria so it made me uncomfortable thinking that something was wrong. "He's still pursuing her. He went to her workplace and pushed her into his car after they argued. She is fine though. I bought her some painkillers. I just think this is getting out of hand boss. I recommend that you step in", he said and I felt my insides boil with anger.

"Have you spoken to Raph?", I asked knowing that he was the reliable son. "Not yet. It hasn't reached that level but I will inform him either way", he said then hung up. I decided to call my girl after finally calming down and reaching the right head space. "Hello", she answered in a sleepy voice. "Hi Kitten", i said calmly. "Ambrose. Where have you been? I've been calling you the whole day. Are you alright?", she sounded worried.

"I'm fine Kitten. I had to travel for work but I'll be back tomorrow morning. What did you want to tell me?", I asked. "Ambrose, it's Allen. He brought me flowers at work and when I rejected them, he came to the supermarket. It's like he's losing his mind. I'm scared", she said making me wish I was next to her. "V... don't be scared JC won't let anything happen to you. When I get back we'll talk about what we should do next ok? In the meantime I want you to relax. Can you do that for me V?", I said seductively. "Yes. I wish you were here baby. I hate this distance", she said and I imagined her pouting.

"If it makes you feel better, Frank is the one who made us leave abruptly", I said making her laugh. "How scared is he on a scale of one to ten?", she asked playfully making me smile. "Oh definitely twelve", I said with a laugh. "Good", she said and yawned. "Goodnight Kitten", "Goodnight Ambrose. I love you", she said then hung up.

"Do you really think Freja has a hand on this too?", Frank asked. "I don't know", I said trying to understand why Allen did what he did but I just hit a brick wall every time. I thought of how to fix this before it went out of hand but ended up with only one option. I had to talk to my son in person.

I told Frank's driver to drop me off at Allen's office the moment we landed then called my driver and told him where I was.

His secretary was a dear. She took me to his office the moment I introduced myself.

"Dad... what a nice surprise", Allen said nervously when we walked into him getting a blow job from some model. "Son. Can we talk... in private?", I asked looking at a half-naked woman who was wiping her mouth with a smile. "Yes of course", he told the woman to leave.

"Am sorry about that. What can I help you with?", he said adjusting his suit. "You have lipstick on your chin", I pointed out with furrowed brows. He took a tissue and then cleaned himself. "Allen, I've been hearing unpleasant things about you from Victoria's bodyguard. If I understand correctly, she made a choice so why are we still having this conversation?", I asked calmly. "She's mine Dad. She belongs to me because I saw her first. She's just confused that's all", he said confidently.

"I'm not here to argue with you. I'm here to warn you. Leave Victoria alone or you won't like how this will end", I said then stood up leaving him in shock.

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