Chapter 9- WAIT, ROBIN???

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I wake up, aching like fuck and scars all up my body. Al hadn't been down here for days, and i started to worry. He definitely hated me and never wanted to see me again, maybe cos the whole situationship between us. I could never forget the night when he whipped me. I am starting to get anxiety like what if he came down here and decided to do it again? I fucking HOPE not. Anyways i wince as i lift my body off the bed and limp my way to the toilet. I clean myself up with the dirty toilet water(i had no other choices) and wiped the dried up blood away from my face. My eyes were red raw and so fucking sore, i could hardly open my eyes properly. 



I run up to the phone and picked it up as violently as i could seeing as my desperation got the best of me. 


Unknown: Im many things but i definitely am not Bruce, Jess.

wait, what..??


Unknown: I dont know, am i? Haha im joking. Correct. 

Me: Holy shit Robin sweetheart! How are you..?

Robin: Pissed as fuck after seeing that the other night. 

oh shit, he saw the torture Al bought me...shit this is not pretty already

Me: Oh yea about that, i dont know why he suddenly done that to me but i sure as hope he never does it again.

I paused a sec, how did he see it?

Me: Robin? How did you know he beat me up...?

Robin: Im with you, ive been with you this whole time. I died in this room, Bruce got killed in the room. Griffin got slaughtered in this room. We are all with you, you just dont know it Jess. I heard everything Bruce had told you previously and he spoke nothing but the truth. You ARE in danger, and you need to get out for us. The grabber may seem sweet and act all heart warming to you at times but please know its just a pathetic little act, he's lying to you, he has got you tight in his clutches and he is not letting go, ever. he has you right where he wants you. You're getting out of here, if you cant do it for you, do it for me. No explanation needed. Period.

Robins words were perfectly clear and understandable, i mean they all got killed in this room and i never knew? That's total bullshit if i'm totally honest. My poor boys, died in this horrible, malevolent room. Well basement shall i say. 

Me: Robin? Can i tell you something...

Robin: Go ahead.

Me: i so sorry but, i think im falling in love with Al...

Robin stayed silent for a whole ass minute. Oh shit, i may have fucked it up. But he then broke the silence again. 

Robin: Jess you may think you love him, but its wrong to feel that way, knowing he killed your best friends, well i dont hate you for that but if you really loved us, you will let him go and do us some justice. Show us you care. Please, if you love us, you'll go home with Al buried into the ground and get on with your life ALIVE. Go back home to the others. I bet Billy is missing you more than ever cos i know for certain that we certainly do miss you. Evie and Vance are probs lost and broken without you and Finney and Gwen are probs destroyed. You saved the group Jess, you're the leader of our group and they can't lose their number one. Come on Jess. We all thought you would be stronger than this. If you are strong, be strong for us and prove we were right all along!

Before i could say anything, he instantly hung up the phone. Wtf. That just made me fee like utter crap what the actual fuck is his problem. He is basically making me choose between Al and my friends and to be 100% honest....I have no clue what im going to do, but all i want right now is to stay here with Al...I cant deny my feelings anymore, my decision needs to be made at the end of that day and if i cant ignore these feelings for Albert then we all know what the answer is....

Im sorry....

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