Chapter 1-Introducing Me.

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Hi. My name is Jess. I try to fit in. I am a 17 year old girl who suffers with family difficulties. It's not easy being me. But at the end of the day, I have to cope with the shit I receive. It's always the same crap, same shit, different day. I still remain a virgin as I've never had a boyfriend as well as never been in love. Its just never came to my interest in being in a relationship. My mother has not a sense of interest in keeping me as her daughter seeing as she treats me like utter shit, in other words, I'm a total stranger to her. My father left me when I was 7 years old and he never comes in contact with me. My older brothers both despise me and take no notice of me. God I wish I was never born, I just want to be kidnapped and taken away from this place they call "home sweet home". Whatever the fuck that means. But I guess there's always a positive side to things. The place that feels like home more than this hellhole. And that's school. My friend group is the most important thing to me, most of my friends are fucking badass, Billy Showalter, the petite cutie that tosses newspapers to all the people of our friendly neighbourhood on his tricycle. Then we have Bruce Yamada, he is one of the funniest and coolest guys to be around, he never fails to make us laugh even if we don't want to smile, Bruce is the sun ray of our friend group. Oh, and did I mention he plays baseball???? Like holy shit, he is mint at that sport! We never missed one game. Speaking of baseball, we also have another boy that plays this sport, Finney Blake, the shy and quiet kid, but always brings his smile to the group, his small smile is super contagious and also super cute! next we have the badass Vance Hopper, he LOVES playing pinball in the most popular corner shop in North Denver, Grab An Go. Vance spends every minute of everyday playing pinball and is getting so good that he's about to beat his high score! We cheer him on every time! And did I mention he also has a girlfriend? She goes by the name of Evie Alexandra and she's the most coolest and most importantly the closest friend I've had since birth. I can't lie Vance and Evie are the cutest thing to walk this earth and will forever remain my favourite couple. Next, we have the other badass, Robin Arellano, our sweet little mexican friend who is basically the protector of the group, if anyone fucks with us, Robin will come onto you like flies on shit. Lastly we have the baby of the group, Griffin Stag, he's the sweetest little thing, we had met him last as we all came into school one day only to find him beaten up in the corner by a bunch of dickheads, don't worry though, Vance and Robin dealt with those assholes, they needed hospitality in the end. Griffin is a very sweet boy who has a big heart and we wish to never lose him. A little special mention before we get started is a little but very tough girl named Gwen Blake(Finney's sister). She's also a badass and is always sticking up for her sibling seeing as Finney is always being picked on. We are always there for him though but Gwen is his civil protector and will destroy anyone or anything that fucks with Finney. But Gwen sometimes mentions that her dreams are a bit unusual. They are said to be about a child abductor that goes by the name "The Grabber". Sounds made up I can't lie, don't really want to offend her though so I usually stay quiet in those conversations. 

End of Introduction! Hope you liked it and hope its not too cheesy aha. Enjoy!!

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