Gyeong-su + Wu-jin

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Smut: No

Gore: Yes

Pre-apocalypse?: No

Idrk what to name this oneshot.

As Y/N held two knifes in each hand, she made her way to a small group of zombies, however Su-hyeok tried to stop her. Y/N would just pull her wrist from his hand, careless of the danger she was about to get herself in.

"Ahh, come here, you mindless fuckers." she whispers to herself as the zombies look in the opposite direction of her.

"Y/N! Come back here!" Cheong-san half-yells, opening the door a bit.

Her lips only curled in a smile as she walked closer to a zombie, slashing it's neck with the knife.

Blood spattered on her uniform.

A laugh filled the hall, causing zombies to look at the girl, and run for their target.

"Aish.. You're my classmates, guys. What happened?" Y/N smirks, killing zombies that would come close to her.

The zombies would fall limp infront of her when she slashed their nape, making her laugh.

"God, that woman." Wu-jin whispers to Dae-su as they peeked out the door.

"She's fucking killing them all.."

Su-hyeok, Wu-jin and Dae-su were watching Y/N, utterly traumitized as the girl carelessly murdered zombies, causing blood to splatter over her.

"That fucker's gonna get bit." Su-hyeok curses.

After the group of zombies died down and fell to the floor limp, she decided to play with the few remaining zombies.
Y/N dodged their attacks, causing the zombies to fall to the floor and get back up.

"Hmm.. Wann play tag?" she smirks, putting a finger on her chin to make it look like she was thinking for a moment.

The girl lets out a pyschopathic laugh before running down the halls.


"Y/N! You cra-" Su-hyeok yells, however the girl already turned a corner, and she was out of the boy's sight.

Y/N ran through the school, picking up some weapons previous students dropped, like broken mops and sharp wood.

She used them to throw at the zombies, Y/N had good aim so she would hit them and suceed.
The crazy girl ran up the stairs, stabbing two zombies on the way.

"Now I can finally kill people all I want!" the crazy girl laughs, stabbing a zombie in the eye, blood gushing out, leaving the mindless creature half-blind.

"God, this is so fun! Playing with zombies!" Y/N laughs, stabbing every zombie coming her way.

"If only I had a gun, it'll be even more fun.." I whisper, staring at the pile of dead bodies around me, blood pouring on the floor from the zombies' lifeless bodies.

"Y/N! Get your fucking ass back here!" a familar voice yells, it was Gyeong-su, the zombies were too busy chasing Y/N, who ignored the calling voice.

"Whyy? I'm having so much fun with these zombies..." she groans while Gyeong-su grabs her wrist, dragging her back to the class while zombies chase after the two.

"Fucking crazy." Gyeong-su pants after arriving in the class, holding the wrist of a girl who had blood soaking through her clothes and a bloody knife in each hand.

"What the hell, Y/N?" Ji-min scoffs, staring at her bloody clothes.

Her lips curl into a devillish smile.

"I was just having fun, Ji-min." Y/N smirks.

"You went on a rampage and your poor boyfriend had to chase after you because no one else would, you're a pyscho." Su-hyeok butts in.

"Atleast I killed loads of zombies." she argues.

"Fucking hell.. Almost got bit back there." Gyeong-su groans, his hands on his knees.

"Just wait till a find a gun, I'll have even more fun." the h/c haired girl exclaims, looking excited.

"You think there's gonna be a gun in the school?" Gyeong-su scoffs, grabbing the girl's wrist and dragging her to the window, where he rips off a long bit of the curtains, tying their wrists together.

"Now you can't run off and get out of controp again." Y/N's bestfriend whispers in my her ear.

"Dick." she slaps his cheek harshly in annoyance

"Aish, that hurt." he hisses.

Gyeong-su pulled her close to him, incase the crazy girl tried to escape.
She could try rip this thing off her wrist, but her boyfriend would stop her, plus it'll probably hurt alot.

The group sat in silence for a while, before Dae-su said, "does anyone else need a toilet?"

She rolls my eyes.

"No but I need to start killing zombies again." Y/N hisses

"What?" Gyeong-su asks her, turning Y/N's head  and making her look up/at him.

Your POV

"You're not going out there again, pyscho." Wu-jin exclaims, leaning on the table. I make eye contact with him and glare at the boy, causing him to widen his eyes.

"Stop that glare." he says, his voice a little shaky.

"Don't worry, Wu-jin, I won't try stab such a good looking boy." I smirk, tugging on the curtain rag that made me not leave Gyeong-su's side.

"What the hell.." Wu-jin whispers backing away from the table and leaning on the counter.

"Y/N, stop tugging on the-"

I tug harder, causing Gyeong-su to trip over, however Cheong-san rushes over before he can bash his chin on the floor.

"Aw, shit, thanks Cheong-san." Gyeong-su sighs, pulling me closer to him.

I just roll my eyes, feeling pathetic that I have to be so close to Gyeong-su.

"Does anyone else want to make she doesn't run off, my wrists are starting to hurt a little." Gyeong-su announces.

"I will." Wu-jin volunteers, Gyeong-su walks over to him, untying the curtain rag, however holding my wrist tightly so I don't run off.

Gyeong-su then ties Wu-jin's and my wrists together.

"Fucking hell.." I groan.

"This is torture.."

"I'm gonna ask again, who needs the toilet?" Dae-su asks.

Everyone remained silent, until Su-hyeok puts up his hand nervously.

The group had a stupid conversation about the toilet, then they actually started making one.
I just lean on Wu-jin's side, he didn't seem to care so I just continued what I was doing.

I soon start to tug on the curtain rag.

"Untie this for me or I'll slash your throat, Wu-jin." I threaten, causing him to widen his eyes a little.

"But you're gonna run off again." he argues.

I get my pocket knife from my pocket and put it to his neck.

"Let me go."

This causes Wu-jin to be a little scared.

"Everyone else is in the other room, leaving just us. Meaning that I can do whatever I want to you. Want me to stab you?" I ask, my eyes glaring at him.

"N-No.." Wu-jin replies in a shaky tone, causing me to smirk.

"Untie that shit from my wrist." I order.

Wu-jin was scared of her while she ordered him to untie her. The boy knelt down and untied the curtain rag, finally leaving her free.

"Thank you." I smirk.

"God, you're so scary.." Wu-jin murmers.

"Hm? Really? I know I am." I chuckle.

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