
1.9K 14 8

Smut: No

Gore: No

Pre-apocalypse?: Yes

I swing the door open to the girls'/boys' bathroom (she doesn't care if she goes in the male bathroom lmao) seeing Mi-jin sitting in the corner, playing with her brown lighter, obviously waiting for me.

"Hey, junior. You took ages." Mi-jin whines, smirking a little.

"Sorry, Senior Mi-jin, Ms. Park and I had a chat about the test." I inform.

"You don't have to be formal with me you know? Aren't we like besties?"

My lips curl in a smile before I nod, walking over to her. I take a seat next to Mi-jin. She hands me a ciggar and I accept, plucking it out her fingers. Mi-jin lights my ciggarette.

I turn to her and smile softly, slinging my arm around her shoulders.

"You're the best senior, Mi-jin." I grin, blowing my ciggarette. I see her cheeks redden up a little, causing me to smile a bit more.

"Really, you think I am?" she asks, not looking at me, instead staring infront of her, a smile on her face however.

"Yes, Mi-jin." I reply, resting my chin on her shoulder.

I feel her skin go warm, and she stays a little quiet. Suddenly, I feel something soft land on the top of my head. I quickly look up to see Mi-jin kissing me on the head.

"Aww~! I've wanted to do this since I've met you!" I exclaim, swiftly turning my head so I face her.

I kiss her on the lips while cupping her warm, soft cheeks.

"Fuck.." she curses, gripping onto my shoulders.

Not soon after, both of us cannot breathe at all, but we don't care. We've been waiting to kiss eachother like this for ages. However, we just didn't know the right time. Finally, we break the kiss, Mi-jin and I pant, catching our breathe.

"Fuck, that was amazing." Mi-jin whispers, resting her elbow on my shoulder.

~ 3 months later

Mi-jin grips my hand tightly as we walk over to our favourite café we go in after school. It sold cheap, delicious food.

"You're paying, cutie." I whisper in her ear, kissing her cheek aswell, which immediatly goes a little red.

"Whyyy, Y/NN." Mi-jin whines, slinging her arm around my shoulder.

"Because I'm poor as fuck, you know that, dumbass. " I pout before I look in my purse/wallet, checking for money.
"I have like 10,000 won. I can barely get anything for both of us, Jin." I inform.

"Fine, but I'm broke as fuck aswell, gorgeous." she groans while handing me 15,000 won.
I kiss her on the cheek passionately as we walk into the automatic, glass doors of the café we normally go to every day after school.


Mi-jin and I sit down next to eachother at a  table, waiting for our food. I rest my head on my girlfriend's shoulder as we wait. I slowly grip onto her hand, rubbing my thumb on it aswell. I smile softly as I do this.

"I love you, Park Mi-jin." I murmer, loud enough so she can hear.

My girlfriend rests her chin on my head, playing with my hair a little.

"I love you aswell, Y/N." Mi-jin whispers.

Sorry this is so short! I've been kinda ill recently so I can't really write alot :(

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