Chapter 24

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Life and Love

it's been a week since I've turned into a demon. and it's been taking some time to get used to. from the constant testing that I went through. to the realization that I have no use for food water, or sleep it was kind of stressing me out. and to make matters worse Charolette had become uncomfortable around me. when demons are young, they are imprinted by their parents, allowing them to detect their scent. but me changing my species changed my scent and Charolette isn't reacting to it in the best way.

and I feel horrible about it even though it's not my fault. "what's bothering you, my love." looking up to Lilith. we sat in bed curled up cuddling. "I'm just a bit sad about Charolette." looking down at the ground Charolette sat with Junior at her paw patrol table and chair watching paw patrol eating snacks. "she's uncomfortable with me and I hate it." Lilith pinched my chin pressing her lips to mine she gave me a peck. "I know. but just give her time and it'll go right back to how it was I promise."

relaxing in Lilith's embrace usually I would have already been knocked out. but now that I'm a demon sleep wasn't anything I needed. it was a tad uncomfortable being awake all night. "If you say so." pulling me closer to her Lilith ran her fingers through my hair "I love you so much." looking up at Lilith the usual sly smirk she would have on her face was nowhere to be found. but was instead replaced by a look of sadness. "Where is this coming from" I could feel Lilith's grip on me get unreasonably tight.

"You are not my first wife and nowhere near my first 10. And when I first met you, I thought you were like all my other wives. a toy for me to use as I please. but as I got to know you, I found that you were different, and I had begun to fall in love with you. so, when you got pregnant I at first was devastated. because I was afraid that id lose you just like all my other wives."

Like all her other wives?

"Wait what do you mean by that" Lilith sighed. "I don't know why but all of my other brides would die in labor taking the child with them. and you are the first to survive." I was at a loss for words. I began to wonder how many times Lilith had to watch her child and wife die. and what made me so special that allowed me to survive what had claimed so many people's lives. "Why didn't I die" Lilith sighed. "I'm not sure of it but I think it's because of that vial Lilian made you drink."

I started to think back to that incident. how Lilith attacked me in the middle of the night and forced me to drink whatever was in that small bottle. it was warm and tasted like tar. one of the worst things I've put into my mouth, and I've drank NyQuil without a chaser. "I'm not sure of it. but I think it was demon blood."

"Demon blood?"

"Demons are natural born hell residents. while sinners come down here and become devils, demons were born here." I rubbed my mouth feeling the gag coming. "Ewe that's gross" Lillith chuckled holding me even tighter. at this point, I felt like I was suffocating a little though it was not like I even needed to breathe anymore.

"So that's why I'm alive."

"Yes. but I'm afraid it had a few consequences that Lilian did not think were going to happen. for instance, your evolution as some would call it."

"Maybe a week ago you started turning. your eyes would flash red, and the tips of your ears turned black. but I never brought it up because I didn't understand it."

"So have you figured it out now?"

"no" I blew a raspberry excited to hear some exciting lore only to get the rug yanked from under my feet. "So why are you telling me this now." Lilith pinched my chin making me look her in the eye. "Because I love you. " Lilith pushed me down onto the bed my heart was fluttering. "And you are mine." pressing her lips gently against mine I wrapped my arms around Lilith's neck pulling her down closer to me. my hands slid down Lilith back to her pants where I proceeded to squeeze her behind.

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