Chapter 19- Naughty Girl

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Bruce/Robin/Griffin: GET OUT JESS, NOW!!!! NOWS YOUR CHANCE!!!

Me: Chance for what? 

B&R&G-Your chance to escape this hellhole, you can finally be free, we watched the whole thing, we know about your pregnancy too, we would say congrats but its with our kidnapper so...

Me: Woah, how am i meant to escape? I cant! He locks all the doors and windows and he is always upstairs, he will hear me!! 

Robin: No Jess, he wont. 

Bruce: He is very exhausted. 

Griffin: There is a padlock on the door, it was my bike lock, but i cant remember the combination, unfortunately. 

Me: Slow down all of you, Bruce, what did you mean by exhausted? What has that gotta do with anything. 

Bruce: He is asleep. Sat in a chair. With his top off and belt in his hand. Mask is on too. He is waiting for you to play the game. 

Me: Game....?

I was concerned about what the game might be, does he seriously wanna hurt me? I thought he loved me. I am literally pregnant with his child and he is making up a sick game that may involve harming me. Like?  He states i am his lover and his dream girl....obviously that was a bullshit lie. I am such a fool, i fall for things so easily.

Robin: I tried to make it out of there many times while being in your shoes and i failed. Horribly. It wasn't the way i had planned. But what he had done to me is the same thing that he is doing to you. I slowly went upstairs to find him there in his chair. He bolted straight after me, gripped me by the throat and threw me on the floor. Whipped me until i cried in agony. I passed out and he sliced my body and stabbed me in the stomach. 

I couldn't believe what i was hearing. My best friends going through this with the same man i am miraculously and inevitably in love with. I felt sick to my stomach. Tears trickled endlessly down my face making my eyes sore. I held my mouth as i held the phone in my other hand. 

Griffin: I had the same experience as Robin but worse. The grabber HAD fallen asleep when i thought i could escape, i tiptoed upstairs and open the door. It creaked slowly until my eyes met my murderer. He was sat there. Spread legs. Leather belt in his right hand. Head tilting backwards. Shirt unbuttoned showing his pale skin and crinkled abs. Slightly snoring as he breathes slowly. I was terrified at this point. I had finally made it to the door. I saw my bikelock and started dialling in the numbers. Trying to be quiet, i failed and accidently hit the lock to hard when finding out i had done the numbers wrong. He rapidly awoke with a raging personality and jolted to me, whipping me in the stomach and back as i fell to the floor. He drags me to his basement and takes my life, right there and then. 

My eyes were still allowing multiple tears emerge, i couldn't stop, this is my youngest friend being tortured and murdered. I wanted to speak but i just couldn't. I slowly rubbed my stomach and looked down. "It's going to be okay my baby, it's me and you against the whole world my sweetheart" I sniffed. 

Bruce: Jess...please. You need to get out of there, we will tell you what the code is, but ONLY if you promise you will try and make it out there alive, we cannot have you with us right now, you need this life. You need it. Our lives were taken way too soon. We do not wish the same for you. Do us a solid Jess. Get out of there. 

I cried some more. I tried so hard to speak.

Me: What is the code? 

They sighed in relief, knowing that what i had asked gave them the answer if i was going to try and leave. 

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