Chapter 16

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What she can really do

Rubbing my stomach, I felt terrible. like passing out and dying from terrible pain. "My love let us head to the hotel. you don't seem well" Rubbing my shoulder, Lilith helped me up from the tree I was leaning on. helping me over to the car when the sounds of rustling could be heard. turning her attention towards where the noise came from.
She shot a blast of wind removing the bushes to reveal a girl who seemed to have been a part of the group of missionaries. "And here I thought I sensed you demon hunters wrong." placing me gently down in the car. kissing my forehead. "Rest up my love, I'll deal with this filth." taking off the blazer she wrapped me up letting me use it as if it was a blanket.
"Alright, I'm just going to lay down here" Feeling the pain my stomach evaporates as I relax into the chair. kissing my head one last time Lilith closed the car door gently leaving me to rest. and for a while, I did rest. but for some reason, I felt an uneasy ness creep up my back. as if something bad was about to happen. or is it happening?
so, I sat up. even though all I wanted to do was stay and sleep. "Ugh I don't think those balls are having a fun time in my stomach." opening the door I chuckled to myself "I have the humor of a thirteen-year-old boy." 
Hoping out of the car I slipped off my heels tossing them into the car. fixing my dress, I slowly crept to the other side of the car. peaking by a head over the hood to see Lilith standing in front of a girl with a knife in her hand. "Why must you nuns be so stubborn all the time? I can give you money, power and wealth. all the things you could ever want just for a piece of information and yet you resist. why?"
Keeling in front of the girl Lilith put the blade to her chin "If it means the end of the human race. and the destruction of the natural order can be stopped then I don't care what you give or do to me. you demon!" Lilith laughed. a wicked laugh. though I was quite surprised about my sudden understanding of the French language. Lilith must have put a spell on me.
"that's where you're wrong nun. there is something that can make you talk" taking the blade. I closed my eyes expecting Lilith to stab her. followed by screams of agony. only for the sounds of clothes tearing to fill the air as well as screams.
"You nuns value modesty over your own life. it's quite funny how the church has your mind warped so." Inching closer I listened to the conversation. trying to put the piece of information that I've gathered. into one big timeline.
"You were brought to the monastery as a child, weren't you? I wondered how many priests have touched this. oh, so sacred body of yours. in the name of "cleansing your demons". "
"Stay away from me, demon!" the girl screamed, and I felt my body become antsy. "Oh god, should I jump in. or wait and see what happens" fidgeting where I stood. I forgot the fact that I was barefoot outside on the ground and stepped on a rock. I yelped in pain forgetting the whole fact that I was snooping on Lilith. and The main factor of snooping is being quiet.
"My love, I know that you're there. come on out" Grabbing my foot I fell and landed on my but. slowly I stood up throwing the rock deep into the bush. walking from the side of the car I sighed and put my hands up as if I was just caught by the police.
"Ugh look at you. you've got your dress all dirty. and where are your shoes" Lilith took a handkerchief out of her pants pocket taking my hands. now covered with dirt and bits of wet grass. wiping my hands "I told you that I hate high heels. I'm sorry that I tossed them to the side."
Lilith let out a husky chuckle. lightly pressing her lips to mine. in a quick peck, she caresses the back of my neck. And for a moment I forgot about the girl sitting on the floor behind us. Well, that was until she got up and tried to escape. to which Lilith was quick to apprehend her right away. using magic vines grew all around from out of the ground. binding her down to the ground.
"now. sweetheart, even you should have known it wouldn't have been that easy to escape" Gliding her hand off my neck she walked back over to the girl and kicked her right in the stomach. and that is when I remembered the whole scene I had walked into "Lilith what are you doing. or really what are you about to do."
looking back at me. a grin on her face "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm getting some information out of this little thing."
"Really and how do you plan on doing that '' With a smirk on her face she threw the knife into the air catching it before it could land on the ground "Everyone has a weakness. Though some are obvious others are... a bit harder to find" kneeling In Front of the girl Lilith ran the knife across her clothes tearing it. "This one's weakness is her love of modesty. so, tear up her clothes, and if that isn't enough. i'll pluck her little flower"
"No! you're lying you wouldn't do that!" the girl squirmed under the vines, and it seemed to only make Lilith laugh even more "Isn't that a bit too far? I mean tearing her clothes is one thing. but taking a nun's virginity. isn't that important to them" Lilith scoffed "I don't care. This could all be over if she told us where the France division of the demon hunters was located." Wait for the French division?
"What do you mean by French divisions?"
"Demon hunters like her are everywhere. each having their division. all around the world. They are so determined to kill me and our child."
"Child? So the rumors were true. that random blood moon. it was the antiChrist being born wasn't it!" cocking her head, a smile on Lilith's face "your right. My sweet Charlotte has finally come to life. and shall bring ruin to man."
Ruin to man?
"Wait, hold on. ruin a man?" Lilith slowly looked back at me "You never told me that was going to happen. In fact, you never told me anything about Charlotte's purpose. Why?" standing up Lilith sucked her teeth "Never really felt it was important."
"Not important? why would you think the reason we even had this child in the first place was not important information to share." Lilith shrugged "Just never crossed my mind. and it seemed it didn't cross your mind either. after all, only now you were questioning me about it."
She was right. I was so busy enjoying married life that I had never considered asking Lilith her reason for wanting to get me pregnant in the first place. or the whole destiny that was made for our child "I guess you're right" Holding myself I looked down at the floor. I didn't know what to say or do.
"don't be sad. only those with ill intentions in their heart shall perish. humanity will be reborn. After all, humans aren't born wicked. they become it after being exposed to the wickedness of this world. but once their all-purged humanity can be reborn"
"Now it's time for you to start talking." with the sound of clothes tearing I snapped back to reality "Lilith stop that. if Charlotte will take over the world. what's the reason for attacking these demon hunters in the first place."
"So, our family can be safe. so, incidents like what happened today won't happen again." grabbing the girl's clothes she continued to tear off the seemingly unending pieces of clothes. I felt irate and annoyed. so, I grabbed Lilith's hand as it was about to tear off another piece of cloth from this poor girl's clothes. "I said stop. She doesn't deserve to be tortured like this. like you said she was brought into this as a child. she doesn't know any better."
"You say that as if siding with the demon enemy is good." Lilith glared at the girl which quickly made her shut up "Evelynn. let. go. of. me." I felt a shiver run down my spine. never in my entire though short time with Lilith. Did I ever hear her speak the way she just did?
It was really hot.
"This is wrong. I know you're a demon. and it comes with the territory. but it still doesn't make it right." standing up slowly Lilith walked towards me ever so slowly. It was nerve-racking as hell. and made me shiver a little "Do I look like I care" I opened my mouth to speak only to be silenced with a snap. that sounded louder than it was.
My knees began to buckle as my vision became clouded. and my ears sound muffled as if I was underwater. "Be a good girl and rest for me." feeling my body become heavy I slowly slid to the floor. landing in Lilith's arms I felt myself drift off to sleep.
I didn't know how long I was asleep. or what happened while I was asleep? but when I woke up, I was no longer outside but in the comforts of a warm bed in my underwear. At first, I thought that we had returned to hell. but one look outside could confirm we were still on the surface.
as the memories from last night continued to flood me, I began to get messed up. "Now where is that woman?" Looking around the room, she was nowhere to be found. "I swear when I see her, I'm going to give her a piece of my mind. how dare she silence me

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