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I have been with stylists for three hours getting ready for an event that Ambrose is invited to as a guest of honour. This is the second event that I'm going to with him since we started being together and the nerves are still there.

"You look amazing", Simone said as she finished helping me with the dress. I turned to look at myself in the mirror and she was right. "Oh my god, I look...", "Incredible", I couldn't finish until someone finished for me making me turn to find Ambrose looking at me hungrily until Simone cleared her throat. "And with that, I will charge you extra", she told her Dad while pulling him in a hug.

"Waoh!" he said when it was just the two of us in the room. He closed the distance and his hand circled my waist while the other fell on my butt. "Mmmnh, I wish we could just go home instead, You look amazing and I want to taste every part of you while still in his dress", he whispered in my ear making me feel like I was floating. "Ok guys leave my boutique before I lose my eyesight", Simone said playfully making me giggle. "Thank you baby girl", he told her as we walked out of the boutique. "You're very welcome", she said waving goodbye.

The red carpet was so much fun especially when he made me pose in front of him. I felt like a princess. We were stopped by one of the reporters and I was ready for harsh comments but it was so different. "Miss Boldwin how do you feel tonight?", she asked with a huge smile. "I feel amazing and I can't wait to meet the amazing women who are doing wonders in the corporate world", i said right before Ambrose pulled me inside with a proud smile on his face.

"What?", I asked as he helped me up the stairs. "Nothing", he said then kissed my knuckles. making me smile. We were taken to our table and waited for the event to begin. Waiters were busy serving drinks to us and the music was relaxing, when my eyes fell on the man next to me, my love, he had a huge smile on his face making me smile too as he placed his forehead on mine. "You must be the lucky lady", an old woman dressed in an elegant gold dress said making us turn to her.

"Hello Bianca, Thank you for having us", Ambrose said making me stand as well. "With the content you gave us, the pleasure is all mine Beaufort", she said and walked away. "What does she mean? What content?", I asked with excitement earning a chuckle from him. I huffed playfully and all he said was "Be patient Kitten or I will make you beg me later", It made me feel all warm and fussy between my legs.

It was fascinating to hear women talk about what they had to endure to survive in the corporate world and still none of them gave up. I found myself relating to some of the things that they said and it made me smile because I was not alone. There was an advantage to not giving up. Here I am having three supermarkets in the best locations ever. How awesome is that? "Without further ado, I welcome to the stage our guest of honour Mr. Ambrose Griffin Beaufort to share his encounter with us", the host announced making him stand and kiss my temple before going on stage.

"Good evening everyone and thank you for this opportunity. Before I share this story, I would like to congratulate all the women who never gave up on their dreams because without them we wouldn't be here. Around of applause for them", he said and we all clapped.

"We are all used to hearing behind every successful man there is a woman but what I'm about to show you will say otherwise", he said and stepped aside while the whole room went dark and the screen displayed my logo. I gasped, my heart was beating out of my chest then images started displaying from the time I opened the first supermarket to the third. The fun I had with my coworkers and a photo showing me and Lisa eating takeaway on the floor, it brought tears to my eyes. By the time the lights went back on I was a complete mess.

"Need I say more?", he said and everyone started clapping. "Of course I will, I'm the guest of honour even though I feel like someone just took my spotlight", he teased and everyone laughed. "As most of you may already know, the woman you've just seen is my girlfriend", he said and everyone clapped again. "What most people do not know is, she is the most hard-working woman you have ever seen. Her passion and dedication are something that will put all men, myself included to shame. With that being said do not dare give up on your dreams because you can have it all. Thank you and enjoy the rest of the evening", he said then walked down the stage. When he was closer I couldn't help myself, I stood up and kissed the hell out of him. I knew we were going to be all over the news but I didn't care. "I love you Ambrose", i said giving him another peck on the lips. "I love you too Kitten", he replied as we sat.

"How did you do that? When?", I asked when we got home. "A magician never reveals his secrets V", he said pulling me into our room. We took a shower and got between the sheets. I hovered over him and started sucking his neck making him groan as his hands settled on my cheeks. "You're an amazing baby. I'm the luckiest woman in the world", I said going down on him. I massaged his leaking member then licked him from the balls to the tip making him groan. "You're all mine Ambrose Beaufort", I said, and before he answered I took him in my mouth and started sucking while my tongue circled his tip.

"Fuck Kitten. Don't stop... Aaah", he moaned making me moan too. The movement made him release his semen inside me, I relaxed my throat making him reach deeper and pour himself even more. I waited until the pulsing stopped then pulled back and licked the semen that was on the corners of my mouth while he watched my every move.

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