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Ever since we got back from vacation, I've been trying to find out more about Ambrose, but I have been so busy that I didn't get a chance to do any research on him, so I asked Lisa to help me. She's always good at finding these things out.

"I got it. You're ready?", she asked making me shut my laptop in a hurry ready to listen. "Ambrose Griffin Beaufort, a business mogul owning Beaufort Group of Companies known as BGC for short. One of the businesses under its care is an international bank with ten branches across the globe. Spouse Freja, married for over ten years. She owns an event planning company that caters for the Elite. He has four kids. Allen Griffin owner of a microfinance institution. Raphael Beaufort owner of a fast food chain under the BGC empire. Simone owns a boutique and is also an influencer and finally, Gabriella the youngest of the Beauforts works with her mother in the event planning industry. Now what I need to know is, where am I going to get me an Ambrose?", Lisa teased making me giggle.

"Flowers for miss Boldwin", the delivery man said making me smile. He was always on time, every Monday morning. I took the hydrangeas from him and signed on his delivery note while thinking of Ambrose. Before I could reach far with my thoughts Lisa called me again. When I turned, I saw another delivery guy with red roses. "What's this?", I asked Lisa and she was as confused as me.

"Miss Boldwin?", the man asked with a smile. "Yes, that's me. Where are they from?", I asked looking confused. "I don't have the details but there is a note in the flowers that you can read... I think it will have the name of the person who made the order", he suggested and I took the card.

I'm incomplete without you,
Come back to me.
Love A.'

"What the hell!", I shouted startling both Lisa and the delivery guy. I gave Lisa the note and her eyes went wide with shock. "I can't accept this. Please take it back", I said and my answer surprised the delivery guy but he agreed and left. I went to my office and placed my hydrangeas in a jar.

"Is he nuts? It's like he doesn't get it", I told Lisa who just walked into my office. "Didn't you say he was mad at you? Are you going to tell Ambrose?", she asked and all I could see were more problems. "I don't know. It's like he's competing with his Dad. If I tell him I will cause more problems. I don't want them to hate each other even more I mean, they're not talking because of me and I know Allen. He won't stop", I said trying to figure out what to do.

"You know Allen which means you also know how determined he is. Remember when that banker was flirting with you?", Lisa reminded me and I felt even more troubled. "I think you should tell Ambrose", she said as her phone started ringing. "They need me downstairs. I gotta go. Will you be ok?", she asked. "Yeah, I'll be fine", i said taking my phone out of the drawer. I called Ambrose but it went to voicemail.

"Allen, you have to stop this", i said when I found him waiting for me at the supermarket's parking lot. "You know I won't until you take me back right?", he said with a smile that once put me on my knees but now... it was it made me feel nothing.

"Allen. I'm in love with your Dad so please just let it go. Whatever feelings I had for you. They're no longer there. I don't love you anymore, I love your Dad", I knew my words were too straightforward but to my surprise, he just looked at me like I had lost my head and then chuckled. "Vicky, you don't mean that. I know my Dad is richer than I am but let's be real for a second. He is older than you by like what... twenty-plus years? You know how that looks in the public eye right?", he said sarcastically. It didn't surprise me. I've seen the social media channels I know I was being called names by the gossip channels and Ambrose's lawyers had to step in and make them stop but I pretended not to care.

Hearing the words from Allen, kinda hurt me a little. "I know how it looks, Allen. I also know how it looked when I had to stand by and watch my boyfriend of two years walk on the red carpet with different supermodels every day. I know how it feels when one founds out her boyfriend was fucking them after the events then returned home to her and tell her she was his sanctuary. That the world was too crazy and she was the only one keeping him sane. So I'm sorry if I'm too dumb to understand the public's perspective", I said feeling tears run through my cheeks. I wiped them away and started walking to my car when he pulled me by the wrist and tried to kiss me. I slapped him, it made him angry. He pushed me too aggressively, his side mirror hitting my back, It hurt but I didn't want him to know that.

"Fuck! Vicky, am sorry I didn't mean to push you. Are you hurt?", he asked looking worried then started walking closer but someone appeared out of nowhere and blocked him. "Mr. Griffin we're done here", JC said with a glare that could put anyone six feet under in seconds. Allen chuckled sarcastically. "Of course, he gave you a bodyguard. Your pussy must have been very memorable for him to put his personal dog on you", he said with disgust as JC directed me to his car. My back hurt, I couldn't walk properly. I tried to stretch but it was too painful.

"We will pass by the pharmacy for some pain medication", JC said after inspecting me and telling me nothing was broken.

"Thank you. How long have you been following me?", I asked and he smiled. "I was assigned to you after you returned from your vacation", he said while driving, his focus never moving away from the road. "He was never like this... I don't know what happened to him", I said more to myself. "Love can turn people into monsters sometimes. He's just lost Miss Boldwin", JC said.

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