Forever His

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I was sitting by the window enjoying the view when Allen barged in my room looking like he hadn't slept in ages. When he saw that I looked worse he was surprised but recovered quickly. "You need to stop this Vicky. Tell them the truth. We can still fix this", he said making me chuckle sarcastically.

"Allen, this isn't a joke. I love him. He is the only man that has shown me the meaning of true love. He doesn't lie to me, he doesn't cheat on me and he is most definitely not ashamed of how I look. Get out of my room. Now!", I shouted at him. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way you pick", he said walking towards me. "Lay a hand on her and I swear to god getting a girlfriend will be the least of your problems", Raphael said from the door making us turn to him. He looked like he just came from riding bicycles from the gear he had on. "Raph stay out of this", Allen warned him. "Allen, you know what I can do... Do you want me to prove it to you?", he warned, his voice sounding dangerously low. Allen gave me a death glare and then walked out of the room.

I released a breath that I didn't know I was holding. "You ok?", Raphael asked with concern. "Y-y-yes. T-thank you", I said finally sitting on the bed. "Don't worry. He won't bother you again. I'll make sure of it", he said then closed my door.

I was asleep when Gaby woke me up. She brought me food. "I present to you... Chef's special steak and fries just how you like it", she said. The moment my eyes looked at the plate I knew who made it. When I looked up again Gaby winked at me and then left. Instead of eating, I started crying. He always made it for me when he wanted to win me over but now. The idea was just that... an idea.

The door was opened again and when I turned, it was Ambrose holding a bottle of wine with two glasses and his plate. "Sorry my sous chef forgot my plate and the drinks", his bass rang in my ears making me close my eyes and enjoy the voice as more tears fell from my eyes. He sat in front of me and then opened a bottle of orange wine that I had never seen before.

"This is one of the unique wines that we make here. It's orange wine as you can see from the colour and even the taste is different. I figured since we didn't have a chance to go wine tasting as I planned we could have it with our favourite food", he explained and all I could do was look at him. I had no idea what him being with me at this moment meant, so I decided to accept whatever fate had in store for me. He took some of my fries, I took his salad. It was like the past 48hrs hadn't happened, it was just the two of us.  He put the plates away when we were done then returned to sit in front of me but this time he sat closer.

"V... I'm sorry. I know I haven't handled the situation in the most effective way, I just... I love you", the last three words made me look into his light blue eyes. I got lost in them. He closed the distance between us and when he kissed me, it felt like my body just came alive. I deepened the kiss, putting his face between my hands as I felt his arms circle my waist pulling me closer to him. He moved to my neck then back to my lips and finally pulled back. We were both craving more but all we could do was smile at each other.

"Are you sure about this Ambrose?", I asked and he just smiled. "I love you Victoria and I want you to be mine forever", he said. I felt a tear running down my cheek. "I love you too Ambrose. I love you so much", I said then pulled him in a kiss again, and this time we couldn't hold back. I hid my face in the pillows hoping that my screams didn't go too far as he made me see the stars.

"We weren't too loud right?", I asked when we were finally done for the night. "I don't care. Let's go upstairs", he said waking up. It was the middle of the night and everyone was sleeping so we were able to go to his room quietly. We made love one more time then fell asleep.

By the time we woke up, Gaby told us that Allen left with the bus the moment it arrived. I almost felt bad but everyone had positive energy and they supported us so I decided to enjoy the moment.

We went wine tasting where Simone and I got drunk out of our minds. They literally had to carry us back to the Villa. The next day we did bicycle racing and it was amazing, I came in last with Raph leading the rest to victory. At night we had a barn fire and Ambrose told some scary stories that made us almost shit our pants. When we got back to our room we had a nice cozy moment in the jacuzzi then went to bed. 

The last day was a lazy day. We spent it by the pool enjoying the sun. I was drinking wine and pretending to be a tourist while Reda made pizza for us in the afternoon and then burgers at night. I enjoyed spending time with Ambrose's kids. We exchanged numbers before going to the airport, promising to keep in touch.

"Thank you for the vacation, Ambrose. It was amazing and the Villa is magical", I said when he walked me back to the apartment. "You're welcome kitten. I love you", he said kissing me on the lips. "I love you too baby", i said kissing him again. He was about to leave when I asked something that I have been meaning to ask him ever since we started getting serious.

"How rich are you?", I asked making him chuckle and pin me to the door. "Why do you want to know?", he asked making me smile. "Am just curious", i said kissing his beard. "Well in that case am decent", he said kissing the top of my head and then waited until I was in the apartment.

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