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Frank called me to Ambrose's office so here I was walking to his office. I saw Diane printing some things on the way and I stopped to say hi to her. She was over the moon for some reason. "Frank am here. What's going on?", I asked the moment I walked into the office and there was a table in the middle of the office decorated with candles and a very nice-looking Ambrose. "Hi, baby. How was the trip?", I asked pulling him in for a kiss. "It was amazing but not as amazing as you look right now. He said with a wink making me blush.

"This food is amazing. I can't believe you turned your office into a romantic dinner set", I said while drinking wine. "Well it's a special occasion so it's so worth it", he said making me smile even though I didn't know what we were celebrating.

"Victoria, before I met you I was living a routine life. I had given up on everything remotely related to love. All that I could think about was taking care of my kids and that's it. I was scared of giving my heart to anyone and then I met you. When I laid my eyes on you it was like looking at a goddess. I still can't find words to describe how beautiful you are. I tried to tell myself that I didn't need you. That I could live without you because I was afraid and two minutes later I was in your office.

I was shocked at first because I thought you were one of the attendants. You looked so young. But there was this fire in you that kept pulling me towards you, telling me that you're not just an average girl. You're a woman. I'm happy I listened to my heart because here we are. 

You make me happy every single day and yet you never ask for anything. So I'm choosing to be selfish and ask more from you because the only way I can keep you forever is by making you mine.

Victoria Boldwin, will you marry me?", he asked with a huge smile going down on one knee in the middle of his office.

"Ambrose, oh my god", that was all I could say as I gave him my hand and he placed a 35-carat platinum engagement ring on my finger. "Oh my god. This is too much", I said feeling my heart beating so fast. "You want me to change it?", he teased making me shake my head quickly. It made him chuckle. "I love you", I said kissing the hell out of him and making him smile in the kiss. "I don't deserve you", I said while inspecting the ring. I think I'm dreaming and I don't want to wake up. "Victoria, I'm the one that doesn't deserve you. I love you kitten", he said then kissed me again.

○○○○Few Months Later○○○○

"Gaby, I know you're excited but please take it easy on the makeup", I begged after being told that Gaby was in charge of my makeup for the wedding day.

She loved makeup and I was not about to forget my own face in the wedding photos. "Light makeup... got it... Relax", she said then started doing her thing. Simone brought me the dress and we were ready in four hours. "You look like an angel. Doesn't she baby Thia? Come on look at Mama", Camila said turning Thia in my direction. "Hi princess you look adorable", i said and she smiled.

"You've got to be kidding me, I've tried to make her smile the whole morning and you did it with a sentence that actually made sense?!", Gaby complained making me laugh. "You should see her with Dad oh my god, he barely talks to her and yet she will be laughing like crazy", Simone said making me nod in agreement.

"It's time ladies", Mario said and opened the door for me to exit the hotel. Judging by the way people were looking at me, I believe I looked amazing. We found JC waiting for us in a tux. Looking sharp and so was Raphael.

It was a beach wedding so we found everyone there already. I asked Mario to walk me down the aisle for obvious reasons. The altar was decorated with white and gold patterns I was finally within the eyesight of the love of my life he was in a Brunello Cucinelli suit his hair was neatly combed and his beard in order. He was mouth-watering. When our eyes met I saw that he was also checking me out. The dress Simone got me was more of a body hugger and she made sure it hugged all the right places.

"Do you Ambrose Griffin Beaufort take Victoria Boldwin as your wife until death do you part?", "I do". "Do you Victoria Boldiwn  take Ambrose Griffin Beaufort as your husband until death do you part?", "I do". "I now pronounce you man and wife. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Griffin Beaufort. You may kiss the bride", the priest said all of a sudden I was pulled to Ambrose's lips as he kissed me hungrily until I moaned and the priest cleared his throat. "My apologies", Ambrose said while licking his lips while everyone else laughed.

We were enjoying our first dance when I saw Mum and Dad standing at the entrance of the celebration area. They looked nervous. Ambrose turned when he noticed me staring. "I can't do this. Not today", I told him and he smiled. "Wife, they're your parents, let's hear them out. I'll go with you", he said then kissed my knuckles as we walked towards them. Everyone else was busy dancing and having fun so no one paid attention to us.

"You look very beautiful Victoria", Mum said making my eyes water. "Thanks. Why are you here?", I asked praying that my tears won't drop. "We are here to apologise. We're sorry about what we said and how we handled this whole situation. We see that the two of you love each other and we want to be part of your family.

We heard you have a daughter and it hurts to not be able to see her because we weren't ready to accept the reality of things. Love knows no bounds or age. The truth is, we just want you to be happy and if Ambrose is the one who makes you happy then so be it", Dad said shocking me in the process. He was always the quiet one. I turned to Ambrose and he had a smile on his face the nodded his head. I guess we have the answer.

"We forgive you... Welcome to our wedding", I said leading them to the party. I took Thia who was dancing with Reda and introduced her to my parents. They were in the middle of bonding when she saw Ambrose talking to some of his colleagues and she started crying he turned and smiled as I furrowed my brows. Mum was about to talk when he came and took Thia and like a light switch she was all bubbly and happy again.

"What just happened?", Mum asked. "You don't want to know", my answer made them laugh. As we watched Ambrose resume the conversation with our princess smiling in his arms.

○○○○The End○○○○


As the flames of passion grow ever brighter, they must confront the truth: will their love burn bright and eternal, or will it be extinguished by the shadows that lurk in the corners of their hearts? Prepare to be swept away by a story of fiery romance, soul-stirring emotions, and the undeniable power of The Fire in You.

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