Picking a Side

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Never in a million years would I have pictured myself having sex in my office during work hours and yet here I am.

The sound of the table scratching the floor as Ambrose pumps my pussy so fast that I think am losing my mind. His lips sucking mine in a sloppy way as he tries to swallow my uncontrolled moans. I am holding on to his shirt, I think if am strong enough I can tear it apart. He pulls back and looks into my eyes, I get turned on even more and bite my lower lip making him move impossibly faster.

"Oh yes!", I scream as I reach my high but he hasn't reached his which frustrates me, so I start sucking his neck, earning a moan. "Shit V. Don't stop", he urges me then I bit his neck softly making him cum on the spot. "Fucking shit!", he curses making me smile. "That was so sexy Kitten", he whispers in my ear as we both try to steady our breath. I kiss him one more time before we start getting dressed.

"So when are you coming back?", I asked while helping him with his tie. "On the 5th. I'll update you if there's any changes", he said running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to make himself look presentable.

He has to travel for work. Visiting his farms and facilities. That was a one-month trip and I have no idea how I was going to survive without him. "Hey... I'll be back before you know it. Better yet I will send you pictures of the fields", he said smoothly talking to me. "I would like to go there someday and see the view myself", I suggested. "Oh really? I have a farmhouse there, we can definitely plan and go stay there for a week if you're serious about it", he said making me even more excited. "Yes... yes, I am, let's plan it", I said while jumping. It made him laugh.

"Ok. I have to go. I love you", he said kissing the top of my head. "I love you too. Let me walk you out", I said following behind him. He interlocked our fingers as we were walking towards the exit. Customers were looking at us and some taking pictures, it stopped bothering me a while ago.

The beauty about Ambrose was, that he was mysterious to many so besides gossip channels talking about our pictures, there was nothing more. He had a very precise schedule, if he wasn't home he would be at work or at the casino where no paparazzi were allowed and if he needed a break he would travel to some private hotel or villa where nobody knew who he was. He was so different from his son, I remembered Allen being on every gossip channel. He liked going to events and being the center of attention so paparazzi followed him everywhere.

"Promise you'll behave?" He teased making me smile. "I always behave can you say the same?", I teased back making him laugh. "Kitten, it was a photo shoot for charity, you need to let it go", he said reminding me of a photoshoot he did for a charity event. He had to go pose for a swimsuit collection, shirtless and all. Lisa is still talking about it even though the photos were made public two months ago. "Fine. Have a safe flight. I love you Ambrose", I said and he kissed me. It was a kiss filled with so much love that it made me moan. "You need to go", i whispered making him smile. "Yes I do", he replied, giving me a final peck then got in his Mercedes-Benz G63 and left.

"Victoria Boldwin! May I know why you haven't visited us for months or even bothered calling?", Mum asked with a raised brow. "No offense Mum, but I think Dad has the right to be mad at me more than you do. You're always at the hospital", I said in defense making Dad laugh. "She got you there Kendra", he said while drinking his beer slowly. "Oh shush it, Miguel. You always pick her side. What happened to me being the love of your life?", she whined while hugging me. I was laughing too at this point. "Our bundles of joy happened woman", he said making me smile.

They were still the same. I missed them. "Who is the man in the car? Where did you even get that car?", Mum asked when she noticed JC in a 2019 Lexus LX 570 MBS. "That's my bodyguard and it's not mine. It's my boyfriend's", I said making Dad's face turn into an emotionless one. "So it's true then. That you're dating someone old enough to be your father?", he asked with a serious tone. It shocked me because I never thought that Ambrose's age would be a problem for my parents.

They taught me to love unconditionally, so Dad's question rendered me speechless. "Miguel come on. We talked about this", Mum said sadly. "No, you talked and I listened. Is money and fame that important to you that you had to be with someone like him?", he asked making me swallow hard. He was disappointed in me and it hurt to my core.

"Dad am not with him because of his money", I tried to explain but he decided to drop another bomb on me. "So it's revenge then... I know he is Allen's father. The poor boy came and told us everything. How you judged him for his past even though he promised to change for you. Why would you do this to his family. Why Victoria?", he asked. "And you believed him?", I asked. "Why wouldn't I? He had been with you for two years. He knows you", Dad said.

He was so angry that his fingers were shaking. I turned to Mum. "Do you believe him?", I asked her. "Yes, but sweetie. What your Dad is trying to say is. It's not too late to walk away. Revenge is not the way out Victoria. Be a bigger person and move away from this. Even if you don't patch things up with Allen which I think you should, because that man loves you, do it for his family. He misses his Dad", she said making me feel like a monster for something that was not even real. "Mum, Dad it was nice seeing you. I think am gonna go now", I said picking up my bag and returning to the car.

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