chapter 13

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it was a nice sunny afternoon charlotte was as happy and silly as ever as she watched a PBS kid's cartoon. Lilith was getting paperwork done as usual. and I had little to nothing to do. unlike most babies' charlotte was easy to deal with. most of the time she's playing with her toys or being lazy in her playpen.

and the only times she's cranky is when she wakes up from her sleep or naps and if she does not get her full sleep. or getting her food a bit late, as well as when Lilith leaves to do some work or when I don't feel like playing with her. when she has to wear an outfit, she doesn't like. and when her toys are in the washing machine so she can't play with them and has to wait. and has no patience.

though not like I'm saying I want her to be a whiney Baby. I enjoy being able to relax and not have to be stressed especially because it feels as if I am doing most of the work while Lilith is just there to keep her company. but the minute she starts crying Lilith is seemingly nowhere to be found.

but I still wanted to do something instead of lying in bed all the time. usually, I would spend time with Lilian. but ever since the incident where she attacked me, I haven't seen her since. and yeah, I know should hate her for what she did. but I'm not one to judge without knowing the full reason.

for all, I know there could be some secret part about me giving birth to Lilith's child that could have gotten me killed. wouldn't be surprised if that was how it was.

looking up at the tv I couldn't help but smile. super why was playing on the tv it was one of my favorite shows growing up and it was funny to see that Charlotte loved it too. I couldn't help but reminisce on the short time we've had together.

small, happy, and oh-so-adorable I loved her more than I thought I would. looking up to the roof I relaxed into the bed. that was until crying filled the room.

Charlotte now on her back whined and I couldn't help but sigh. "This is my jinx for talking about how much I enjoyed the peace" sliding off the bed I cracked my back opening her playpen gate she reached rolled over onto her belly reaching her hands out for me.

"Now what's troubling you Charlie" lifting her unto my lap I caressed her cheek. reaching out towards the tv. it no longer played super why but instead Teletubbies "aww you don't like the Teletubbies" picking up the remote I restarted the season of super why and it seemed the minute the theme song came on she started giggling.

"I thought I told that mother of yours you didn't like the Teletubbies." kissing her cheek, she paid me little to no mind. as she continued to do the iconic baby dance that all babies seemingly know how to do.

"My love are you awake" peaking her head from behind the door Lilith had a grin on her face "oh hey Lilith." walking into the room dressed in a fancy royal outfit "what the fuck is that" following behind her was an 8ft tall chestnut brown owl with legs so long that would make Taylor Swift jealous. dressed in a violet-purple suit with a little crown on his little head.

"Oh god, why did you bring an 8ft tall owl. is he your familiar or something" clearing her throat Lilith held in a laugh though Mr. owl didn't seem very amused "first of all. language. The last thing we need Charolette's first word to be is fuck. and secondly, this is Stolas."

moving from behind Lilith and standing next to her I couldn't help but chuckle at how wonky he looked. "He is the 36th spirit of the Ars Goetia. a group of demons summoned by the great king Solomon to build his temples and is a great prince of hell. and no, he is not my familiar."

"Then why is he here can't you see that you're interrupting Charolette's tv time."

"Charlotte is the exact reason why he is here. in hell, we don't have calendars because losing track of time is one of the many parts of the torment sinners feel down here. but we higher-class demons often schedule things. such as the end of year meetings or the succubus mating cycle."

sitting down in the nearest chair she pulled out a book from... well practically nowhere flipping through the pages. "And well following hell's day and night cycle would be crazy so instead we follow the stars. and with the help of stolas, it is easier to track the time in the human world."

stopping at a page she handed me the book and on the page was a picture of Charlotte. "I've been thinking about what you told me about birthdays the other day. and well I want to chart down the day Charlotte was born. so, I've brought stolas here to track the stars and give our darling daughter a birthday."

looking down at Charlotte who was still watching super why I couldn't stop smiling. "Aww, that's so sweet." running her fingers through her hair a smug look on her face "what do you want" her smug look dropped in almost an instant. my gaze on her cold and hardened "what could you possibly mean by that, my love? all I wanted to do was gift our daughter with something almost nonexistent in hell."


"Well of course when you are immortal what's the point of celebrating the day of birth when your clock will never come to an end" I sighed "all right so how are we going to do this." squeezing Charolette's cheeks she held my hand with her small fingers.

"Stolas is just going to do his astrology thing and then and use the stars to pinpoint when Charlotte was born. simple" sitting up from the chair she took Charlotte out of my arms lifting her towards Mr. owl. she began to giggle.

I knew I wasn't the only one who thought this man looked wonky.

the room suddenly turned dark, and clouds covered the roof swirling around like a tornado before exploding glitter seemingly fell all around the room and the roof was covered with stars that seemed as if they were moving rapidly until they stopped, and the stars connected and seemingly shined down onto her "February 26" the owl spoke and suddenly the stars vanished.

"Wow nice job Mr. owl" stolas bowed his head before turning tail and leaving the room in a huff "must you be like that" Lilith cradling Charolette in her arms glared at me.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it. he just looks so unserious. if it makes you feel any better I will write him a letter of apology."

"Not' happening. as my wife you are a higher rank them him. the last thing you need to be doing is apologizing to someone at his status." stepping into the playpen she placed Charolette down onto her but and sat close next to me. she laid her head on my thighs "man I've always wanted to try this" smushing her face into my thighs I wondered how she could breathe.

oh, wait she doesn't even need to breathe. dumbass

"aren't you too big for something like this" Lilith pinched her chin and shrunk her body down to what seemed like my size "yeah now this is better" taking my hand she put it in her hair "now caressed my hair and tell me how much you love" a smug look on her face I rolled my eyes and started to run my fingers threw her hair.

"For an all-powerful demon queen aren't you supposed to be scary and intimidating? some demon queen you are." lifting her head from off my thighs Lilith's eyes turned the color of molten gold "believe it or not I can be very intimidating" swallowing the lump in my throat I could feel my body warming up.

"aren't you something" resting her head back onto my thighs Lilith relaxed. staring at each other it was silent for a moment "I want to take you out on a date."

"a date?"

"Yes, a date" silence filtered between the two of us once more "I'd like that." reaching her hand up she cupped my cheeks pulling my head down and pressing her lips against mine. her lips tasted of raspberries, and I could feel my problems float away as I melted into the kiss.

I'm truly in love with Lilith

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