A New Kind of Love

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"This is the second time I'm visiting you here and for some reason, you always look at your uniform. Is there something wrong with it?", Ambrose asked when he caught me looking at myself. The truth is, I always feel like I'm not his match when it comes to looking good.

He's always looking sharp and everything he puts on fits him perfectly. "It's nothing. I just feel a bit self-conscious when you look at me like that", I said choosing to be honest. He scratched his beard and then raised his left brow.

"Why would you feel that way? You never got checked out in your previous relationships?", he asked looking concerned. "Well, I can only call one endeavour a relationship, I wasn't that fortunate with the others. He did check me out but only when we were being intimate. It was the only time I saw him anyway considering we were dating in the shadows for a while. 

He used to love hanging out a lot but he never went with me and when I asked he said that he wanted to keep his private life separate from his work life. At first, I believed him, but then I caught him cheating on me. The issue was not cheating but it was the type of women that he always went for, killer bodies, blondes, perfect hair, they could pull off any type of clothing and look amazing with so little effort. I was nowhere near them, I'm a Size 18, have light brown skin, and have curly hair that needs more treatment than a cancer patient", I said with a chuckle but he remained quiet.

"What do you mean dating in the shadows?", he asked with furrowed brows. "Well he was a famous person and paparazzi were always following him around so he didn't want them to know about me. We only met at a hotel or my apartment. He said I was his sanctuary and I believed him, sadly", I said recalling the past.

"That's not what I see when I look at you. Victoria, you're an amazing woman, you're beautiful and I love and worship every part of you. Isn't that proof enough that you have nothing to worry about with me? What you're wearing has little meaning to me. You could wear pasta and I'll still think you're beautiful", he pleaded while walking towards me and holding my hands.

A tear fell from my eye making me swallow hard. "I guess it is. I'm sorry, I just want to match your aura. I've never been in this kind of a relationship before so I-" he interrupted me with a kiss that made me moan. The intensity and feelings that went through the both of us made more tears fall down my cheeks as I pulled him closer.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry", Lisa said making us pull apart. "Hi, Ambrose. I'm sorry to interrupt but we have a visitor", she said with a huge smile then opened the door wider. An old man with what looked like his secretary walked in. He looked presentable and had a huge smile on his face.

"Well, I'll be damned. Don't tell me you own this one too", he said told Ambrose who shook his head while offering his hand. "I would love to but that would be my girlfriend, Victoria", he said with pride then stepped aside for the man to see me. His eyes went wide then his smile got bigger. "Victoria, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Atticus and this is my son, Romeo, we own an FMCG company and wanted to pitch our products to you", he said offering me a handshake. I accepted right away. "I'll leave you to your work. Atticus, let's catch up it's been a while", Ambrose said. "Indeed, how long has it been five? six years?", he asked trying to remember it made me smile. "Yes, that is a long time", Ambrose agreed. "Well, we're celebrating our company's anniversary this Saturday, I would love for you to join us as my guests. It will give us time to catch up and as for Victoria, an insight on what we're about. What says you?", Atticus asked with his eyes on me. It made me blush.

"Why are you asking me?", I asked him making him laugh. "Because you're the only one who can make him agree to it", he said wiggling his brows at me. "Atticus! You haven't changed one bit. We'll be there so stop making her uncomfortable", Ambrose said then kissed my forehead.

"Ok then, please have a seat", i said gesturing them to sit on the visitor chairs while Lisa sat next to me.

"Gentlemen, as we initially discussed. I believe that your product will make an excellent edition however the enrolment campaign will be charged according to how long it will be on display, especially if you want to put display stands and sales attendants", Lisa said making me smile. "We agree with the terms completely. Can we connect to the screen and present an introduction along with the campaign plan?", Atticus asked making me nod.

"As you can see the fact that we have more than one product and all being basic needs makes us a worthy partner for The Central. We are also ready to incur any costs that come with the intro campaign as well", Romeo finished with a smile. I turned to Lisa and she had the same shock I did.

We had no idea that he was a good businessman. And if he could pitch the way he did. When I turned and met Atticus' eyes they were full of pride. Such a sneaky old man. No wonder he was that confident, Romeo was his secret weapon and there was no way I was going to say no to easy campaign money.

"Well, we must admit. That was some presentation, Romeo. Thank you. Allow us to review what you have presented. I will share the costs and once we agree we will proceed with contract signing", I said while standing up and making them stand as well. I shook their hands with Romeo holding on to me a bit longer than normal but I pushed it aside not wanting any more attention. "Thank you so much, Victoria. I will also share the details of the event. I'll see you Saturday", Atticus said then walked out along with Lisa who looked like she had a lot to say to me and couldn't wait to return.

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