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"She's here to see the boss", JC told the girl who looked at me and smiled. "You look even better in person. He is with Frank you can go in", she said with a giggle. I wondered what she meant by her first sentence. JC knocked then we walked in to find him with another guy. They were looking at papers that were scattered on a project table. He had Cartier glasses on that took him to a whole new sexy nerd level that almost made me forget that I was mad at him.

"Who might you be?", the man next to him said with a smirk. He was the same age as Ambrose, with blonde hair and a moustache that made him look way younger. I wondered if they were drinking from the fountain of youth because I keep meeting men that are just too good to be true.

"Frank, this is Victoria... my girlfriend", he said slowly and Frank's jaw hit the floor. "You have a girlfriend? JC is this true?", JC answered with a simple YES. "Waoh... you look...", he said but the hum from Ambrose made him close his mouth. It made me smile. I had no idea that there was someone who could make him feel annoyed but here he was.

"Well, my darling. My name is Frank Craft, me and Ambrose go way back. It's a huge pleasure meeting you. You're very beautiful and sexy", he said the last part with a wink then walked out of the room. "JC, please excuse us", Ambrose said while removing the glass.

"What can I do for you V?", he asked looking at me intensely. "Why aren't answering my call or texts", I asked furrowing my brows. "You know I have a business to run. Unlike you, mine needs concentration" he said pouring whiskey for himself which he drank in one go. "What did I ask from you when I agreed to be yours Ambrose?", I asked. "My time. And you have it, every Friday for dinner", he answered putting his glasses back on and focusing on the papers he was working on with Frank.

"Oh... ok then. My apologies for ruining your concentration", I said then started walking away. "Fuck! V... don't go", he said making me stop by the door but I didn't turn around. He came and stood right behind me. "I'm sorry. I'm just jealous. I mean... he is young and he knows you... I guess seeing him at a place like that meant that he could afford to ravish you with things that I can so what's to stop him from stealing you away from me huh?", he said while his fingers caressed my arm.

"So you don't trust me or you don't believe me? Cause am struggling to understand you right now. I told you, he was just a friend and you're still thinking that he can take me away from you. Why don't you trust me Ambrose?", I asked and I felt tears come out of my eyes and I didn't even bother stopping them. He turned me to face him. I looked down, I didn't want him to see me this way. Weak.

He lifted my face the wiped my tears away. "I trust you kitten. I'm sorry. I'm not exactly young so it's kind of scary. Having a woman like you is like winning the lottery. I still think am dreaming sometimes", he said kissing the top of my head. "Can we start over?", he asked making me nod.

It was an innocent kiss but it landed me on his office table with my pussy on his face and my fingers in his hair. His beard kept tickling my thighs every time he kissed and licked and sucked. I felt my walls crumbling as I reached my high. He took a tissue from his drawer and then wiped his beard. As he watched me stare at him.

He took my panties and put them back on then lifted me. He kissed me passionately. "Is steak and fries ok?", he asked and all I could do was nod. He took his phone and called his secretary telling her to bring us lunch with wine then went to unlock the door and open the windows. "Are you ok?", he asked looking at me with concern. "Yes" I said while sitting on the sofa.

The food came half an hour later and it was delicious. I ate his salad and he took some of my fries. It was nice having lunch with him. When we were done I left. Returning to the supermarket with enough energy to power up a village.

"I know that look", Lisa said as I finished signing the new contracts that she brought to me. "What look?", I asked not knowing where the conversation was going. "The make-up sex look", she said making me look at her like she was crazy. "Honey I know you more than you know yourself so before you deny it just tell me that he is over the jealousy stuff", she said waiting impatiently. "Yes, we are over it, and am hoping we won't have to talk about it again", I said with a huge smile. "I know it won't. That smile just proved it", she said while wiggling her brows, making me chase her out of my office.

It is my day off and I decided to clean my apartment. Ambrose was out of town for business and he will be back in two weeks, which sucks but it's work so no complaints.

I was getting ready to have dinner when someone knocked. I looked at the watch on my phone and it was like 10 pm, I tried to recall if I was expecting anyone but nothing came to mind so I went to open it.

"Hi Vicky", Allen said with a huge smile on his face. "Hi, Allen. What do you want?", I asked and he chuckled. "I just want to talk. Can I come in?", he said calmly. "Am sorry but no. My boyfriend doesn't like it when I have male visitors over", I said confidently. "Your boyfriend?", he asked sounding surprised. "Yes, Allen. I have a boyfriend and he is the jealous type so can you say what you want to say and leave?", I said feeling a bit angry now. "Look, I miss you and I just wanted to tell you that I will never give up on us", he said sounding determined then left.

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