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Mum and Dad have been calling for a whole week but I've been ignoring them. I still can't believe that they could trust Allen that easily. I get that they were close when we were dating but they were not there when he hurt me and lied to me. I gave him so many chances to change but he still managed to screw me over and I was not going to let that slide.

"JC please take me to Allen's office", i said and I saw his questioning look. "Please. You can come inside with me. I have to talk to him. I wouldn't go if it wasn't important", he nodded and then started driving.

"Hello. My name is Victoria Boldwin and am here to see Mr. Griffin", I said and before she could talk JC showed her his ID. Her eyes went wide with shock then she allowed us to pass. "What was that?", I asked JC who remained silent. I decided to harass him about it later. We reached Allen's floor and the same receptionist that he claimed to have fired after I found them fucking in his office was there. Another lie to add to his list. She looked shocked to see me.

"Hello, Sandra. You're still here, what a surprise", I said with a fake smile. She swallowed hard and didn't answer. I walked into Allen's office without knocking the sight was very familiar. "Oh Janet, still giving blow jobs and yet there is no billboard with your face on to date. Must be exhausting", I said sitting on the sofa as they struggled to cover themselves. "Fuck! How did you get in here without me knowing", Allen said pretending to be all serious but I lived with the man for two years and I knew he wanted the ground to swallow him.

"Through the door", I answered shortly. "Vicky... i... i...", Janet tried to talk, shame all over her face. "It's ok Janet. You can have him. I really don't mind", I said making Allen angrier. "Janet, get the fuck out!", he shouted making her run out of his office.

"You know I had a whole speech prepared for you but after seeing that. I don't think it's worth it anymore", I said trying hard not to think of the past. "Victoria, she doesn't mean anything to me I swear to you. She came on to me. You know how manipulative she can be. She wants me to help her get her modeling career. Babe that's all", he pleaded. "Did you ever love me, Allen... Did you ever have actual feelings for me?", I asked feeling my eyes water.

"Of course I loved you... I still do Victoria", he said trying to come near me but JC stopped him. "Is this what you call love Allen? Do you still need me to give you a reason for choosing Ambrose over you? If you love someone you don't cheat on them and you most certainly don't go behind their backs and to their parents and lie to them too just to cover your ass. How could you? How could you bring my parents into this? Did you tell them that the reason I left was because you cheated on me? Did you tell them that you slept with my best friend?", I asked and he remained silent. So he didn't tell them the whole truth.

"I'm sorry. It was a shitty move but you wouldn't talk to me. What was I supposed to do huh?", he defended himself. "Leave me the fuck alone!", I shouted which startled him and JC at the same time. "Let me be! Let me enjoy my happiness with the man that I love and am sorry that had to be your father. I really am but I love him and I would appreciate it if you and your mother could respect that", I said in the last part with emphasis. When he didn't answer I decided it was time to leave.

When I got home, I took a bath and had a glass of wine. I chatted with Ambrose for a bit then went to bed.

I woke up to a knock on my door. It was 10 a.m. and a Sunday so I wondered who it was. I got up not bothering to cover up. I was wearing one of Ambrose's T-shirts and hot pants. "It's us, you can open Vicky. I can hear your tiny feet walking around in there", a voice I knew too well said making me smile.

I opened the door and there they were Vincent, Camila, and Mario. "Oh my god! What are you guys doing here!", I said taking turns hugging them. "Come in", I said leading them into the apartment. "We're here to have breakfast with you", Mario said with his thick Italian accent while Camila kissed my cheek. Vincent placed the takeaway boxes on the kitchen counter and started unboxing the food. A few minutes later, I was face-deep in a bagel sandwich.

"I love you guys but I know this isn't a social visit", i said. "You're right. Mum said we should come and check on you. You've been avoiding them so yeah. Here we are", Vincent said. "Am fine... as you can see", I said giving them a 360 spin. "We know but we're also here to talk about him", Camila said with a smile. "Do you love him and does he treat you right?", Vincent asked. "Yes. I love him, like a lot and yes he treats me like a queen", I said with a huge smile. "That's good enough for me", he said sipping his coffee. I turned to Camila. "Vicky. I knew that the moment I said 'him', so I didn't care if he was a hundred years old. If he makes you smile like that and takes care of you downstairs like a champ it's fine with me and don't worry about Mario he goes where I go, right babe?", she asked making me smile. "Yes babe", he said then kissed her lips.

"So when are we meeting him?", she asked. "Well he is away for work so I guess we could arrange something when he gets back... maybe dinner?" I, I suggested and they all agreed. "Vincent, you need to work on finding a girl man. We can't do double and a half dates", Mario teased my brother who did not seem bothered by it. "My love, he's a munk. You're wasting your time", Camila said making me laugh. I missed having my siblings over. It felt nice.

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