chapter 23

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Life Death and Rebirth

standing in front of my vanity Charolette sitting in my chair I Put the finishing touches on her hair. She looked like a pretty princess. "Mommy when can I eat more of my candy," Charolette asked through a half yawn. It was early morning Halloween was just last night. And Charolette was recovering from having her first-ever sugar rush. And staying up late watching movies. "Candy!" I asked pretending to be shocked "Haven't you had enough candy for a while? plus it's only the morning. no candy in the morning." Charolette pouted. "Okay Mommy" Kissing Charolette on her cheek I tied the last ribbon in her hair giving her some adorable twin tails. as she requested.
"All finished cutiepie." Charolette squealed as she looked at herself in the mirror. her long curly hair was up in two with bright red ribbons and some short bangs in the front. "Thank you, Mommy, I love it." she hopped out of the chair hugging me. "And I love you." lifting her I spun her in the air before resting her on my hip. "Now let's go get some breakfast."
"Breakfast!" Charolette Screamed and then clapped her hands. Waking up Junior her three-headed demon dog pet. "Come on junior it's time for breakfast" who was just as much a foodie as Charolette.
putting Charolette down she petted Junior on all three heads before heading out to the dining room with so much energy. I'm just happy she didn't go into wild demon mode this morning like she does all the other time. and as I reached for the door handle, I felt a strange ick run up my back. Not something bad is about to happen ick. No, it was something that was the wrong ick. You feel the ick when your period starts or you have to use the bathroom. But the ick had vanished as soon as it arrived.
Though just to be sure I didn't start my period I dropped my pants, checked me under and then stuck my finger inside of me to check if there was any blood. and thankfully my period had decided to not harass the daylights out of me. So, I headed out to the dining room after a quick hand wash Of Course. Where not barbarians wash your hands you dirty motherfuckers.
anyways the ick that had left me so suddenly had returned once more but this time it was that something bad was about to happen ick. And unlike the other one, it never left. It followed me all through my journey from the bedroom to the dining room and then disappeared again.
I sat down next to Charolette and Lilith as the food was served. But something had started poking at my mind. The dream I had when Lilian arrived was showing its ugly head once more in my mind. At that time when I had the dream I had not questioned it. By now it was showing itself in my mind again. I couldn't help but think of it.
"Is something wrong with my love? you've been picking at your waffles." glaring at the servants that stood next to the wall Lilith continued. "Is your food not satisfactory today? "
"Nah it's fine. I'm just thinking about stuff" Taking a bite of my waffles I huffed. "Your birthday is coming up if I remember correctly. What shall we do to celebrate it." I thought for a moment. staring at my waffles I couldn't believe that my birthday was coming again so soon. to think I've been down here for almost an entire year. I wonder if my friends have already forgotten about me.
I sniffled as I thought about all that I lost and gained on my birthday. "Shit I'm sorry, my love. I forgot how traumatizing your birthday was for you." whipping my tears I smiled.
"It's fine. though I had to toss my human life away. it also marks the day when we first met." Lilith smiled warmly reaching over for my hand she kissed it gently. "Sorry to interrupt this sweet occasion" a voice oh so familiar filled the room "but I have something for you queen mother." in came Lilian holding an envelope. "oh, hi miss lady." Charolette waved to Lilian as she stepped into the room placing the envelope in front of Lilith, she muttered something in her ear. "Uhm miss lady what's your name."
Lilian smiled softly. "it's Lilian" Charolette pinched her chin "That's too long I'd rather just call you mom" I dropped my fork the whole room was covered with silence. tension filled the room as everyone's eyes fell onto Lilith and Lilian. "ha-ha Charolette you're so funny."
"yes, Charolette very funny." the room filled with nervous laughter. but one person wasn't laughing. "so not only did you try to steal my wife. you're trying to take my daughter!" Lilith stood from her chair her body turning to her true form
"no, I haven't. Lilith i.." Lilian didn't get to finish her sentence because she went flying into the wall and the servants that were in the room scampered out like rats caught in the middle of the night. Charolette never sees her mother like this coward in fear. "Lilith stop this, you're scaring Charolette. I'm sure this is simply a misunderstanding." Lilith glared at me
"stay out of this Evelynn!" I felt a chill run up my spine. my legs froze in place. "you know I was going to kill you when I found out you tried to fuck my wife. but because of our history, I forgave you." Lilith grabbed Lilian by her neck lifting her in the air "But this. trying to steal my daughter from me! this I won't forgive'' Lilith's hand began to blur a bright red color emitting from it. "don't worry i'll make this quick"
the world began to slow down, and my legs no longer stuck in place finally moved. and I did something only an idiot would do.
I stood in between Lilith and Lilian feeling her hand dive into my stomach, blood rushing up through my mouth. I stood there for a second wondering what the hell I just did. and then the pain hit me. agonizing pain filled my body and I couldn't take it anymore my legs became weak and I fell to the floor.
my ears started to deafen, and my eyes became blurry. but even though I could feel myself losing all my other senses the pain never stopped. and it became too much. so, I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep. The pain was finally gone.
to think I died from helping someone makes me feel pathetic. Do you think you're pathetic?
woah is that you God? no. I'm your conscience, hell knows God doesn't want to see you.
Wow, am I going to have to listen to your voice for the rest of my afterlife? Well, that depends on if you want to die.
No, I don't want to die. I mean for God's sake I'm just a voice floating in nothingness. and The last thing I want to do is leave my daughter at such a young age. Who would have thought sending you to hell made you into such a better person?
Have I changed that much? Oh yes, you've changed a lot. Well, that's nice. but I'm still dying and well not really in charge of my fate. so, my daughter will just have to live on without me.
I don't think so. really and what made you say that? Do you know how I said I'm not God? Well, I lied.
Seriously, I said your name in vain. yeah, but if I told you I was God you wouldn't have said what you said. Now, would you?
dang, it's your right.
so, if I may have a child , let me ask you again. Do you want to die? no, I don't want to die. not because there is so much I want to do. but because I want to see my child grow into a beautiful young woman. I want to spend time with my wife growing and learning with her no matter how bad it gets. so, no, I don't want to die. at least not yet
.... uhm God are you still there. Yes, I am still here, and I must say that is the best confession I've heard in a long time. so, think of this as a gift from your father-in-law: return to your body and do as you promise me...
wait before you send me off, I have a question to ask you.
What is it, my child? was the voice that I'd been hearing in my head.
yes. Oh okay, that's all I wanted to ask.
I felt as if I was falling. and to some that would seem like a bad thing but to me this was good. After all, just a minute ago I couldn't feel anything, hell I'm pretty sure I wasn't talking. but instead, just thinking.
but soon the falling feeling disappeared. my body no longer felt heavy, and I opened my eyes. my head hurt like hell and my body felt sluggish. so, for a while, I just laid there thinking. looking at the ceiling until I finally got the strength to move. though I could only lift my hand.
"My love. are you..." my eyes darted around the room until they landed on Lilith who sat next to me. "You're alive." Lilith grabbed me pulling me into a hug, a sharp pain running down my spine. "Oh, I'm so happy!" Lilith cried, kissing my face gently. "Why aren't you speaking?" I tried to open my mouth to say something, but it hurt too much. "You must be exhausted. it's not an easy turn."
Turning? What does she mean by that? Am I a demon now? That doesn't sound that bad. Lilith hoisted me up carrying me bridal style. She nuzzled my face into her neck. "Let's get you a doctor. you must be feeling awful" I felt my eyelids becoming heavy and slowly I fell asleep in Lilith's warmth.
I didn't know how long I'd been asleep. but when I woke up I felt insanely refreshed. like I had slept for a thousand years and the pain that had riled my body was not gone. so, I decided to sit up, and immediately something felt wrong. My body was heavier than usual. as if someone added an extra weight onto me. looking down at my hands my eyes widened.
my usual white skin had turned to the color of tar black. well at least from my fingers to my palm and then it looked as if it was dripping down my hands. my mind went wild as I remembered what Lilith was talking about.
putting my hands on my head I found no horns or bumps on my head. but I knew there had to be more. looking behind me I saw two large maybe medium-know wings behind me. I jumped out of bed and sprinted to the nearest full-body mirror and looked at myself in amazement dressed only in a tank top and some booty shorts. I had two stereotypical demon wings the color of white and black and a small black tail attached to my behind. and my hair was black my eyes a silver color.
I felt kind of hot. growing up I always had a fantasy about having a tail and wings. but soon grew out of it before being a furry was considered a thing. and finally, being able to live out my fantasy and look good while doing it was quite nice. "It seems you are quite happy about your new attachments." slowly turning around Lilith stood behind me with a smirk on her face. Her eyes traveled around my body. "Come here I want to see you up close."
slowly I shuffled over still very embarrassed about being caught checking myself out. Lilith walked around me looking me up and down like a predator sizing up its prey. She grabbed my tail, making me gasp.  she continued to rub her finger along its tip. dropping it and then proceeded to touch my wings running her fingers gently on the white inside. "Uhm Lilith what are you doing?"
Lilith tugs on my wigs making me falter. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm inspecting you."
"Really because it feels like I'm a fruit you're deciding if you want to eat or put back." Lilith smacked me behind making me jump. her hands then ruffled through my hair. "You wouldn't be wrong to feel like that. After all, in determining whether or not I shall make you, my mate." I jumped at the word mate remembering all those omega verse stories I've read. "Mate! But wait, aren't we already married? why would I need to be your mate?"
"Because if you become my mate, you can become my queen." taking her hands off my body Lilith spun me around pulling me close to her my heartbeat like crazy. "And lucky for you. you have passed the test. now how would you like to carry my spawn." my face went red, and I burst out laughing. "I'm sorry I don't know if I'm just immature or that was incredibly cringe. but do me a favor and never say that again."
Lilith chuckled, pressing her lips together and she smiled softly. picking me up from the ground she carried me to the bed sitting myself down on her lap. Lilith kissed me gently, her lips licking my lips asking for permission. to which I granted right away opening my mouth and allowing her tongue in. I could feel my tail wagging like that of a dog.
"someone's excited" Lilith spoke in between kissing her finger wrapped around my tail tugging gently on it. "This reminds me. I've been wanting to try something in bed." breaking the kiss I licked my lips. "Like what?" Her hand trailed up to my neck, rubbing gently against my collarbone. "I think you might have an idea what I'm talking about" I bit my lip. I was feeling unreasonably horny and all I wanted to do was ride Lilith like the world was ending.
"Too bad we can't do that. just yet" My world shattered around me. "We need to take you to a doctor to make sure you are nice and healthy." sliding off of Lilith's legs I whined. "That's one way to get blue balls." Lilith kissed my forehead, taking my hand and lifting me off the ground. I tried to look upset, but I could barely hold in my smile. "Once we're done with this quick examination we can go and have as much fun as you'd like." I sighed. nodding my head. "Now let's change your clothes."

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