Chapter 13-Max...

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Oh my god, did last night really happen? I am actually shook, i woke up a non virgin, can you believe it? Good, cos neither can i. I open my eyes from my sleep, i wander my hand around to find Al, but it looks like he had already left. My legs are shaky as i walk to the bathroom behind the corner of the basement. I clean myself up and splash my face with the water barely coming from the rusty taps. Hearing the door open, i hear a voice call my name. It was Al! I run out rapidly and clutch onto him tightly. "Omg where have you been, i was worried. I missed you Al" I said as i hugged him. He placed his arms around my body and giggled a little. "I am not going anywhere doll, i just had to deal with a few things, thats all" He played with my hair as i pulled away from the hug. "Max is becoming such a annoying bastard, coming here unexpectedly, who the fuck does he think he is" He said angrily. I held his cheek with my cold hand and calmed him down a bit. I stared into his gorgeous eyes for a while before he kissed me softly. I pulled away slowly and held his hands. "Are you okay tho?" I asked, concerned. Tilting his head, "yes, im okay my love". I smiled in relief. "That's wonderful news Al, im okay just a bit lonely down here". He let lose of my grip and walked towards the bed to sit on it. I sit on the edge of the bed beside him. 

Me: Al? Could i ask you a question?

Al: Sure sweetie.

Me: Would you allow me to go upstairs, not to leave, but just to see around a bit? Because it gets a bit boring seeing this dull, glum scenery all day everyday aha.

His fists tightened. Oh shit, i haven't made him mad have i? 

Me: Bad timing?....

Al: No sweetheart. I would love to take you upstairs the only problem is.....Is Max...he can get a bit carried away when girls are here. But i wouldn't allow him anywhere near you, i swear if he gets all touchy and flirty, i will kill him. Seriously.

Wait, when girls are here? Was i not the first?

Me: Girls? Plural? I am not the first? 

I looked down and tried hard not to cry, he then held my chin and made me look up to him.

Al: You are the first girl i have ever brought here, i chose wisely i can say that, and i chose the right girl for sure, but he used to bring girls back here and i never interfered. Never found anyone attractive before...until now. 

He smiled and bought my face closer for a kiss. I kissed him back softly as my fingers run through his soft hair. 

Me: I would love to meet him, is he home?

Al: Yes ,he is, just stay close okay? 

I nodded in agreement, i clenched onto his hand tightly as he lead me upstairs. He placed his fingers on his lips, signalling me to stay quiet. I obeyed as he slowly opened the door at the top of the stairs. As he opened the wooden door slowly, there was a kitchen, nice and clean. I looked up at al and smiled. "See, this is where i cook your food" He giggled playfully as i retaliated with the same laugh. He led me through the house deeper only to find ourselves in the doorway to the living room. There was a strange man with a moustache, sat on the couch, manspreading, sipping on a can of beer with cocaine in front of him on the marble table. He looked kinda trampy but Al is definitely the attractive one. "This is Max" He said, in a annoyed voice. I looked at the man with a lift of a eyebrow. "Does he even know we are here?" I whispered to Al, tightening my grip onto his hand. "Im not sure" He whispered back. Al was starting to get agitated and wanted to get out of the room immediately. I was looking around the room until i hear a loud shout coming from Al. "MAX!! FUCKING HELL YOU DEAF BASTARD". My eyes widened as Al catches his breath. Max flinched hard and found us standing in the doorway. He looked up at Al, in a disgusted look. 

Max: For fuck sake Albert, you scared the shit out of me, you twat.

Al rolled his eyes. I stood in silence. I then caught Max eyeing me up and down, scanning my body with a creepy looking smirk and spreading his legs wider. I swallowed hard and bought my body closer to Al. 

Max: So, who is this little beauty then, ey? You are one gorgeous little girl aren't ya? 

Al instantly stood in front of me as Max stood up from the sofa and walked towards me. I hid behind Al's back, peeking through the space between his inner arm and his waist.

Al: Right, too close Max, this is Jess, Jess this is my annoying little brother, Max.

My face poked around as i walked back to my original space. "Hi..." I said, in a disturbed tone. Al looked down at me and smiled. Max stood there, staring at me. 

Me: Ummm, what now Al? What do you wanna show me next? 

Al was about to respond to my question but Max interrupted him. How rude. 

Max: Oh i can show you something little girl, you wanna come see my room?? 

He asked that with a creepy, pedophilic smirk. After he had mentioned that, Al immediately shook his head and furiously answered the question for me. 

Al: That is enough Max, im warning you. 

He cuddled me with his left arm as i held onto his torso, tightly. Gripping his clothes. I was super nervous being around Max. I can tell he is very dodgy. Al crouched to me level and asked me if i had wanted a drink. I begged Al to stay but Max demanded a new can of beer so Al rushed to the kitchen as i was left in the corner of the room with his creepy brother. Max sighed loudly, it sounded like a sexual moan as he slumped onto the couch, still staring. I kept looking to where Al was, i could hear him rummaging  through the fridge so i know he was till there. Max wanted me to sit down but i kindly rejected his offer with a shake of my head. "Ha, suit yourself babe" He widened his legs more and more, running his hands up and down his inner thighs. I was so uncomfortable and felt so ill looking at him. I desperately wanted Al to hurry up but after i looked back from the kitchen doorway, Max had a bulge growing in his underwear. Omg, he is getting an erection over me, ffs, this cannot be happening. Al rushed back into the room to see me shaking in the corner with tears running down my face. I signalled Al to look at what my eyes were gazing at. Al followed my gaze to find Max's erection. Al was fucking furious. He threw the drinks onto the floor and violently threw a punch at Max. I was crying in the corner as Al beat the shit out of Max. I ran downstairs crying and slammed the basement door shut. I could hear banging and loud thuds all around the room because of the fight that was going on upstairs. I could hear the pain in Al's shouting voice.

 It then silenced. 

I then heard running downstairs. Al came crashing in the room, panting. He ran to me and threw his arms around me to hug me tightly. I cried in his arms. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Touch you? Oh my baby, i did promise i would protect you from anything okay?" Al asked worriedly. He caressed my hair with his hand. I looked up to his eyes, the pain i saw in his eyes. I knew that hurt him. Max looking at me like that. He got jealous, i damn well know he did. "Oh Al, i was so scared" His eyes teared up. "Ugh i have hated that bastard since he came out of our mothers womb. He will never hurt you again. i have dealt with him now. Everything's going to be okay. I promise babygirl" He looked down at his hands, they were drenched in Max's blood. Realization hit me and i instantly pulled away from the hug. "Wait "Dealt with him" did you kill him Al..." I asked, worried. Al sighed and admitted to his actions. I widened my eyes, but i couldn't care less. Max harassed me so i am happy he is gone. "Sorry you had to meet him in that way my darling, I love you, and i will never let anyone hurt you". He grabbed my face and kissed me passionately , i snogged him back as i crawled on top of him. He grunted as i moaned slightly. I sat on his lap and laid him down. I was now looking down at him. "Well, now you wont have to worry about him disturbing us" I winked and chuckled cheekily. "Oh babygirl, you know it" He smirked and smashed his lips onto mine once again.

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