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One year since I fell into hell and met a woman who I thought id hate for eternity. well turns out that eternity only lasts like five weeks in my definition. because I did not last long. from her golden eyes and that devilish smirk always plastered on her face I had no chance of resisting but there was also the whole love potion thing. but mistakes were made apologies were given and now it's cool.

I also had a child. well, two kids. the first one looks like me.  well looked like the old me. with the addition of horns and tails and Lilith's golden eyes. her name was Charolette and she's like eleven now and even more of a bundle of joy than ever. but with every bundle of joy comes an unreasonably angry baby. his name was Alexi Lilith named him and he had Lilith's skin along with her eyes. but got my horns. wings, and tail. And I liked this name a lot unlike her other horrible names, which were her name but had a missing word or two.

and boy was this baby angry. he always had a grouchy look on his face no matter what. I'm wondering if Charolette took all the happiness in the womb and left only anger. or maybe we woke him up during a really good nap, and speaking from experience would make anyone in a bad mood.

but the funny thing is he was never angry he just always looked angry when he was relaxing. I think he caught Lilith's resting bitch face. but enough about my baby and his mean mug

it had been two whole years that I'd been down here. and those were the best years of my life. because I got to meet the love of my life and even have a family and now like any good family it was time to have some family time.

sitting down in the courtyard. servants had already laid out some chairs and blankets with cushions along with some canopies to keep away the hot hell sun. Alexi was deep into his afternoon nap while Lilith played demon croquet with Charolette. which was exactly like normal croquet. except they had to avoid booby traps. at first, I thought it was too dangerous for an eleven-year-old, but Lilith insisted she would be fine.

and so, I relaxed on the sidelines with Alexi watching Lilian and Lilith play. it warmed my heart to see them bonding. but what didn't warm my heart was Alexi and his biting problem.

"Alexi" I winced out pulling my breast out of his mouth. "What is with you and biting." in response her let out one of his usual huffs. I rested him on my shoulder patting his back till he burped. "I swear you're turning more and more into your mother." unlike Charolette who only seemed to ever bite on her bottles Alexi had a habit of nibbling on my nipple while I breastfed him.

setting him down on his blanket. I set up his iPad and played Martha's speech. the sight of the bright yellow dog was one of the few things that brought happiness to his usually grumpy face. "What you two up to" Lilith sat down next to me with a huff. taking some berries out of the berry bowl and stuffing her face. "Fuck me. Charolette's whipping me out there."

"Really? And here I thought you were a champ." Lilith chuckled. "Looks like my talent is hereditary." I scoffed. "What talent." Lilith scooted closer to me on the couch throwing her arm over my shoulder.  her iconic smirk plastered on her face. "Still mad about last night." I rolled my eyes and scooted away from Lilith. "That shit fucking hurt you know." Lilith chuckled. She scooted herself closer to me. "oh please you loved it." I scoffed scooting away from her once more.

if you wondering what's got me in such a bad mood. well, last night while Lilith and I were having sex we were getting deep into it and I was having the time of my life. well, that was until Lilith decided to replace her balls with audacity and grabbed my tail. and god damn did it hurt. it reminded me of how it felt to get your ear pulled.

and the worse thing about the whole ordeal is that she brought me up beforehand. and I told her that I didn't want to do it. but no Lilith must be Lilith and Lillith does whatever she wants. "That doesn't matter if I felt good or not. I told you I don't want to do it and you still did it. that's a huge disregard for my boundaries. and an even bigger asshole move." Lilith rolled her eyes grabbing a bottle of wine she popped open the bottle pouring herself a glass. it was obvious she didn't care about how I felt.

"I'm sorry I just don't see the reason why you have to be acting like this. I said sorry."  I felt my tail stand up as I glared at Lilith and then I remembered something. I had a power over Lilith that not even God could compare to. "fine be that way. but I'm not having sex with you." Lilith choked on her wine spilling some onto the floor. "You're joking." I glared at her from the side of my eye. "I'm being serious Lilith. until you respect me, I'm not having sex with you."

"But I do respect you."

"Not in bed." Lilith scoffed downing the last bits of wine in her glass. "one you never let me top. two you always chose doggy even though I don't like it. and three lately you've been using me like me I'm your sex toy." Lilith chuckled at the last one. "Look I get it you have urges you want to fulfill when we have sex. but I just want to feel seen in the bedroom sometimes." Lilith sighed. That last statement seemed to have hit a nerve.

"Are you two done talking about your failing sex life." turning my head to the familiar voice Lilian stood holding an envelope and next to her stood Abdur. my eyes practically popped out of its socket. "Lilian what are you doing here." handing Lilith the envelope she bowed her head. "just here to deliver a report from all the princes in hell." Lilith arched her brow in confusion opening the envelope.

"a report? what for?" Lilian stole a raspberry from the berry owl plopping it into her mouth. wincing she must have gotten a sour one. "There is a pandemic going on. it's killing everyone off."

"Reminds me of the bubonic plague. what a nice time." Abdur hummed. I forgot that he is from the Thirteen century. been in hell for a very long time. "Ms. Lilian will you play demon croquette with me," Charolette called out from across the field. "Mommy is a sore loser and quit after she started losing," Lilith growled. taking a sandwich from the sandwich tower and stuffing her face. "Uhm I'd love to." Lilian looked at Lilith from the side of her eye. "but I suck at demon croquette. and I only came here to deliver something." Charolette frowned. now that she was older, she didn't plop onto the ground and start crying. but she did still make the same heartbreaking frown.

"If I may be so bold your majesty." our attentions turned to Abdur. "But may I play with her highness." Charolette was jumping up and down giving Lilith her puppy dog eyes. Lilith conceded to the sight of her adorable daughter handing Abdur her mallet he was off. "With that. I shall be of your majesty" Turning on his heel Lilian walked off. leaving me alone with Lilith.

"so do you think our sex life is failing" I sighed rolling my eyes I scooted back closer to Lilith and gave her a big long kiss on her cheek. "of course not. even if you do some undesirable things to me in bed ill always enjoy having sex with you no matter what." Lilith's tail slipped from her pants and wrapped itself around my tail. "Seriously?" Lilith shrugged cupping my cheek she pulled me in for a quick and passionate kiss.

"Love me forever." Lilith rested her head on my shoulder. a smile on her face. I caressed her head. rubbing my fingers through her hair.

"Love you forever."

In The Garden ( a tale of love and blood) Where stories live. Discover now