chapter 1

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"Why. why. why."

those were the only words that ran through my head as my wrist was bounded and I was forced out into the middle of a circle in a white elegant ball gown wedding dress. around people stood wrapped in robes their faces covered except for one man.

my father

my name is Evelynn, but my friends call me Eve. and on my 18th birthday, my adopted father revealed the real reason why he adopted me, cared for and nurtured me for 15 years, and spoiled me rotten. was so I could be offered up as a bride for the demon queen Lilith mother of demons and ruler of hell and be used to birth her demon spawn. I was heartbrokenly shocked and filled with hatred.

"How could you do this to me" I screamed "I'm your daughter and yet you toss me away as if I am nothing" Tears ran down my cheeks I felt as if I couldn't breathe.

He gripped my hair a look of disgust ran across his face "The only thing I care about is her majesty" he whispered in my ear "You are nothing but a pathetic brat. And the only reason I went through the trouble of treating you so good was that her majesty liked her wives to be innocent spoiled girls. Just like how vampires love the blood of virgin girls."

He practically spat the words at me before dropping my head.

It felt as if my world was spinning around. I felt as if I was going to faint their chanting becoming somewhat defining. the circle I sat on began to glow. the floor started to crack and break but when it made its way to the ends of the circle a hole began to form sucking away the ground.

I tried to get away from it but there was no hope there was no place I could go. I was going to die and be sent to hell for the rest of my sad miserable life. the world felt as if it was going in slow motion.

until the drop. I couldn't even scream my throat was too occupied trying to push the spicy-like oxygen down to my lungs, but it was painful. and I couldn't take anymore, so I held my breath and closed my eyes that's when I hit the ground.

my body felt all tingly like when you would hit your funny bone. I let out the breath I held and began choking once more, but the pain was even more unbearable this time. it felt as if my lungs were burning like I had poured ground chili flakes into my lungs.

"It seems as if you're having a hard time breathing" a deep sultry voice spoke to mean "It only makes sense since how the air down here isn't anything like the air up there" I looked around trying to locate the voice but found no one around me.

nothing but an empty landscape of hell and fire "A part of me wants to see how long you can go without breathing" the voice became louder and could be heard from all sides of me.

"But lucky you I'm in a good mood and I have no plan to torture you any longer" A loud snap could be heard, and a piece of paper floated in Infront of me "Just sign your name here, and you'll be able to breathe. don't and you will suffocate painfully until you draw you last breath" my eyes tried to focus on the paper, but I couldn't read a single thing.

"Clocks ticking. I don't think your body will be able to handle any longer" I could feel my lung squeezing, so I threw all caution to the wind and grabbed the paper. a pen forming in my hand.

I wrote my name as fast as I could and once the final letter of my last name had been written I felt my lungs full of air, not the spicy toxic air like before not this was fresh and clean something you would in a tropical rain forest untouched by pollution. 

but the feeling of relief didn't last long because I felt as if my heart was being crushed under thousands of pounds "Oh yeas I forgot to mention the only way for the spell to be truly completed would be for you to sign it in blood" the family voice spoke softly in my ear but before I could anything I passed out.

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