Chapter 22

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Sitting in the common room Charolette sat on my lap playing on her tablet. and it seemed to bring her much joy. Lilian sat not far away looking through some paperwork with Lilian, it made me happy to see that the two weren't at each other's throats anymore. though they still hated each other. to think I would be so irresistible that I could make two smoking hot ladies want and fight over me.
but in all seriousness, my life was filled with so much drama I'm happy it's starting to cool down. and now I can just relax and watch my baby grow up. though if I'm being honest all this monogamy and mother life was kind of boring. I'm only eighteen after all and never got a chance to party. not like I could anyway after all the drinking age is 21 and there is no point partying if you can't drink.
but sometimes there isn't anything you can do about the stupid parts of life, and you just got to go with the flow. "My love what shall we do to celebrate this upcoming Halloween" Looking up from Charlotte I shrugged. "Uhm, I don't know. I guess I could take Charolette trick or treat in the human world" Charolette gasped "What's trick or Tree? " As Charolette tried to say the word she looked so adorable.
"Sound out the word just like we practiced." pausing her game she slowly sounded out the word. "Trick or treat in" I kissed her head "very good."
"Trick or treating is a holiday when kids dress up in costumes and go to the house and get a sweet treat" Charolette squirmed in my lap "I want a sweet treat."
"Well, then I guess it's settled. we're going trick or treating." Charolette squealed sliding off my lap she ran up to Lilith's desk "Will you come with us Mom." Lilith smiled caressing Charolette's head. "Of curse sweetheart, I'd love to." Charolette's tail slipped from underneath her skirt and started wagging like crazy. She reminded me of a little golden retriever.
"So, what are you going to dress up as" Charlotte shrugged picked up her tablet she sat back on my lap. "We'll who's your favorite character from a show you like," Charolette thought for a second her legs swinging back and forth "Marshall from paw patrol," said Charolette as she exited the game she was playing on her tablet. And show her the Home Screen that was a marshall from paw patrol.
"Are you sure" Charolette nodded her head. Returning to the video game she was playing. "Well if it's what you want my sweet muffin" Kissing her head I placed her off my lap and onto the couch. stepping over "Junior." the three-headed demon dog that saved Charolette. turns out Charolette had grown a little too attached to the dog and accidentally did some demon ritual. where a demonic creature imprints on a demon and becomes familiar. though I found the convince of the entire situation to be bullshit plot. I did not argue with the new addition to our family.
"What are you working on? miss oh so dark and mysterious." Lilith smirked looking up from her pile of work. "New Year's is coming up and I need to begin preparations for dinner." I cocked my head remembering just how boring that meeting was. "Ugh that thing was so drab I never want to attend one again" Lilith chuckled. "It wasn't that bad my love."
"But it was. all you did was talk about statistics and the souls of the innocent." Lilith chuckled.
"If they're down here I doubt they're innocent." I cleared my throat reminding Lilith of just what my predicament was. "Well, I guess you're an exception. though some of the fantasies you've had about those famous singers are on your wall. would make God very unhappy about you." I rolled my eyes. "Well, I'm hungry." placing a small kiss on Lilith's head I turned on my heel "I'm going to go get something to eat."
"Can I come to Mommy?"
"of course, cutie pie." sliding off the chair with her tablet in hand she ran up to Lilith hugging her "Bye Mommy" Lilith leaned down giving Charolette a smooch on her head. "Bye, sweetheart. don't make trouble for your mother" Charolette puffed out her chest. "I'm always a good girl." ran up to Junior who lay on the floor. She patted him on his head. well, one of his three heads and stood up from the floor. Charolette ran out of the room with Junior following behind.
a few weeks went by. two to be precise and it was Halloween and Charolette being Charolette not only got her marshal costume but also a matching one for junior. her three-headed hellhound. though I wondered if his extra heads would disappear just like Charolette's nonhuman addons. but in the end, I couldn't help but be happy. to see that goofy smile on her face that I just adore brought me so much joy. and I know she'll be even more happy to spend time with her mother.
"I'm sorry my love but I can't go anymore." my jaw dropped as I stared at Lilith who sat at her office desk looking through even more papers than the last time. "I'm sorry. I was trying to get everything done before Halloween. but out of nowhere all of these papers were dumped onto me. and I'd rather deal with them now instead of later." I sighed. I kind of had a feeling that this might happen "Well I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. Charolette was so excited because she thought she might be able to finally spend time with you. she'll be devastated."
"I know. but hey why don't we celebrate Thanksgiving together and or maybe that wretched man's holiday." running my fingers through my hair I took a deep breath. "Sure. but I'm going to head out before it gets too dark, okay." Lilith opened her mouth to say something but, in the end, closed it and simply smiled. "Be safe"
leaving the room and into the bedroom, Charolette sat patiently dressed in her paw patrols costume and holding a Marshall bucket. She looked the cutest with her adorable smile. and just thinking about telling her the news broke my heart. "Are we leaving Mommy?" asked Charolette a huge smile on her face. "Where is momma" I bit my tongue, I didn't want to say anything but I couldn't hide this secret from her. "Momma not coming with us" and just like I predicted that happy smile disappeared in a matter of minutes. "What do you mean?" Charolette's eyes began to become watery, and my heart started to hurt.
"Momma isn't coming with us. something came up and she has lots of work to do. so, it will just be me and you. and Junior" Charolette practically plopped down onto the floor a pout on her face. "Did I do something wrong. is that why Mommy doesn't want to spend time with me."
"Oh, sweetheart no. It's just that Mommy is a very important person. and well she has many duties to do." sitting down to her I hugged her pulling down the top piece of her costume I caressed her head. smithing out her wild hair. she began to cry. "Oh, baby, don't cry, we can still go."
"No!" Charolette pushed me out of arms standing up "If momma not coming, I'm not going anymore" Throwing her basket to the floor Charolette ran out of the room I sighed. I had a feeling it was going to go like this, but I never expected it to be this bad.
"Uhm. what's up with Charlotte." Lilian poked her head into the room. "Lilith isn't going trick or treating with her anymore and she refuses to go anymore" Lilian sighed. "don't worry I got this." staring at Lilian in confusion she disappeared off to whatever. and barely a minute later she popped back Charolette holding her hand. standing up from the floor I picked up Charolette's bucket. "I know how important it is to you that your mommy comes. but sometimes we won't always get what we want." Charolette nodded her head.
Jumping onto me she pressed her face into my leg rubbing her face. "Hey. why don't I tag along."
"Are you sure?"
"Sure. I mean it's just trick or treating. plus, I'd hate for her not to go only because her momma is too busy." kneeling in front of Charolette Lilian lifted her hand for a high five. "What do you say Charolette? want to go trick or treating with me." Charolette smiled giving Lilian a high five. her happy smile returned to her sweet little face. "Well then we better get going" Taking her bucket out of my hand she ran over to Junior who lay in his bed dressed in his costume she patted him on his head waking him up from his sleep.
"Wow, she got happy quickly." standing up Lilian put her hands in her pockets.
"that's just how she is." Lilian chuckled "What an adorable little calamity bringer." I sighed "I had forgotten that was Charolette's destiny." to think that someone so sweet and kind would destroy the world. "Well, it would do you well to keep that in mind. Charolette is no ordinary child. and depending on how you raise her. her future will reflect that."
"Wait, do you mean that if I raise her right, she won't destroy the world? '' Lilian shrugged. "I have no talent for foresight. so, I cannot answer your question. but what I do know is that just like any child Charolette is very impressionable at this point in her life." I clenched my fist. If there's a chance, I can rewrite this terrible destiny of hers. I'll take it without questions.
"Are you ready to go Mommy" I nodded my head taking her hand I poked Lilian taking her out of her imaginary world.
"Come on Lilian we're leaving."
"Not like that you are" I stared at her for a second. snapping her finger Junior turned into a normal dog. one head with a normal dog tail. and making Charolette into a human girl. "Oh yeah, I had completely forgotten about that. I had gotten so used to them looking like they did." Lilian grinned, patting my shoulder.
an hour went by as Lilian, and I took Charolette trick or treating. stopping at houses that seemed the most inviting to little children and their furry companions. and with each house we went to Charolette gained an unusual amount of candy. it's not like it was a little no it was a lot of candy. though it could just be the fact that I've given birth to her. but I think Charolette looked the cutest.
"Mommy I'm hungry. can I eat my candy?" Charolette whined holding her bag and walking in front of me and Lilian. "You can eat a little bit. but if you're hungry we can get something to eat." 
"Well, I'm really hungry can we go and eat something." I sighed "Once we finish this last house, we can go get some food." Charolette skipped up the stairs of the next house "Okay Mommy. can we get pizza?"
"Sure, why not." ringing the house's doorbell out came a woman who seemed to be in her thirties, maybe forties. "Oh, hello there little one." the lady reached into the bowl grabbing a handful of candy "What are you dressed up as' ' pouring it into Charolette's bag. She smiled brightly.
Yeah, that's a lot of candy
"And what are you dressed up as"
"Marshall from paw patrol. and this is my pet dog Junior. He's also Marshall from paw patrol."
"Well then he should get a treat to" Walking back into the house the lady got a bag filled with dog treats. She took some out of the bag and put it into a Ziplock bag. and handed it to Charolette "Thank you miss" She skipped down the stairs Junior followed behind her "I must say you two have raised such a cute child. how old is she?'
"oh, she's four... and we're not parents." The lady looked confused for a minute. "She's the mom I'm just her friend" the lady gasped out of realization. "Oh yes, I understand. though I must say you two look very good together." Lilian chuckled nervously "uhm have a good day." turning around Lilian and I walked down the stairs I felt butterflies in my stomach.
Charolette grabbed my hand and started pulling me "Come on Mom I'm hungry. You're moving too slow" I laughed "Pizza. pizza time. pizza. pizza time" Charolette marched as we walked to the car. she was far too adorable for me to be annoyed with her.

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