Special Delivery

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I have been getting flowers every Monday from Ambrose. He was delivering breakfast and I has to put an end to it because it was too much then he gave me two choices breakfast every morning or flowers every Monday. I had to go for the latter because there was no way I could say yes to the breakfast.

He liked buying me stuff, expensive stuff. We argued about it and he said that it was his way of expressing his love to him so I told him, I wanted him, not material things. He was sad about it but I made him see reason.

I am successful and happy with the little that I have. I can reward myself whenever I felt like it so there was no need for him to reward me with stuff. Since I said no to him in the beginning, he decided to come up with date nights. So here I am all dolled up waiting for him to take me out to our very first date and something tells me he will pick an expensive restaurant.

"Hey kitten", he said looking at me from head to toe. "Hi Ambrose", i said kissing his cheek. "Ready?", he said with a scratchy tone that meant he was turned on. The stamina in this man still amazes me.

We reached a restaurant that was so beautiful. It was covered with flowers and had amazing lighting. It was bright and the music that was playing in the background was just amazing. "This place is beautiful Ambrose", i said as we walked in. The receptionist directed us to our table. It was on the ocean side and a lot more quiet than the inside. "You look beautiful tonight kitten", he said in a low voice making me smile. "Thank you. You look sexy too", I said with a wink making him smile. He explained the menu to me and then chose the food and drinks for us.

"Tell me about your kids", I said as we ate. "Well, there is not much to tell. My firstborn hates me and I don't blame him. I wasn't much of a father to him, I was busy trying to please his mother with material things that I forgot that I had a child. When I started making money we were on baby number four and man it was a handful. All I can say is, I was struggling and I had to choose my kids over her. So I filed for a divorce and left most of what I owned to my kids", he said looking deep in thought.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I asked. I didn't mean to bring back bad memories", I said hoping that I didn't ruin our date night. "It happened a long time ago. To tell you the truth. I don't care. I know she has fed poison to my kids especially our first born but over the years I managed to reconnect with them. We are not as close as I would want but it's better than no communication at all", he said with a fake smile making me feel bad and wish there was something I could do.

"How is Lisa?", he asked making me laugh. "What?", he asked with amusement. "Nothing. I just remembered something she said that's all", I said laughing a bit more. "Oh now I want to know", he said with a bigger smile. "She was scolding her boyfriend because he has never brought her flowers claiming that he should learn a thing or two... from you", I said looking at my plate. He chuckled. "I like her. I wouldn't blame her though, I'm a very romantic man", he said wiggling his brows at me. So adorable.

"Vicky? Waoh... It's nice seeing you", Clay said as we were waiting for JC to come pick us up. I was surprised to see him, I hugged him and his eyes fell on Ambrose who stood there looking at him like he was about to choke him. Clay smiled nervously. "Clay this is my boyfriend... Ambrose. Ambrose this is my friend Clay", I introduced him. Clay offered his hand but Ambrose just nod his head and then opened the door for me. "Bye Clay. It was so nice to see you", I said then entered the car. Ambrose was quiet until we reached my apartment building.

"Hey, what's wrong?", I asked holding on to his hand. He released a breath. "Who was he?", he asked with a serious voice. "Clay? He is an old friend. Don't tell me you're jealous", I teased but he was not in a laughing mood. "Am serious Ambrose. He is just a friend that I met when I was dating my ex. I haven't seen him in ages nor do I plan on seeing him, can you trust me please", I pleaded with my hand playing with his beard.

"Fine. Let me walk you to your door", he said clearly not in the mood. I tried making him come in and spend the night with me but he refused. Telling me that he had an early meeting. I knew he was still thinking of Clay. "Ambrose come on. Don't be like this. He is just a friend. Can we move past this?", I asked when I called him to wish him a good night. "That's what they all say", he replied then hung up.

I've been trying to call Ambrose for the past week and there was no answer. So I decided to do what any girlfriend would do. Confront him at his place of work. "Welcome to Beaufort group of companies. How may I help you?", the beautiful receptionist welcomed me when I reached the address on the business card he gave me.

"Miss Boldwin?", I turned to see a shocked JC. "Hi JC. I-i... C-can I see him... please", I said nervously making him smile. "Of course. Give her a pass she's with me", he told the receptionist who gave me a card. When we were in the elevator I started trembling. What if I reached his office and he was with someone else. What if he was also fucking his secretary. "Miss Boldwin?", JC called looking concerned. "Yes", i said looking at him. "I said follow me", he said and I followed him across the hallway. "Hi JC", A cheerful bombshell at the reception said. Why did they have to be so gorgeous than I was?

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