chapter 19

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Oh wow.

"Charolette is that you." staring at the naked little girl sitting in Charolette's spot. She looked at herself and smiled "I think I am. that's what you always call me Mommy." As I stared at her I tried to make sense of my position. trying to figure out how a three-month-old baby can turn into a four-year-old kid. looking over at Lilith she didn't look as confused as I was. more like questioning what could make Charolette grow so rapidly.

stepping closer to Charolette Lilith pressed her horns against Charolette's small ones. and that's when their horns began to illuminate glowing a deep red color. "what' s happening."

"I'm searching to see if she was imprinted by me. That will confirm whether or not she is truly our daughter or not." I gasped a mischievous idea came to my head "To think you would mark your daughter. for shame Lilith." her tail slipped out from the confines of her pants. over the months I've been with Lilith the only time she ever pulls out her tail is when she's ticked off with something. "Now you know that's not what I'm talking about." removing her head away from Charolette she lifted her and pulled her in for an embrace "My baby is all grown up and is so big."

peppering kisses all around her face. Charlotte giggled trying to push Lilith back "Stop Mommy that's gross." putting her down to the floor she ruffled her hair. "Now let's get some clothes on you" Looking at herself Charlotte giggled. in child fashion, she began to run around the room full of energy. and I couldn't help but smile. was I still a bit uncomfortable? yeah, it was really weird, and I never expected something like this to happen. though it's not every day that you can say you're married to the mother of demons.

"Hi Mommy" I yelped unintentionally as Charolette jumped on me. her smile almost immediately faded. "what's wrong Mommy" My mind went crazy, and I lost the ability to form a single comprehensive sentence. "Do you not love me anymore because I'm no longer a baby." tears swelled in her eyes. My heart began to melt as my knees buckled under the sheer cuteness. "Oh, sweetheart Mommy will always love you. no matter how big or small you get." a giant goofy smile returned to her face. she jumped on me making me lose my balance and fall.

"Come now let's get you some clothes. so, this royal behind of yours can be put away" Hopping off of me Charolette took Lilith's hand "Okay Mommy I will lead the way. Bye, Mommy" Waving back at me Charolette lead Lilith wherever and I was left alone in the room.

"Talk about a crazy morning. I don't think I've ever had so much excitement so early in the morning." a smile stretched across my face. as I remember yesterday morning and the six hours I and Lilith spent having sex. I think I lost like twenty pounds just from that alone.

Standing up from the floor I grabbed a shirt from out of the closet buttoning it up as my mind processed the facts once more. my three-month-old baby had now turned into a four-year-old. in the span of maybe an hour. which brings up two questions. One will this happen again and two is her life span shortened because of it?

"Mommy" Charlotte ran out from wherever she came from giggling and laughing. She was dressed in white shorts and a white button-up shirt. and a black and white vest. " How do I look, Mommy." I giggled. picking her up I kissed her cheek. "Very adorable" Putting her back down she ran around the room pretending to be an airplane. "Whelp we need to go shopping. That's the only clothes that can fit her. and even that's a bit too small for her." Lilith sighed putting her hand around my waist she kissed my forehead.

"Yeah. we also need to get her a bed and a bunch more things." watching Charolette run around in circles was quite calming for some reason. "'re a real family" Looking at Lilith I rested my head on her shoulder. "I guess we are" Charolette suddenly came to a stop. jumping onto me and Lilith she hugged us with a big smile on her face. "I love my mom's" Her tail wagged excitedly her wings flapped up and down. "And we love you too." my stomach rumbled. and I felt a wave of exhaust run over me.

"Okay, enough kisses and hugs. I'm hungry as fuck." Lilith's eyes widened as she looked at me. "My love watches your language." looking down at Charlotte who just stared at me I mentally slapped my forehead. "char can you make a promise to Mommy" innocent smile on her face Charolette nodded her head "promise mommy you won't repeat the words I say okay" she crossed her arms her face scrunched up as if she was in thought "Like fuck" my head dropped, and Lilith began to chuckle "yes especially that word okay" nodded her head she gave me a thumb's up.

Looking at Lilith she had a shit-eating grin on her face "Shut up."

"I didn't even say anything" Rolling my eyes I took Charolette's hand and walked out of the bedroom "Your eyes say more than enough" Leaning in close to my ear Lilith chuckled. "Well, maybe you shouldn't have called me submissive and breedable. especially when we both know how you get when you're bouncing up and down on my cock" My face flushed red from Lilith's brash words.

"Oh yeah, Mom I remember something!"

"What is it Charolette?"

"What does the sun do? Sub.." Charolette scratched her head she seemed to be trying to remember how to say a word. and then it hit her. "What does submissive and breedable mean?" I sighed. "Ask your mother she knows the meaning."

Lilith burst out laughing. seeing that this whole predicament is a big joke. I rolled my eyes not finding it amusing "Now who's the one being a sour puss." I tried to hold in my grin but in the end, found myself failing to keep up a sour disposition. "let's just go eat breakfast."

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