chapter 9

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it was early in the afternoon Lilian, and I had just returned from lunch and a bit of tourism that involved shopping and sightseeing. seeing as how this was Lilian's first time on earth, I wanted it to be special, but something was tugging me in the back of my head. I think I'm pregnant and well if I am I would not be surprised not because of the sudden mood swings to my over-clinginess towards Lilith. but because Lilith and I had been hitting it raw a lot. like mainly raw and only raw and well for some reason despite being from a period where time hadn't even existed and has been on heart multiple times. either to spread her cult or to just mess with the land of men she has never heard of a condom. no wonder she has so many damn kids she was called the mother of demons. which reminded me that I needed to ask her how the hell she was the mother of demons.


"Yes, my lady how may I assist you" put down our shopping bags she sat down next to me on the couch a smile on her face. "I think I'm pregnant."  Lilian bit her lip her eyes darting around the room nervously as if someone just brought up a secret, she was well aware of "Lilian why are you acting like that" my eyes widened "don't tell me you knew! OHH MY GAWD~" I threw myself back onto the couch dramatically "I'm sorry my lady I just didn't know how to bring it up."

then the realization hit me "I'm carrying the anti-Christ in my stomach." standing up from the couch I walked aimlessly around the living room pacing back and forth and biting my finger "I have the literal enemy of god in my stomach." my mouth began to water a sour taste filling my mouth "oh god I feel like I'm going to throw up"  rushing up from the couch Lilian caressed my shoulder "come miss let us go on the porch and get you some. sort of fresh air"

"Fresh air? are you trying to make me sick? that shit out there could kill." Lilian sighed opting to just sit me back down getting me a bottle of water to drink. "So, when shall we tell her highness." biting my lip I relaxed into the soft plush couch rubbing my hand around the wet bottle's condensation "I don't know. how do you think she is even going to react? you've known her the longest after all."

"Yes, that is true, but it doesn't mean I know her personally very well. for most of my time knowing her she's been my boss or mentor from the moment we met. not a friend hell an acquaintance could not describe our relationship." the words were spoken with a tinge of sadness. and I couldn't help but be sorry for her "you know for a demon you're a really big sweetheart" nudging her shoulder with my elbow she chuckled "well that's because you're the first person I felt I could show my soft side to" a blush crept up my face "well living in hell might make your life feel like that" taking a big gulp of my water I could feel Lilian eyes on me. but not like Lilith's calculating predator eyes no, these eyes were soft and wonderous, and it didn't make a shiver run up my spine it made me somewhat relaxed. it was as if she was admiring me instead of thinking of all the ways she could get my clothes off the fastest. 

"I know I should not say this but my desire to hold you in my arms is strong than the bite force of a fully matured hellhound. but I knew it would be inappropriate for our married." twiddling my thumbs an idea came to mind "would it be so bad if we hugged" slowly we inched closer to each other our hands snaking around each other's bodied before we relaxed into each other holds embracing one another, I could feel her heartbeat thumping on my chest our breast pressed against each other. I could feel butterflies flickering around the inside of my stomach.

"What the hell are you two doing" Lilith's voice was as shocking as the sound of a shotgun going off suddenly. Lilian and I jumped away from each other looking at Lilith with a scowl on her face you could tell she was furious just from her body language "isn't it obvious. your sweet love is trying to hook up with her guard." a haughty chuckle erupting from Asmodeus as he walked in a man and women clung to his sides. "And it seems our untimely arrival interrupted their vanilla intercourse" I scoffed "Asmodeus why don't you go and have your threesome instead of disturbing the peace" once more an evil cackle left the mouth of the lust demon as he walked up the stairs. "So are you going to tell me why you two were hugging." standing from the couch I sighed "Lilian was just consoling me."

"Consoling you for what" I bit my tongue taking Lilith's hands I pressed them onto my stomach and almost immediately her eyes widened "I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant. and I didn't know how you react to it." Lilith's eyes saddened, staying silent as she looked at my stomach, her hand continued to caress it. "This is not good."  pulling her hand away from my stomach her expression became stoic and hard "you are to return to the underworld at once. I cannot have you up here pregnant with my child. it is far too dangerous" taking off her chesterfield navy blue coat she sat down at the bar. looked down at my feet I could feel tears brimming in my eyes "I'm sorry I never meant to be a burden to you." Lilith sighed "it is not your fault. if anything, it's mines" feeling a hand caress my shoulder I look up to see Lilian. a sad smile on her face

"So, what are we going to do? because if it's the obvious choice I would like for us to hold back on that. I mean I finally got air conditioning and Wi-Fi back, shocker to no one hell is hot."

"I can have those things installed in hell no big deal." giving Lilith a blank stare "what about Chick-fil-A."

"I thought they were homophobic."

"So, you know that Chick-fil-A is homophobic but didn't know what ice cream was." Lilith stared at us in confusion "it's not my fault the last time I talked to someone from earth was in the 1700 and they used to call it cream ice. and they described it to be waterier and having natural flavors, like Vanilla or cucumber, not Dulce de leche, and defiantly not Sherbert. whatever that is."

"What the fuck are you two talking about." Lilith chimed in annoyed with the conversation "well Lilian and I decided to be a tourist and we drove around WEHO and found ourselves at this quaint family-owned ice cream shop to which Lilian had her mind blown. like those kids from African documentaries coming over to America." silence befell the room as we looked at each other "seriously nothing. talk about a tough crowd" leaning on the bar Lilith cleared her throat. "If it will make your stay more comfortable then I shall see to it." I cheer in my head. excited over the thought of being able to binge-watch dc legends of tomorrow, while sitting in a fancy royal bathtub that is the size of a Newyork apartment. "What about video games" Lilith cocked her head at me "oh of course you don't know about video games. well then let us just stick with the Wi-Fi and I will be alrighty."

suddenly the sounds of a bed creaking and groans could be heard and I internally winced feeling my stomach suck itself twisting itself out of existence "talk about crazy timing."

"And somethings telling me he's being loud on purpose" Lilith scoffed running her fingers threw her hair "Asmodeus is the personification of lust, not pettiness. he wouldn't intentionally have sex loud."

"Yeah, unlike others" Lilian mumbled under her breath and Lilith didn't seem to hear her. "Speaking of sex." getting up from of the bar stool Lilith wrapped her arms around my waist. "Come my love I wish to have this sexy body of yours" kissing my neck Lilith's hand caressed my behind smirking at my skin she led me upstairs. not before my eye fell on Lilian. her face filled with obvious jealousy and even more sadness. I gave myself a mental note to remember to talk to Lilian about how she is feeling.

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