Trusting Her

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Ambrose's POV

I woke up to Victoria sucking my nipples. Her cold tongue made me close my eyes and enjoy the feeling. She moved to my biceps kissing my tattoos, something that I found out she loved to do. I opened my eyes and watched as she started from my wrist to shoulder. There was something about the way she did it that created an exotic feeling making my cock come alive before she reached the other hand. It was hot as fuck.

When she said she wanted to talk to me, I thought she was going to ask me to marry her and that would have been the wrong thing to say. Not that I didn't want to marry her but I was not anywhere near being ready for marriage. I'm still afraid of making the same mistake. Freja was amazing at first too but look where that got me. I was pulled back to reality when her lips kissed the crown of my cock.

"Fuck Kitten!", I said then smacked her ass cheek which was in the air and right next to my waist. She was kneeling right beside me, her back at my disposal and when I stretched my hand it reached her needy pussy making me smile. I waited until she increased the pace when sucking my cock and started rubbing her sensitive bud. It made her pull back and release a breath. "Don't stop Kitten. Eat my cock", I commanded and she did as told. Good girl.

The fact that I could make her do whatever I wanted behind closed doors made me feel powerful and I love having power. She released her cum on my finger making me smile as her knees went weak, she held onto my hand as she sucked me until I released myself in her narrow, beautiful throat. When she was able to move, she came to me and put her leg on my waist, her head falling on my chest. I kissed her head then fell asleep.

I woke up before her and went to her tiny kitchen. I took out waffle ingredients and started making breakfast. I thought about what she just agreed to and it felt surreal. When most women asked for a commitment they usually went for marriage or pregnancy but with her, she wanted to live with me. See me every day. Wake up and go to sleep with me. She wanted to be close to me and that was odd. The fact that Freja was still around us bugged me too. I know she didn't just land at Victoria's supermarket by accident. She must have been looking for something and that worried me.

Tiny hands circled my waist from behind as I was pouring coffee making me smile. I turned to meet a sleepy Victoria with her curly hair all over the place. "Good morning Kitten", "Good morning Baby... this fruit salad looks amazing", she said sitting on the kitchen counter. She was wearing my shirt and it looked so sexy on her. Sometimes I don't think she knows how sexy she is, which is ridiculous. I have seen a lot of confident women and most of them are not half as beautiful as Victoria is and yet she doesn't brag about it.

"You look sexy in that shirt", I complimented and she smirked. "Thank you my Ambrose", she said seductively, her eyes not leaving my abs. "I like the sound of that", i said standing between her legs. I massaged my lips with hers until her stomach growled. She whined, making me chuckle. "Let's get some food in you", I said making a plate for her.

"You know if I'm ever told to say what I love about you it will be the cooking right?", she said sipping her coffee. "Oh really? That's the only thing?", I teased making her laugh. "Ok, you're right. I will throw in your body too", she said making me smirk. "Fine then, let's make it about the body and cooking only for a month and see how that works out for you", I said standing up to wash the plates. Her eyes went wide with shock, when she caught up on what I meant.

"Ambrose, baby... let's not make hasty decisions, you know I was just joking right? I joke a lot when I'm hungry", she said with puppy dog eyes. She looked adorable. "I'm definitely not. I just think that you deserve the best and if that means prioritizing the things you love about me let's do it", I said shrugging my shoulders. She rushed to stand next to the sink to see me properly. "I was kidding", she said looking worried. "I know", i said with a laugh making her smack my hand playfully.

○○○○Two Months Later○○○○

Victoria has finally found a house that we both liked. It was a blend of historic and contemporary architecture with over 740m² floor plan. What sold me was the amenities, a private gym, and a swimming pool by the back. For Victoria was the garden and the color palette of black, grey, and white. The place was magical and it had enough space to put my toys, so perfect. She wanted to see the price but I showed her when it was too late. She almost lost it but the deal was already done. I'm on my way to see how she has decorated the place, she decided to lock me out of the furniture shopping because I bought the house. It made me proud that she thought of contributing although I would never admit it to her. I want to be the only provider.

I walked in and found her with Simone and another woman who looked just like her but older. "Ladies", i said removing my sunglasses. "Baby!", she said happily pulling me in a hug. "Come... I want you to meet my sister Camila. Camila this is Ambrose", she said then I offered my hand to her sister. "Pleasure meeting you", I said shortly. "Same here", she said then gave room for me to hug Simone. We let Simone and Camila continue with their chat as Victoria gave me the tour of the house. When I bought it, it looked good but her touch made it feel like a home. I finally saw myself starting a family with her in this house. "So what do you think?", she said nervously. "I love it. You've done an amazing job here, Kitten. When are we moving in?", I said and her face lit up making me smile even more.

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